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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Spots is good people, he really deserved a break!  As much as he's done for folks and asked nothing in return...he was due something good coming his way!   Dave S
  2. I can't wait to get my grubby little paws on your "hawk"!   Dave S
  3. I've only opened carried maybe twice.... I think I will carry tomorrow...and OPEN CARRY at that...I hope it's not be a mistake or disrespectful to the folks that lost children!   Dave S
  4. So my test wasn't impressive? Buddy, I give your knives a double A+!!! I am gonna use your knife tomorrow to completely process a deer. It's been "slammed, hammered and blown up"....I believe she's still up to the task! We'll see....   Dave S
  5. I understand...   Dave S
  6. I guess I'm wanting people to feel warm and fuzzy. We'll see....   Dave S
  7. Makes me proud to know you Spots! Good things come to good people...never forget that!   Dave S
  8. Folks, the sad thing of this whole situation (besides the loss of inocent lives) is that everywhere any of us carry somewhat concealed and printing, or carrying open, we're gonna get the law called on us by someone who thinks we're up to no good. Do we continue to carry or lay off for a few days? I think I'm gonna back off for a bit.   Dave S
  9. Blow it up! I'm telling you!!  LOL It'll survive...   Dave S
  10. It is a handi rifle. Actually it's my 16 year old Daughters rifle. I kinda "borrowed" it for the day....not good on the homefront!  lol   Dave S
  11. Folks, I quit reading this thread on page six...I do not tend to give the shooter anymore attention. He's a worthless nobody coward!!!   Rest in Peace Little Children!! Rest softly in God's hands!   Dave S
  12. WHOA DUDE...are you even even old enough to drive? J/K.... Congrats on the job buddy, you deserved the break!!! Dave S
  13. Nice!!! You must have sat on Santa's lap again this year! Dave S
  14. Rufus is the Beagle, Giblet Gibson is my grandkids hunt club mascot, and my good luck charm. Giblet goes everywhere!!   Dave S
  15. We have a couple that lives up the street, who would walk their dog and allow it to poo in our yard. After asking them several times to stop, I installed motion activated sprinklers. It kept the dog and owners away, but, the mailman made several complaints about getting wet when he delivered out mail! So we stopped, and the couple walks their dogs up to the other end of the street.   Dave S
  16. I'll get on him Sunday. I don't want to hunt him every day. It'll all come around!   Dave S
  17. The second rut is in. I'll not shoot anything now but the big 10 I'm after. I know he is still kicking as he was seen in the driveway last night. It's just a matter of time!   Dave S
  18. Well, I wanted to get up and hunt this morning but couldn't bring my self to get up early. So about 1100am I decided to head to my property for an afternoon hunt. I arrived at my property at about 1215, got my 4 wheeler out of the garage, loaded everything up and off I went. Got to the top of the ridge, parked, grabbed my gear, and down hill I went to my ladder stand. On my way down to the bottom to my stand, I jumped the bigboy I'd been hunting off his bed. He disapeared quickly into the thicket. OK, my day is done before I get started. I get to my stand and as I'm tying my SS 7mm/08 to my pull cord, I hear a rustle in the leaves. When I look up, two big does were walking right toward me at about 40 yards. I picked my rifle up, dropped a shell and the chamber and readied for a shot. Both does stopped and looked at me. One turned broadside and snorted at me. I said "well, bye"...BOOM!! Away they went! Big sister went about 50 yards and gave up. I looked at my phone, time: 1235. Done deal! Time to work and go home! I hung her on my scales and she hung, dressed at 103 lbs. Good enough for me! Me, Rufus and Giblet Gibson Dave S
  19. We'll have to wait and see which dams it effects!   Dave S
  20. All the dams are owned by the Corps of Engineers and most are managed by TVA. Get a grip folks, bad times are coming!   Dave S
  21. You are allowed below most dams. Wading, bank fishing and in boats. News Channel 5 had the story on this morning. As soon as they post the information on their website, I'll put the link up. I hope this doesn't mess up our fishing at Norris/Clinch and the Center Hill/Caney Fork.   Dave S
  22. I can tell you this for sure, don't enter the canal at the steam plant in a boat! Hell, everybody but theUS Navy showed up for that deal!   Dave S
  23. I've read every post on this thread, and I still do not see the big deal about an officer disarming someone for the safety of all concerned. To the fellow who keeps refering to rangers as "squirrel chasers" (or whatever the phrase is you used)...thank you! I never heard that one before! I'll share it with my co-workers for sure.   If an officer suspects you may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs (maybe why the stop was made to begin with),( oh wait, people with HCP's don't drink and drive while carrying a handgun), you are going to get disarmed, field tested and (if applicable) taken to jail.   I don't think disarming everyone is the answer. But, before I stop you...please tell me a little about yourself. Who are you? What kind of day are you having? Are you wanting to commit homicide? Suicide? Are you on your way to the mall? Theatre? School? Office, because you just lost your job? I don't know you bud...But I plan on doing everything I can to make sure I go home to my family.   Oh yeah...one more thing. Ask the next LEO who stops you how his or her day is going? I wonder how many of you who are bashing LEO's on here have ever called the police, ranger or game warden for assistance? That LEO didn't fail to ever show up, and maybe he put his life on the line for you. Why are we all acting like a bunch little kids? Some of ya'll are crying over spilled milk! Let's all grow up and appreciate the job that our police, fire and EMS does! Maybe next time you need a cop...think about this thread and whinning over being disarmed, call a plummer instead!   No personal attack here...just my :2cents:! It wouldn't bother me one bit if this thread got locked. I'm starting to get that PO'd twitch in my jaw muscles, watching all of us grown men fuss'n with each other!   Good evening...   Dave S
  24. I agree! Someday, if these jerks keep coming out of the woodwork, all we'll be able to buy and use is single shot muzzleloaders! Hard to kill a bunch of folks with one of those!!   Dave S


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