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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. He doesn't have to be! If he's a Park Ranger on a National Park, he's already a sworn officer. You have to play on his end of the court for awhile! Good luck trying to burn any LEO for carrying out their duities!   Dave S
  2. Actually the news said "a stolen AR15 with multiple loaded magazines". Lawmakers are already talking bans...sheez....   Dave S
  3. I went through class with an elderly lady whom used her late husband's war souvenier German Luger.   She could have sold it for thousands that day!!   Dave S
  4. I have to agree here. We are all in charge of our weapons and it's actions. I'm not perfect, but I've never had an accident with a firearm. Probably never will either! I OWN my weapons, they don't own me. They only do what I say, when I say! They do not think and/or act on their own!   You can't shoot anyone if you don't point the gun at them and pull the trigger! I'm not buying the accident crap!   Dave S
  5. Thanks for posting!   Dave S
  6. For your reading pleasure...   http://www.facebook.com/#!/TennesseeWildlifeOfficersAssociation   Dave S
  7. That would certainly be a mess!   Dave S
  8. So actually what you are proposing is not a "muzzleloader" but a "blackpowder cartridge" season. Actually, centerfire? Keep it with the gun season and make muzzleloader season sidelock only. If you want blackpowder cartridge season, lets allow us to use our .44 mag and .357 lever guns!   Yeah, I would say you stirred up a mess! LOL   Dave S
  9. [quote name='razorback2003' timestamp='1355186797' post='858166'] We have too many deer in Shelby County. The season could be year round day and night and we would still not kill enough deer to cut down on car accidents. I am all for making deer season longer and getting more deer killed by whatever means. I would like to see dogs, corn feeders, longer rifle season, and archery go to at least the end of February. [/quote] I agree to the end of Feb! Dave S
  10. [quote name='R_Bert' timestamp='1355184949' post='858153'] No doubt. I bet there are only a few of y'all that will do it without a cap or primer. I doubt if I could keep from dumping the pan when I twitched or sneezed. [/quote] I liked that! It's a challenge my friend! Dave S
  11. [quote name='contendershooter' timestamp='1355170696' post='857987'] Last year I proposed a change to mimic Mississippi's muzzleloader season here which would allow the use of single shot rifles and shotguns during the muzzleloader season, being that muzzleloaders are not really primitive weapons any longer and a single shot rifle or handgun chambered in a .35 caliber or larger cartridge that was a previous black powder cartridge like a 38/40, 44/40, 45/70, current handgun cartridge or a single shot shotgun with the foster style or sabot slug offers no advantage over a muzzleloader and in some ways not be as good as a muzzleloader. I am making another presentation this February and would like some feedback. Please view the survey and answer accordingly. [url="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z6R68PS"]http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z6R68PS[/url] [/quote] You've been a member since 2010, and this is only your 4th post? WOW! Not sure what you're up too.... Dave S
  12. Guns only kill people when their empty and pointed at them! Dave S
  13. [quote name='LagerHead' timestamp='1355150717' post='857763'] Well, you WERE warned. Man, I'll bet you made some old ladies blush when that happened. I know I would have spouted a few "colorful metaphors." [/quote] I few words immediately come to mind! LOL Dave S
  14. [quote name='R_Bert' timestamp='1355183425' post='858130'] Flintlock smoothbore only. Keep your powder dry. [/quote] I can hang!! Dave S
  15. [quote name='Westwindmike' timestamp='1355182359' post='858122'] Muzzleloader season should be only sidelock type rifles. When inlines came into the season, it's just like hunting with a real rifle, not a primitive weapon. Lets go back to a true primitive ML season. Just my opinion. [/quote] I agree 100%!! My inlines are more accurate than my 12ga slug gun! However, I love hunting with my flintlocks! Dave S
  16. Your survey was lacking a question. "Change Muzzleloader season to Primative M/L only and move inlines into regular rifle season". I would vote for that! Sidelock Flint or percussion. You are already allowed to use "blackpowder" rifles, pistols and shotguns during big game gun season! Dave S
  17. Taking it like a man...that's what I'm talking about!!! Gnarly... Take care of that cut and don't let it get infected! I'm glad that wasn't your trigger finger! Dave S
  18. [quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1355097222' post='857447'] LMAO. I took some pics and will post them later. Man, you guys are sick! [/quote] I love cool stuff!!!! Dave S
  19. Need pics man! I'm a retired Firefighter/EMT...dang straight I want some pics!!! Dave S
  20. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1355097615' post='857454'] No sir. Actually, the wadcutter cuts a neat, round hole with little meat damage; often less than with a 22 HP. [/quote] That's awesome..I figured it would destroy them! Dave S
  21. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1355097336' post='857448'] Right. No one said I did it in Tennessee. [/quote] LOL...I'm with ya bro! I bet the .38 turns them inside out huh? I could only imagine! Dave S
  22. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1355065010' post='857195'] Thanks. I understand where you are coming from. I have a 218 Bee and 22 Hornet that are just above a 22 Magnum in performance. They make great squirrel guns, and would also be effective for turkeys. Also, I enjoy shooting squirrels with 38 Special wadcutter target loads. You can almost throw a rock with the same energy level. Several states allow centerfire guns for these purposes, and I don't believe they require blaze orange. [/quote] But Tennessee doesn't allow the use of centerfire rifles or handguns for squirrel hunting. You must mean you shoot them with rimfire, shotgun or muzzleloader. Dave S
  23. I feel for this guy and his family. Could he have done it on purpose? Parents do crazy things to their kids! Just a thought.... Dave S
  24. Wouldn't a Felony conviction prevent him from ever owning/handling a firearm again? In opinion, the guy doesn't ever need to own another one. He has already proven without any doubt that he cannot safely handle a firearm. Dave S
  25. If I shoot someone in my house, I'm calling "crime stoppers". I want the $1,000.00" reward for "stopping a crime"! Dave S


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