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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. When we had our "home study" they talked about guns, dogs and fenced in back yards. Guns were locked up, our pitbull went to a foster home (until after the adoption) and we had our yard fenced in. We also had a seperate bedroom for the baby which would be required anyways.   Dave S
  2. His mommy was arrested in Mass, on a $1600.00 shoplifting charge. She skipped back to Russia and was a no show in court. There is a warrent for her. Pillers of the community I'm sure! The rest of the family here in the states has nothing to do with them. I wonder why?   Dave S
  3. I personaly don't have that problem! Mommy ain't coming because she'll be arrested the second she steps foot in Mass.. Look at the circumstances! I know what you're saying...it just don't jive with me!   Dave S
  4. It brought tears to my eyes as I have lost so many good dogs over the years...Thank you!   Dave S
  5. Never heard of this, but sounds worthy of a try since I love bologna!   Dave S
  6. Please tell me you ain't calling our buddy a "limp pimp".... :wave:  Good Morning Don!   Dave S
  7. Well.....he won't do that again! I hope the good guy recovers well!   Dave S
  8. OK that's it! BAN this THREAD!!! LOL Dave S
  9. Actualy, "Recon by Fire" is a military technique. Heck who knows... :shrug:   Dave S
  10. The event will be located at 4980 Meadowbrook blvd Arrington, TN at "King's Chapel". Battles and tours both days. Hope to see some of ya'll there!   Dave S
  11. So he was arrested originaly causing a disruption. They said he almost caused a riot with the students. It seems to me it was the teachers and cops that almost caused the riot!!!   Dave S
  12. It seems the kid went back to school yesterday, and wore the same shirt...right along with some other students! Atta Boy!   http://news.yahoo.com/eighth-grader-arrested-over-nra-shirt-returns-school-130218866.html   Dave S
  13. I agree 100%!  "It's" mom and dad got passports and is traveling to Boston to visit him. I actualy have a hard time beleiving we'd allow more of "them" to come here. I mean daddy already threatened "there is going to be hell pay"! I think they can visit later. When will we ever learn....   Dave S
  14. I think I'll see how much Allen's will give me for mine...lol   Dave S
  15. Nice job!!   Dave S
  16. The white bass are staging at the creek mouths getting ready to spawn. Joe, maybe weekend after next I can get you out. Lets see how the weather goes...   Dave S
  17. That pork looks to be about perfectly smoked with a good smoke ring! I bet it taste good!   Dave S
  18. AWESOME!! I'm glad to see someone else putting slaw on their sandwiches! Good stuff indeed.   Dave S
  19. Very very well said Mac!!!   Dave S
  20. Back during Katrina, a National Guard truck full of troops pulled into town. The troops in the back of the truck had their M-16s layed across the bench seats and had them pointed at the houses and businesses. General Honere (sp) told those troops that this wan't Iraq, this is the united states. Put those rifles down and stop pointing them at american citizens. Maybe Boston should have followed that!   Dave S
  21. Did I see them "frisking" the occupants of that house as they came outside? That's just a little much. I guess I'd been shot, because I would probably have had my handgun on me at the time. I wouldn't mind them coming in and checking around, but pushing, shoving and grabbing me by the arms, and patting me down wouldn't fly!   Dave S
  22. Did I see them "frisking" the occupants of that house as they came outside? That's just a little much. I guess I'd been shot, because I would probably have had my handgun on me at the time. I wouldn't mind them coming in and checking around, but pushing, shoving and grabbing me by the arms, and patting me down wouldn't fly!   Dave S
  23. Someone on a "recon" testing security. That's my thought....   Dave S
  24. Yes, I do reload. I didn't realize the 7.62 would be an issue. I'm new to this AR thing. I'll take all the advice I can get!   Dave S


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