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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I was hunting with rifle (7mm/08). I shoot right handed and was in my stand. He came up on my right side and I couldn't turn in my stand with the rifle to shoot. So I un-holstered "Toad" and took care of business. He ran about 30 yards before going down. What a day! Dave S
  2. Main thing with deer is to keep it basted, moist and cooked over low heat. I cook mine to an internal temperature of 160-180. That's medium...just how I like it! Dave S
  3. [quote name='Spots' timestamp='1352425940' post='842189'] Its that smoked deer hide thats with the knife lol. I was hoping it wouldn't be to offensive, it hung around the camp all weekend before I wrapped the knife in it to ship. Sorry fellas. Have you guys been signing the leather wrap? [/quote] Spots...which hide is it? Send me just the hide last, and I'll sign it if it's one of the ones I provided, if you would like me to. Dave S
  4. I would like to wish my TGO family of friends a Happy Thanksgiving! Let's not forget our Military overseas who are eating Thanksgiving dinner off a paper plate while sitting in a bunker behind a weapon! God Bless All! Dave S
  5. AWESOME and congrats! You're now officialy hooked for life! Dave S
  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Dave S
  7. [quote name='whiskey' timestamp='1353367798' post='848456'] Since you don't own the land or live on the land, you will be safest buying a license. You only need the hunt/fish combo, so it's not that expensive. Unless you are old enough to be exempt, you will need to attend a Hunter Safety Course before getting your license. The rules change alot for coyote legal weapons, so you need to be careful. You have to be licensed for big game if using centerfire firearms to hunt coyotes during a big game season,ect. [url="http://www.tn.gov/twra/huntlicense.html"]http://www.tn.gov/tw...untlicense.html[/url] [url="http://www.tn.gov/twra/huntweapons.html"]http://www.tn.gov/tw...untweapons.html[/url] [/quote] What he said! Dave S
  8. First or second week in December for me too. Dave S
  9. Dead dried up greens! LOL Dave S
  10. [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1353284350' post='847855'] The deer is obviously a mutant. If you begin showing signs of strange behaviour after devouring let your family know of the meat's origins. [/quote] LOL...I will Bro! Dave S
  11. My SIL built an AR in 7.62x40 and put a nice doe down this morning with it. The round performed very well! Dave S
  12. This buck dressed at 107 pounds and came down with a shot of about 10 yards. Hand loaded 230 grain .45 acp XTP. Bullet passed through and lodged in the hide on the off side. Life is good! [img]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f397/dsayre/004-1.jpg[/img] He had 3 1/2 inch spikes growing downward on his head. Craziest thing I've ever seen! [img]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f397/dsayre/003-1.jpg[/img] Dave S
  13. [quote name='Slappy' timestamp='1353268501' post='847732'] [img]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee326/jtv14/hunting.jpg[/img] Well we had a hunt to remember for a lifetime! I hunted with wind and ended up seeing 7 deer (doe and fawn) but elected not to shoot. However, 2 other members of our crew BOTH got their first deer on their FIRST hunt. I told them they were spoiled and they agreed. Normally, I would be upset if someone shot a spike, but I also think it is wrong to tell a new hunter what he cant shoot. We had a great time and are looking forward to many more hunts! Between the 4 of us, we saw over 15 deer. [/quote] Looks like ya'll had an AWESOME time! Congrats on a good time! And the deer! Dave S
  14. I have some hunting photos from today to share too, but photobucket isn't working.... Dave S
  15. Nice buck! Good shot too...got to appreciate our yung'uns! Dave S
  16. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1353086214' post='846627'] I love deer meat. Never had any bad deer meat. I really need to go deer hunting. Never have, but tercel, if you have too much, I'll be glad to buy some from you. My wife has always been a scratch cook. She started early. Was the Betty Crocker winner in high school in Clinton. She never liked processed food. [/quote] If I come up with some extra I'll give ya a holler! Dave S
  17. That would've been the warm and easy way.... Dave s
  18. OK guys ease up already...sheez.....I left the flinlocks at home because I wanted a challenge and give the deer a sport'n chance.... That's my story and I'm gonna stick with it! Dave S
  19. Bless you Daniel!! Dave S
  20. [quote name='Spots' timestamp='1352919248' post='845593'] Good looking venison you get there you ol' warhoss. [/quote] He has a beautiful hide too...you know what the fate of that hide is!! Dave S
  21. How right you are! I got my meat deer now, now I can hunt does and older bucks (maybe)! I got busted by a hoss this morning when I turned in my stand to get a shot. He was chasing a doe but still seen me move. Dadgummit! Dave S
  22. What time frame you looking at? Dave S
  23. Now I love me some deer chili!! Thanks UncleJak! Dave S
  24. Seen several deer this morning and settled for this fat spike buck. He was walking straight toward me at about 75 yards and I put one in his chest with Muzzleloader. He's going to be good eating! [img]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f397/dsayre/Deer048-1-1.jpg[/img] Dave S
  25. [quote name='tugboat' timestamp='1352822902' post='844832'] Just thought I would give everyone an update...Dropped down to 100 grain using pellets and I'm consistantly 1/2 high at 100 yds putting holes on top of one another. Before I adjusted anything, The 150 grain load was 2 inches off what is was from Sunday and 1 shot wasnt consistant with the other. I'm consistant and exactly where I want to be now...Thanks again everyone for the help! [/quote] Glad it worked out for you. Also remember, to load it exactly the same each time! Dave S


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