Anyone besides me been out crappie fishing yet?
I took a break from rabbit hunting last week and headed out in the boat to check my brushpiles and stake beds. Water temp was 44 degrees, Sunny, air temp 61and a slight breeze was blowing. I fished about 2 foot deep over brush in 6 foot of water. Caught a few dink males over the brush piles. Backed off the the ledges (8-10 foot) and slowed retrieved some roadrunner jigs with red head and Chartreuse tubes. Picked up a couple slab females and some damn fine white bass!
When that water hits 48 to 52 degrees, it will be GAME ON for those slab crappie!
The weather next week may back them off the structure into deeper water, but that's ok. Will be rabbit hunting anyways.
Pretty days are coming!
Dave S