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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. :shrug:   Dave S
  2. Rob; there is a difference between Skipjacks and Shad. Shad have a rather "flat" appearence in body, where a skipjack is not. http://www.tn.gov/twra/pdfs/anglersguide.pdf   Dave S
  3. Rob; what type of areas will you be fishing? Lake? River? Skipjack is a herring. Google "skipjack herring". They make awesome bait for Blue and Channel cats. Flat heads like live bait like blue gills. If you are fishing rivers, let me know, I can give you some ideas.   Dave S
  4. Safety to fishermen and their dams I guess!   Dave S
  5. The Corps of Engineers has released the following concerning fishing below dams.... GRAND RIVERS, KY. — The dates have been set for public hearings to discuss a proposal by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restrict access to water near dams along the Cumberland River and its tributaries. The Paducah Sun () reports the Corps of Engineers plans four meetings, two in Kentucky and two in Tennessee. The first will be on Jan. 10 in western Kentucky at the Badgett Playhouse Center in Grand Rivers. Meetings are also planned on Jan. 15 in Nashville, Tenn.; Jan. 17 in Baxter, Tenn.; and Jan. 24 in Somerset, Ky. The Corp of Engineers has said the measure is needed for safety. Some community leaders have disputed that and say the move would hurt tourism. Dave S —
  6. That is awesome. I wish Tennessee would do something like that for our hog problem here!   Dave S
  7. Nice ball! I used to bowl on a league...many moons ago. I haven't been bowling in years!   Dave S
  8. My giftee was c.a. willard. He received some gunsmithing and guncare tools. I hope you enjoy. Thank you for your service to our country!   Dave S
  9. DaveS

    R.I.P. Old Friend

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your little cereal bowl family. It's tough loosing such a good friend during the holiday season!   Dave S
  10. I'm not much good at writing essays, but I believe this picture from the first and only test I will do to one of his knives says it all. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.... "I sure would love a new skinning/fleshing knife". Dave S
  11. I only used conibear on beaver. They can be used on coon for a "den" set, as that's how a buddy used to catch them. When coon, muskrat and mink trapping, I used leghold traps. A lot of liability issues with trapping now, so I don't do much of it anymore.   Dave S
  12. Coon skin caps are fairly easy to make. You can do it yourself fairly easy. Get a good tanning kit and get busy. Most taxidermists around won't take the time to make the cap. Some will tan and most will send the hide off to be tanned. When I ran my shop for 20 plus years I've tanned hundreds, maybe thousands of coon skins. I never once made a cap for anyone but myself. Instructions are all over the internet. I have posted tanning instructions here on the forum. if you have any questions, just give me a call this weekend, we need to talk fishing anyways!   Good Luck   Dave S
  13. Those cable looking items look like self locking snare traps. They are used primarily for trapping coyotes and other small game/predators.   Dave S
  14. Now the flags will be at half mast for our great General that just passed away.   Dave S
  15. Let's post their names on TGO! J/k.   It's all good. No sense in fuss'n over it.   Dave S
  16. This is really nice of you Jordon, and an AWESOME Christmas gift!   Dave S
  17. Spots, I think I would add a spool of fishing line, hooks and some splitshot sinkers. You have everything else pretty much covered. Our fellow TGO'rs have covered the other bases.   Dave S
  18. I need to get Lumber_Jack to show me the ropes on the Caney this year! HINT!!!   Dave S
  19. Catfish bait is all those skipjack are worth. Heck of a good fight on ultra light tackle and fly rods! As soon as the white bass start running real good (March April) time frame, I'll put some trips together for you guys. My bass boat is ready to go...just waiting on the fish (and a partner)!   Dave S
  20. PM Dolomite...he can probably send you in the right direction!   Dave S
  21. Welcome to Clarksville and TGO!   Dave S
  22. Well, I guess my "Secret Santa" went AWOL or is MIA!   Dave S
  23. I've used onion in them before. It is pretty good.   Dave S
  24. If you lived here, Fort Campbell has a really nice Handicap Hunting area. Someone with some private land may be of help to you also.   Dave S
  25. Same to you Shaun!   Dave S


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