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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Nothing wrong with it. I want a little change of pace. I don't care for the "locked and cocked" idea, but a do it. Really wanting something I cand carry "hammer down".   Dave S
  2. I currently carry a 1911 Officer's model in .45acp. I am looking for a new carry pistol (double action) and perferably in .45acp. I will consider any sujestions as long as it is not made of plastic! Would even consider a revolver.   Any ideas?   Dave S
  3. Welcome to TGO Tim!   Dave S
  4. I understand that. But would that be the least of our problems, compared to what some are talking?   Dave S
  5. I'm an NRA man myself. No gun organization out there is going to stop what is fixing to get handed to us. Of all the evils knocking at our doors, the least would be a 3 round clip limit on any and every gun we own. Better than lossing my guns I guess!   Dave S
  6. Lock him away forever. He'll never be anything but a burden to society!   Dave S
  7. That'll be a good class for someone who doesn't know how. One word of advice....If advertising on the interent, be fully aware that PETA and the Humane Society could get wind of your class and cause headaches. I've seen it happen.   I would word it "Raising farm animals for survival purposes". Do everything by PM and Email and don't blast it all over the forums. It got so bad that I stopped putting my hunting pics on facebook!   Dave S
  8. Publicize and Eunthenize!!   Dave S
  9. I have never heard of them. Shoot it through google and see what you come up with!   Dave S
  10. I don't think so...there are soooo many num-skulls in this country, that it needs beat into their heads somemore!! "Num Nuts" as Uncle Ted calls them!   Dave S
  11. I went over, but that's OK!   Dave S
  12. He probably saved a lot of lives with his actions. What is it with these pieces DooDoo taking their own lives? Are they that Chicken S***? Real men....   Dave S
  13. Awesome act of kindess!   Dave S
  14. How about buying sinus meds. One pack you show your ID, two packs and the cops come and arrest you!   Dave S
  15. R_Bert, The police say the killer was found wiht three weapons in the vicinty of his remains. Two hanguns and an AR 15. The medical examiner has released that the majority of children shot had High Velocity rifle wounds. Check CNN for the info.   Dave S
  16. I'm watching interviews with the parents of little 6 year Emilie Parker whom was shot and killed yeaterday. I literly have tears running down my cheaks. Please visit little Emilie's facebook page that was set up for her. It is "Emilie Parker Fund". Folks, I know the shooter is already dead, But I personaly want to kill this piece of s*** again in my own evil way!   Dave S
  17. And I fought and bled for those same rights. My point being, I've had the opportunity to come across troubled teens and kids, and when asked about a certain type of behavior...."I seen it on TV ", I played it on a video game (grand theft auto), Call of duty", oh and "I thought it would be cool" because stealing a car and shooting a cop was cool on the video game.   Believe what you want to folks.....some of us damn sure know better!   Dave S
  18. All the more reason teenage girls need to carry guns in the woods! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBC37i86Rm0   Dave S
  19. It has nothing to do with a gun free zone! I'm sure our shooter wasn't thinking that.   Dave S
  20. We'll probably find out this piece of crap was an avid video gamer, playing Call of Duty, Black Ops or some thing..... He probably shot his mommy because she grounded him from video games!   Dave S
  21. That is crazy!!! Bad thing is...dude didn't know where his gun was....what a putz!   Dave S
  22. Yes it is. The childrens bodies are still laying where they fell. Very damn sad!   Dave S
  23. It's hard not to. Right now Brother, us gun owners are the minority scum bags of the earth!   I've I already heard it!   Dave S
  24. Thank you!   Dave S
  25. Folks, here it is, 9:02 pm, and those poor children are still laying in the school. The parents are so distrout, because the police have not allowed the removal of their little bodies. This pi**** me off like no tomorrow!!!! They know the victims, the shooter....let the parents have their children for god's sake!!   Dave S


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