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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Good guy won this one! Hooray for him!!!   https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?v=126062250926661&set=vb.361783440570560&type=2&theater   Dave S
  2. Sir; with all due respect to you, and me being an X resident and current property owner in the state of Ohio, open carrying by a felon or someone on probation is AGAINST THE LAW. The cops had no idea whether Mr. Call was LEGAL or NOT LEGAL for carrying a handgun until he GAVE THEM HIS NAME!  What is so hard about that?   Carrying a handgun in the state of Tennessee is ok if you have a HCP. What would you do if a cop ask you for a HCP when you was carrying? Tell him/her NOYB? Yeah right...   Dave S
  3. Maybe because CRIMINALS who OPEN CARRY will not be questioned by Police because it's their RIGHT to open carry and not be questioned?. Why not just tell the cops "hey, I'm Joe Smith"...done and you're gone on your way. Let me ask you this....would you have given the police your CCW permit and/or name to clear this up right away?   Dave S
  4. How about, "how do I know he's NOT a criminal?"
  5.   You are missing the whole point.   Dave S
  6. Was he a convicted felon? Was he on probation?   Dave S
  7.     I disagree 100%!!! Probable cause came when a complaint was recorded on the 911 system of a man with a gun!  The store clerk (or whoever called 911) had no idea if that man was legal in his actions. The responding officers had no idea either, until they questioned him. Mr. Call chose to play hardball with the cops. The ball is in his court now. I hope the Judge goes easy on him. Most likely he paid his attorney in advance!   Dave S
  8. If Mr. Call had a felony record, he could not have that handgun on him. And agian, I ask how do the cops know this if they don't ask the guy his name?   Dave S
  9. Who is he? What's his background? Can he legaly have that gun on him?  Questions I would want answers to if I was the responding officer. And it has nothing to do with a "Police State". It has everything to do with what is expected of me and what the tax payers pay me to do. Put yourselves in those cops shoes. What would you have done?   Dave S
  10. What's his back ground? Is he wanted by the police? Is he a felon? How else was the police to know, if they did not ask his name? How many of you posters ever work or do work in LE?   Dave S
  11. I agree with all concerned, myself included. How many people with a felony conviction can legaly OC/CC a handgun? How many people on Ohio's wanted list walk around OC'ing because it's legal and LEO isn't allowed to question him? How many movie shootings can be averted because two LEO's persued a complaint and attempted to clear up a matter? How many  Charles Mansons, Ralph Holmes, Wayne Williams, Jeffery Dalmer's and hundreds of thousands more that get caught because a cop ID'd them? Maybe the cops in this situation went a tad too far. However, had they not acted, and the guy with a gun went astray, people would be asking for their jobs. Being in LEO is a no win situation because of people's rights and little feelings get hurt. Give the cop your name and move on. But no...too easy.   Dave S
  12. Police are required to respond to MWG calls. Period. And if determining whether a crime has been commited, will be committed and/or for public safety in general, cops must ask you your name at times. Your answer or lack thereof, tells the LEO alot about you. I don't agree with the situation either, but I totally disagree with the lawsuit filed. In conclusion; If you don't ever want questioned by LE, DON'T carry a weapon. All it's gonna take is some little old lady to see, call 911 and you will be confronted.   Later   Dave S
  13. Mr. Call had a CCW. He refused to identify himself to the cops. Once he did, his weapon was returned to him and he was sent on his merry way. HE could have prevented this whole situation! I wish him well in court, as we don't know what attitude he displayed or that of the cops. The article doesn't weally say that. Got to be more to it.   Dave S
  14. I was basically questioning the law. "Ohio law does not require you to identify yourself, unless the police suspect you commited a crime". That was my whole point. My other point was/is identify yourself and get on with life. I know if I ask a person for their name and they refused, I may think they are hiding something too.   We all have rights, and we all know it. We also know what and when to exercise those rights. But way too many people play the MY RIGHTS game with everything. Mr. Call had full rights to withhold his name. The cops had full right to detain him until he could be identified, as until he could be identified he was committing a crime by carrying a handgun. In which he was CLEARED of as soon as he IDENTIFIED HIMSELF. He could have prevented this whole matter by identifying himself at the get go!   I know some of ya'll don't agree, but think about the situation and what brought the actions of the cops. Man with a gun, and, a man who refuses to tell the cops his name. What would you want the cops to do? Send him on his merry way to possibly commit a crime? This is a new era in america, it's called don't play games with cops!   Dave S
  15. There is a whole bunch more to this story I'm sure.   Dave S
  16. My question is how does a person know that a cop "suspects that you commited a crime"? I wish Mr. Call all the luck in the world with his lawsuit. He could have prevented this whole thing by identifying himself. He provoked the cops actions, then he wants to sue?   Dave S
  17. I would love it, but slim chance!   Dave S
  18. The "Wally Walk" is out of fad and long gone. Just go about your daily business, except with a concealed weapon!   Dave S
  19. I just can't get over little sub humans pulling guns and thinking they can just push people around and get what they want. Now that sub human thug is going to cost the tax payers big money!   Dave S
  20. Do I sense a rally on the Capital steps with men and women wearing aprons and "open carrying" pressure cookers?   I mean, they arrested the guy because he had a page missing from his passport, and was in possesion of a pressure cooker.   Dave S
  21. I love hunting them with a .22 also. Shooting them out of the trees with all the leaves is a good challenge. Might have to wait and get them coming down the tree trunk. If you want good numbers of squirrels, use a shotty. Hunt around/near water and your chances of getting a Fox squirrel goes up! Good Luck and post us some pics!   Dave S
  22. Is "pressure cookers" illegal to own now?   Dave S
  23. DaveS

    Body Found

    Thank You. I gave them the best counseling I could from experience. They're dealing with it day to day. My concern right now is the grand babies. They will come along though. I'm going to take them fishing this week, just to another spot. I want them to feel it's OK to fish with no problems. Now that I said that, someone else will jump. Heck we've had 2 or 3 bodies recovered since the weekend as it is...sheez.   Dave S
  24. DaveS

    Body Found

    I recently retired from the fire dept. as a Lt. FF/EMT and currently work in LE. I have talked to the kids, and things seem to be getting somewhat better. Thanks for all the advice.   Dave S
  25. Find a good grove of hardwoods and hunt them early and late. Look for nests in trees and wait them out. Squirrels will be feeding on the ground on their nuts from last year and mushrooms. They will not be feeding in the trees. Have plenty of shot shells, bug spray and WMA small game permits. Good luck and keep us posted on your hunt!   Dave S


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