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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I'll have to ask my brother. He still deer hunts there.   Dave S
  2. Yes, on private land. The land owners around here charge money to put you on the list to hunt. They've turned it into a money making venture. Most landowners don't want the hogs gone, as they are the ones who put them there for the purpose of hunting to begin with! WMA's and Federal refuges are a different story and that's where a big part of the problem lies. I on occasion hunt a local WMA during the deer season. More that once I sat in my stand and watched hogs rooting the ground up. Six to eight at a time, and all I could do was sit there and watch them. Then they scurry back off onto private land where the landowner allows no hunting. It's a no win situation. The only way this is going to work, is open hog hunting up statewide, 24/7 and go at it style of hunting! Cut the rules on a non protected pest!!   The current program is not working!   Dave S
  3. Those hog kills from helicopter cost us $10,000.00 per hour for pilot, bird and shooter. That's one hour from engine start up to engine shut down and anything in between! Very very expensive. And it's not working! The state wouldn't have this problem if they opened hog up day and night, baited year round. Let the hunters take care of them!   Dave S
  4. Jason, how does the harvest log work?   dave
  5. Shaun I wouldn't bet on it! I look for some licenses to go up this year. I would look for some WMA permits to increase slightly. Just my opinion is all. It's costing way too much money controlling hogs...someone has to pay!   Dave S
  6. Any updates on this project?   Dave S
  7. Those nooses/loops are still available and in use today. They are mostly used by duck and small game hunters. Insert the bird's or animal's foot into the loop, tighten it down and your good to go! Can carry them around all day like that.   Dave S
  8. I was thinking of something else. If your check station is closed on the calendar day of harvest, you have 24 hours to check in game animals when the check station reopens. You cannot hunt again until you check the animal in and get a new temp kill tag. The online check system was suppose to fix this problem, but not everyone has internet or even a PC.But yes generaly they have to be checked in the day of harvest.   Dave S
  9. NICE!!!!! That is AWESOME!   Dave S
  10. It sounds like it. I think the other change is big game has to be checked in at the end of the calendar day of harvest instead of waiting.   Dave S
  11. This should help.....   January 18, 2013 | 02:24 pm NASHVILLE --- The Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission approved a change in a proclamation in regard to future big game tagging and check-in procedures. The vote came during the January meeting of the TFWC which concluded Friday at the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Region II Ray Bell Building. The change calls for all big game animals to be checked in at an approved TWRA checking station, on the TWRA website, or by the TWRA mobile application by the end of calendar day of harvest. Evidence of the big game animal’s species and sex must be available for inspection by TWRA personnel until the animal is checked in. All big game animals taken to taxidermists or to meat processors must be accompanied by documentation on approved TWRA forms or mobile application. The TWRA is adding a new mobile application for check-ins which will be ready for the 2013 spring turkey season. TWRA is changing its big game tagging system from utilizing temporary and permanent harvest tags to a harvest log. .   Dave S  
  12. I haven't heard yet.   Dave S
  13. He's most likely a fox and/or hare hunter. The lance was used to harvest game once the dogs, which appear to be fox hounds maybe even used for bear or boar was brought to submission, said hunter would kill the animal with his lance. Further study of the picture leads me to believe (look carfully at mouth piece on horn) that the horn was blown into during hunts maybe to call in the dogs. Near the horn are some loops/nooses for hanging small game animals and birds for easy carry. I find the picture quite interesting. Thanks for sharing.   Dave S
  14. I vote on "numb nuts"! That's the word from here on out...right?  Right? Come on guys!   Dave S
  15. Welcome to TGO! And thank you for your service to our country!   Dave S
  16. OH NO!!!!   Dave S
  17. I thought this was pretty funny, and thought I would share it with you all... Dave S
  18. I've asked that question a hundred times and no one could provide me with one. The most anyone would do is cite the dang law. The law don't say squat except "language substantialy similiar to"....to what, a No fishing sign? In my opinion all the sign has to say is NO guns, NO weapons, NO firearms ect., ect.. NO means NO!!!! Just my 2 cents... I'm just waiting like you are. I have signs up (for family safety reasons). "No firearms permitted" and a gun buster. That's all it says and all it will ever say! Just the way it is....   Dave S
  19. 12 GA for sure!   Dave S
  20. Porter and a shot of shine...legal of course.   Dave S
  21. Dave, you know you have an open invitation (as well as everyone else here) to get in on a rabbit hunt. We will hit them heavy beginning Feb 1st! Just let me know!   Dave S
  22. I may squirrel hunt, but odds are I will turn the dogs lose on some rabbits!   Dave S
  23. Nice Hog!!! You told more about the gun than the Hog...need info! Weight? Details? LOL   Dave S
  24. That sure is a humdinger of a list!   Dave S
  25. I'm afraid to say that if North Korea shoots any thing as much as a homemade chinese bottle rocket at this country, North Korea will be converted to a vast waiste land in a short order of time! UNLESS.....Our dear leader Obama lets them push us around some more!   Dave S


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