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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I don't drive in the left lane on the interstate as I rarely get on it. But in town I exercise my right to drive in any lane I need to be in. If I'm doing the speed limit, and YOU ARE doing the speed limit, you have no reason nor the ability to pass me. I have had people drive down the turning lane to pass me...that was funny!   Dave S
  2. Well, if the speed limit on the roads around here is, well lets say....45, I drive 45. HWY 41 A and HWY 79 are 4 to 6 lane HWYs. If I'm in the Left lane, Turning Lane, Middle lane or right lane and I'm going the speed limit and it is too slow for anyone....well.....go around. Better yet, stop at the multitude of BP stations and get you a soda drink and enjoy. By the time you get back on the road, it'll be someone else ticking you off and not me.   If all else fails, those folks in a hurry can pass like they do in Canada....off the shoulder of the road to the right! The only pet peave I've got is STAY OFF MY BUMPER!!!! I'm subject to do sudden and unanounced things....   Dave S
  3. They found explosive devices and bomb making material  in the house during their search of the property. The bombs and home made grenades are going to be "destroyed".   Dave S
  4. Welcome back Don! What's up with Jackies van?   Dave S
  5. Father who lives in Russia states that if his son is killed, all "hell is going to break lose". Whatever...   http://gma.yahoo.com/bomb-suspects-dad-calls-him-surrender-141352754--abc-news-topstories.html   Dave S
  6. Not much differance between selling and trading eh?   Dave S
  7. You must be 21 years of age to buy, sell, or trade a pistol in Tn.     Dave S
  8. Hand tied bass flies and Super Flukes. I developed/designed/tied a Bass Fly called "Meyham Shad". I think right now anything would work. A spinnerbait threw to the bushes would most likely devastate the bass population! A shad (white/gray) colored super fluke fished weightless in the bushes and flowers will put them on your table!   I don't want to talk about Mayhem Shad too much as I don't have a "Vender Status" with TGO. When my Patten info gets back...it's game on!!   Dave S
  9. Joe, I'm fished out for a day or two. I would love to go though. This 7 lb LMB Was taken on South Cross Creeks the same day you were crappie fishing a couple of weeks ago. Me and my Son picked these Bass up on South Cross Creeks Tuesday of this week. All of them are 16 to 18 inch fish! My fish from Yesterday, taken on South Cross Creeks...3 - 6 pound fish. Will be heading out again soon.... Thank God for such great wonders! Dave S
  10. Thanks for that info!   Dave S
  11. Now add the factory explosion just outside of waco that leveled a whole neighborhood.   Dave S
  12. Make sure you have permission to be where you are. Are the woods yours? I would just break it down for now. Let society settle down a bit. if the public land in question is a WMA...a license is required. Apparently it don't matter now....   Dave S
  13. I didn't know the man, but being a member of our great TGO family is a loss indeed. Prayers go out to his family!   Dave S
  14. I ask that question every day my friend. Sometimes (I know I shouldn't) I feel ashamed of being an American just because of how others act!   Dave S
  15. Clothing should never be banned ( even signs on the doors of stores should be outlawed), here's why...   1. I wear a hoodie even in the heat of summer when I go "shopping", so no one can see the color or length of my hair or the size and shapes of my ears, plus it looks cool. 2. I wear sunglasses even when it is dark or cloudy outside so as the protect the size and color of my eyes. Plus survelence camera flash bothers my eyes and it looks cool. 3. I wear a bandana around my face when I go "shopping" because someone might see the color of my skin, shape and size of my nose, and the shape of my chin. Oh did I mention to filter the air I breathe so I don't catch a cold? And it looks very cool!  4. I wear my hat turned around backwards because it is not needed to shade my eyes from light, which you can't see because of my 500 dollar  "DD Kewl J Sunglasses" I "borrowed". The girls LOVE them! 5. You can't ban my pants sagging because I have to wear them below my butt. See, I spent so much money on my basketball jersey and high top nike's, that I can't afford a belt to hold up my pants, or holsters for my heaters (hence why I walk around holding "my Boys" to keep my pants up) , plus the Glock 9 in my left pocket and the .45 S&W dat in my right pocket weighs me down pretty good and causes me to walk stiff legged. So I do's looks pretty stupid sometimes, but no reason to ban my undies showing. After all they are the bestist color purple goodwill had!   Folks we don't need no more laws in this country. But, what we need is parenting and people taking accountability for their dress and actions! It's a matter of self policing!! Heck, the laws we have now can't be enforced...why add more? I do however wished our school system would ban butts!!! (The ones showing at least).   Dave S   So ya'll can ban anything you want, but please'a I mean Please'a...don't make me pull up my pants!!
  16. I do not dislike "baggy" pants, but how those pants are worn in front of my wife and 16 year old daughter. Pull you're dang pants up fool!!!   Dave S
  17. President Obama just gave a press conference and didn't say the one thing I wanted to hear him to say. I wanted to hear him say: " No matter who you are, No matter where you are your justice will be delivered swiftly and in LIKE kind"! This is AMERICA....DON"T TREAD ON US!!!!!!   Dave S
  18. Welcome to TGO and Tennessee!   Dave S
  19. Let alone not being able to run stiff legged very well, it gives the German Shepard Police dogs something to grab ahold of their A## with!   Dave S
  20. I hope N. Korean agents didn't do this. That would sure be something!   Dave S
  21. CNN is reporting at least 23,000 people were/are carrying backpacks in the AO. I hope Obama sics his drones on the guilty party!   Dave S
  22.  I was told my another TGO member that any parts from other manufacturers will work as long as they are "milspec". That's all I know about locating parts. There are plenty of good builders on here to help us noob's along.   HELP!!!!   Dave S
  23. 6.8  if you have built an AR before, I may ask for your assistance with this project since you live local.   Dave S
  24. Nice! Thank You!   Dave S
  25. The whole country is starved, to include his army!   Dave S


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