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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I personaly don't understand your complaint. If you bought the shotgun, you would be handing them your DL anyways. You already stated you was going to buy it until you gave them your license. What did you expect? If you don't want to play by the rules....don't buy from gun shops!   Dave S
  2. EXACTLY!!!
  3. They scanned your DL to make sure it wasn't a fake. If you want to buy a firearm...nothing to get upset about!
  4. DaveS


    This is the article I was directed to. It deals with raising the commercial limit on the fish. Enjoy!   Dave S   http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2013/feb/01/editorial-more-carp-fishing/
  5. DaveS


    You can't possess or transport live fish. You can keep them for personal use all you want. The USFWS and TWRA want these things gone!!! We don't want you to put them in your live well and release them somewhere else. There's is no limit on them....have fun and enjoy! I was canoeing a week or so ago and one jumped out of the water and hit me in the side of my head. That fish that weighed about 3 pounds and hurt like a ########### when it hit. Kill them things!!!   Dave S
  6. Good video, thanks for posting it!   Dave S
  7. Thanks Shaun!   Dave S
  8. Yes Sir..Tri-colors. I'll have my old male and old female out with the "pup" as a little guidence for the youngster!   Dave S
  9. DaveS


    OK, what do you feel needs changed?   Dave S
  10. Well, we'll be turning the dogs loose on some bunnies in the morning. We'll se how the pups do. Will post some pics....   Dave S
  11. Having Miller Draft and will sip some Single Malt Scotch at half time!   Dave S
  12. 1840 thru 1870  Civil war years (1861-1865). I love history,and the Civil War. I'm a reenactor so that helps too!   Dave S
  13. Awesome story. The good guy finaly wins! I suppose the bad guys got what they deserved!   Dave S
  14. Thanks David. Order submitted   Dave S
  15. Awesome video! Thanks for sharing!!! That girl is tough...   Dave S
  16. LOL OK..Thanks Mr. David!!
  17. Went to purchase some decals a few minutes ago, and it said "out of stock". Well, I guess I'll wait until next time!   Dave S
  18. This idiot has nothing to lose. I hope it ends well for the child, but I'm afraid it won't.   Dave S
  19. Welcome to Clarksville and TGO!   Dave S
  20. You can't beat a wild hog for eats! I cured some bacon off of one of mine and cooked it over a campfire for some TGO friends. It was awesome stuff!   Dave S
  21. Awesome Rob!! I choose to do that at least once a month. I love it! Eastern Longhunter all the way!!!   Dave S
  22. What he said!!!!   Dave
  23. TWRA typically doesn't. The USFWS, Wildlife Refuge System and other Government Agencies use the services of the USDA.   Dave S
  24. People are getting worse every day!   http://news.yahoo.com/man-shoots-school-bus-driver-alabama-child-seized-015512702.html   Dave S
  25.   My employer.... SWAT snipers are not typically on the payroll of the Federal Government that I know of.   Dave S


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