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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I actually shoot cannons as a hobby. Here is one of our 6 pound Confederate Cannons. Me on the left (hand behind back after pulling lanyard) Me with the sponge... Our 12 pounder (on limber) and our 3 inch ordnance rifle (in background) Our little group owns 6 Confederate Cannons. Dave S
  2. Then the dude would charge you for vandalism!   Dave S
  3. This past fall I started hunting "Oyster Mushrooms" that grow on logs. Easy to identify and are delicious! And, on top of the fun of picking mushrooms, I got a serious case of "seed ticks". The "last straw" was finding those same "oyster musrooms" for sale at the grocery store! All that itching and scratching......sheez......   Dave S
  4. NICE! Thanks for sharing....now ya done got me casting arm to itch'n!   Dave S
  5. Man, me too!!!!   Dave S
  6. AWESOME!   Dave S
  7. Welcome to TGO Clay!   Dave S
  8. DaveS

    My first 1911!

    Nice ArmyVet...welcome to the darkside!   Dave S
  9. I tried to open and got "Windows can't open this file".   Dave S
  10. Because people just as dumb or dumber elected him/them!   Dave S
  11. I needed a good laugh! Thanks for sharing!! Meep Meep!!   Dave S
  12. Folks, I served in Korea gaurding the DMZ on two occasions. Those gooks up north have been playing games since 1976 when they axed some americans to death during operation "Paul Bunyun". Those little skinny under fed, ill equiped, under paid little slopes don't want to fight! I've had the opportunity (with the aid of inturpretors [sp] ) to interview North Korean defectors, and they DO NOT want to fight. They only fear political exicution if they don't. They're hungry, and they hate their government! Kim, Il Sung, Kim, Jung Il and Kim, Jung Uhhhhhh......were and are sick in the head! The only thing Kim, jung Uhhhhhh has going for him is those "home made Chinese bottle rockets" he calls nukes. I can tell you, that any serious aggresion on South Korea from the North, will be met with devistation (cruise missles, naval bombardment, airstrikes, artillery strikes ect) North Korea will not know what the hell hit them! Three forths of their army will surrender to MREs in the first hour of war!   Dave s
  13. No black folks either (which would lead to lawsuits)...lol
  14. I don't have a problem with it either. Heck, I will let them put a picture of me up there with my evil 1911!!!   Dave S
  15. I think gjohnsoniv hit it right on!   Dave S
  16. I had an Item back ordered from them before, and they did in fact fill it as fast as possible. Due to the current chaos in this country, you may want to give them a little time, or maybe place your order elsewheres. They are honorable people to deal with. That's been my experience over the years!   Dave S
  17. I agree 100%. Who is going to win in the end...us? Obama? Who? Right now I feel like a pawn in a chess game, caught between the government and my rights!   Dave S
  18. I found this story quite interesting   http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/state-local-politicians-attempt-preempt-federal-gun-laws-174232577--politics.html   Dave S
  19. Nice find! I love getting out with my Garrett. My property is in the same nieghborhood as a couple of CW battles. I have found some vry cool stuff. Out of a 187 acres, I've only covered about 1/4th an acre. There are a couple old home sites there that I haven't even touched. I have found some horse shoes, old fork, old spoon, grape shot ball and numerous other cool items. It's a great hobby to have and can be rewarding. I found a nice silver ring with a diamond in it, but have yet to have it appraised. Watch out for POISON IVY...don't ask me how I know that!   Dave S
  20. I think they should stick to rolling Tamales and bending Taco Shells, and leave us alone about our firearms. Our 2nd Admendment does not pertain to you Poncho...bug off!   Dave S
  21. Not at the prices they want for them. I would think that the older you got the cheaper they would be. Not the other way around. If TN doesn't change thier hog regulations, this will be the last year I buy any hunting lic in this state.   Dave S
  22. I wonder if you mind your tags being run to see if your vehicle is stolen? Your tags stolen? Your boat registration being run if it was stolen? If someone steals something from you, gun or otherwise, wouldn't it be nice if a cop ran a serial number and got you your stolen property back? Life is not as one sided as you would like. By the way, I removed my "monikers" from below my name.....getting beat up over it all the time is getting a little old. I only put them there because ME, MYSELF and I are very proud of what ME, MYSELF and I has achieved in ME, MYSELF and I's lifetime!   Dave S
  23. I would say "lack of use"....   Dave S
  24. That's what I heard about the fishing today. Rabbit hunting was a bust due to the wind. Oh well... Plenty of time yet. Boat batteries are charged and ready to go at a moments notice! I still need to stay on the rabbits for about another week. Well, we'll see....   Dave S
  25. Welcome to our Great TGO Family!   Dave S


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