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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Awesome thanks for sharing! Dave S
  2. WOW....good PROFIT return! Dave S
  3. Thanks for the info Sam! Dave S
  4. OK...since you don't want it anymore George, my address is.... Good find buddy! Dave S
  5. Well, I was gonna lay it all out here, but figured it would be easier for ya'll to drop in on my website http://www.ltdave.net Please take a moment to sign my guest book. Some pages are still under construction. Thanks for looking... Dave S
  6. Because North Korea's parades would make us look like idiots..... Dave S
  7. What a waste of tax payers money! http://news.yahoo.com/no-prank-halloween-us-military-forces-train-zombie-162141684.html Dave S
  8. It's your personal choice. When I do carry "Toad" around, I OC at home in the woods and on the water. Everywhere else it's CC because it's no one's business that I have a weapon on me. I don't like the attention it draws. Dave S
  9. So..... you're IN right? Dave S
  10. So the article says "assailant was found unresponsive after being taken into custody, and was pronounced dead at a local hospital a short time later". Sounds like justice has been served! Dave S
  11. Looking good! Dave S
  12. If that's the stock you refinished, you did one fine job! Would like to see some different pictures. Dave S
  13. DaveS


    Well, I hope the mattress store goes broke, as I support ALL veterans! Dave S
  14. I would go with .308. Will handle anything on the North American continent and my 7, 9 and 11 year old grand kids deer hunt with .308 NO PROBLEMS! I highly reccomend .308. Dave S
  15. I have to agree with this. Our schools here in Montgomery County have a "Zero Tolerance" policy. My son (when he was in high school) went out hunting for deer one Sunday morning. He got a deer and got blood on his camo jacket. Come monday morning, he asks me if he could borrow my camo coat. I let him. Although I had forgotten, I had left 3 cartridges of .35 Remington ammo in my coat pocket. To say the least, he got caught with it. He had no idea it was even there until one fell out of the pocket and his AG teacher seen it. No amount of talking and explaining on my part helped his cause. ZERO TOLERANCE! Suspended for 3 days and removed from the football team. That was an "accident", and we paid for it. Carrying a gun into a school is NO ACCIDENT! Dave S
  16. She had to go "with intent to go armed". Why did she put the handgun back in her pocket before going to the school? Why not just leave it at home since 1; you don't have a carry permit, 2; you can't carry onto school grounds, and 3; she had ammo in her possesion. I will not buy the fact that she "may have forgot" she had her gun on her. She'll get her time in court! Dave S
  17. I caught a glimpse of them. Was too hard on the eyes...had to move on to something else. Dave S
  18. I applaud the Officer for carrying out his sworn duties that the citizens pay him to do. If we can get our Judges to do their part, we can make some examples for all of us to follow as "examples" and "case histories", for carrying past signs and in restricted areas. This would resolve the issue of not having "case law" for all of us to referance. Dave S
  19. I don't think firing an LEO for doing his or her job of disarming a person carrying a gun into a school or onto school property would sit very well. And if they didn't disarm a perpatrator...we'd acuse them of not using common sense. So I must question who really is lacking in common sense here? Carrying a gun onto or into schools or school property is a CRIME in this state. I know because "Oh Shoot" posted the laws for me to read. And that LAW does not state whether the GUN has to be loaded or UNLOADED to be not allowed. Dave S
  20. JayC my whole point is WE ALL KNOW THE LAW! If the school is not posted, does that give me the right TO CARRY A GUN ONTO SCHOOL PROPERTY? You my friend whom considers themselves an expert on TN Law has not even been able to tell me or anyone else on here what a proper POSTING really is. Shall I post the TN CODE for you to read and then you can point it out to me again what the code says my sign HAS to READ or what SIZE it has to be? This is not a personal attack on you my friend, but you seem to want to knock me around about people explaining the code to me. I KNOW WHAT IT SAYS! Does the signs at the schools say "No Guns" or "No Loaded Guns"? She messed up, she's got to pay! Same thing if I mess up. Dave S
  21. Having the gun in her pocket on Wednesday because she took the class Tuesday, warrants no pity from me! Dave S
  22. Good deal my friend....maybe it will be an "educational" experience for her. I'd be interested to see how this plays out. Dave S
  23. Sorry to hear of this terrible loss! If you need volunteer help, please don't hesitate to mention it...I'm in! Dave S
  24. I guess she's going to jail huh? So, even though the law says a school "SHALL BE POSTED", are you saying it's OK to carry into a school if it isn't posted, even though the law says you can't? My daughter's high school doesn't have a sign as you describe....but I dang sure know that guns aren't legal on school property....how does that old saying go? "Ignorance of the law is no excuse? Something like that huh? She needs her HCP application pulled and sent through the shredder! Dave S
  25. When does the law REQUIRE a SCHOOL to be posted? The law clearly states that you cannot carry a handgun into a school. That's posted enough in my book. She violated the law, she has to pay just like the rest of us would. Plain and simple.... "Well meaning law abiding citizens" don't break the law by carrying a handgun onto school property! Dave S


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