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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. DaveS


    Mokeylizard said it. Standard size I've always seen was 1/2 inch. Dave S
  2. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352433272' post='842266'] If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve. - OS [/quote] You have no choice. It's being bestowed upon you! And the nice thing about it is, you don't have to stand on a stool to staple a target up or turn on a light switch like Kim Jung Uhhhhh. You'll serve just fine!!! LOL Dave S
  3. Welcome To TGO. Enjoy your stay here. There are many fine people on TGO! Dave S
  4. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352408794' post='842013'] That about sums it up. Most of these as*h***s won't care about anything unless their Obamaphone stops working. [/quote] Or their food stamp cards.... Dave S
  5. I say NO to Puerto Rico! I have enough problems remembering to "press 2 for Espenoli"! Don't need no more! Dave S
  6. [quote name='ochretoe' timestamp='1352405044' post='841967'] Got me a little buck yesterday with the smoothbore. Not much to look at and after giving away half I just deboned and put the rest in our huge cooker for deer and gravy. What we don't eat this evening will be made into deer/barley soup and frozen. [/quote] Man, that sounds good! Dave S
  7. Sounds fun! Dave S
  8. [quote name='Troutburger' timestamp='1352311603' post='841123'] BHO is the worst president since GWB. [/quote] Isn't he the "Only" president since GWB? Dave S
  9. I didn't take any chances, I left "Toad" at home. I didn't need to carry to the polls. Dave S
  10. Montgomery County doesn't allow them. Dave S
  11. [quote name='maroonandwhite' timestamp='1351888583' post='837948'] The gears are turning in my head....... Thinking maybe a line of melons to represent Zombie heads just for fun. I'm sure I will have to do the mandatory wood chopping and other stuff you might actually use the knife for. [/quote] Do I see "Gallagher" with a butcher knife....is the world ready for this? LOL Dave S
  12. [quote name='Hunting101' timestamp='1352061383' post='839009'] Dave I usually don't. Went out this morning seen several deer, does and a few of my smaller bucks. Had 2 coyotes come in and everything left but this small 7 pointer stayed to long. I dropped him trotting off at around 100 yards. I decided I needed some meat in the freezer. I have 2 buck tags left so I will patiently wait for those big bucks I have on my trail cams. This 7 pointer was on my trail cam guess I can cross him off now. [img]http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/bean962/photobucket-1049-1352060915218.jpg[/img] [img]http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/bean962/photobucket-20294-1352060782549.jpg[/img] [img]http://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/bean962/photobucket-9668-1352060824142.jpg[/img] [/quote] NICE!!! Got some meat, now trophy hunt! Dave S
  13. [quote name='Lumber_Jack' timestamp='1352040087' post='838815'] Here is an article from the Chattanooga. I'll look for the actual regs later when not on my mobile phone. [url="http://www.chattanoogan.com/2011/8/23/207538/TWRA-Clarifies-Internal-Law.aspx"]http://www.chattanoo...ternal-Law.aspx[/url] [/quote] So if I'm on my property hunting, and some YOYO placed corn 60 yards away on their property, I can get in trouble? That's funny stuff right there. I have a real feeling that law doesn't get enforced. It's not in this years hunting regs and I've heard or seen nothing about it. That code came out last year but the hunting regs says nothing of it. I'll check around and see what I can find out. Dave S
  14. They were tipped off that the area was being baited. James got caught. Went in on club property in the dark and climbed a tree with his stand. Busted! This issue does cause problems on public land where so many people hunt. You could put the corn down, and I could be the one to go to jail for it. James lost his rifle and could not hunt for one year. Bad deal in my book! Dave S
  15. I had a friend two years ago get arrested on thier club lease. James didn't even know there was corn in the area. Corn plie was about 40 yards from him. Wildlife officers had been watching the area and just happened to be the one to get caught. Pg 14 Item 5 "Prohibited Acts" reads as follows: No person shall make use of bait to take wildlife unless the bait has been removed and any feeder disabled at least 10 days prior to hunting. I'd never heard of the 250 yard rule before. Dave S
  16. [quote name='Lumber_Jack' timestamp='1351997436' post='838653'] Feeding deer corn is still legal, you just can't hunt within a 250yd circle zone around the feeder or shoot into that zone. It is legal to use feeders and hunt trails leading to the feeders. Now is that what was happening here, who knows, but that's why stores still sell deer feed. [/quote] Ten days after it's been removed.... Dave S
  17. I wish they would change the law myself. If a deer is dumb enough to come to an apple in a corn field...he might just need to be shot! His genes may be messed up! But, that's not my decision to make....I only abide by it. Dave S
  18. Well, Well, Well...smart mouthed little kid got what he had coming! Just kiding ya'll. This is totally insane! Hope the cop gets what he has coming! Dave S
  19. [quote name='Flatwoods Forge' timestamp='1351995193' post='838620'] Thanks Dave. It'll be for sale after this and should make someone a dandy camp tool. [/quote] Name your poison mate! Dave S
  20. Heck, only one feller put a picture up here....we all need to get on the ball! Dave S
  21. [quote name='Hunting101' timestamp='1351995834' post='838628'] I seen 2 does and my little 5 pointer. He got a free pass this time. [/quote] I don't much give free passes (spotted deer excluded) until meat is in the freezer! Dave S
  22. Oh he**...I get it Dol!! HA! Funny one! You got me Buddy! LOL Dave S
  23. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1351994372' post='838611'] Good thing they weren't hunting a "master" otherwise this whole thread would have a totally different feel. Dolomite [/quote] Ooopppssss....ya lost me Dol!! Dave S
  24. I don't know why it's illegal...hell, you can plant a food plot with "deer goodies from hell" and be legal. Drop one handful of corn on the ground..it's jail time! makes no sense to me!!! Dave S
  25. [quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1351991996' post='838587'] I won't break the law but I was looking into hunting for the food aspect -- one animal, for food only. Dead is dead and I see no difference between an efficent kill via bait vs trekking thru the woods for a month. It would not be a "sport" or "fun" for me, it would be a chore (and a brutal one at that) of gathering food. I can respect that others see it differently, and I have a very low opinion of lawbreaking, but the actual act does not seem "unethical" to me, it seems like a better method that has been banned to make a chore even more difficult. But you know me, always trying to apply logic. [/quote] I see your point, BUT....fair chase is LEGAL and BAITING is NOT! Decisions, decisions.... Dave S


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