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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. An incident that happened to me a couple of years ago; I came home from work, took off my uniform and put on a pair of sweat pants and a hooded sweatshirt. I put my wallet in one pocket and my little pistol in the other.   I went to Walmart and as I was walking through the parking lot, someone grabbed me from behind and spun me around. When he did, he grabbed me by the throat with one hand and drew his other fist back. I already had my hands in my pocket on my wallet and pistol. He all of a sudden let lose of me and kind of put both hands in the air about shoulder height and took a slight step back and said "I thought you was someone else". I said "you were about a millisecond away from being dead". He never said I'm sorry or nothing. He just turned and walked away.   I had already made my mind up that this dude was going to die. He was fixing to get shot through my jacket pocket. I only hesitated long enough to make sure it wasn't friend or family playing with me. I wanted to throw up after that I was so shook up. I couldn't get a tag number or nothing.   I just wanted to share an experience with you all...   Dave S
  2. Nope, no picture. The one showing his middle finger is inappropriate for the news media.   Dave S
  3. Maybe keeping the Hawken would be a good idea. I doubt you'll ever see a ban on muzzleloaders!   Dave S
  4. One of the killers looks as if he has a butcher knife and what appears to be a meat cleaver. I can't really tell though. Seems the cops shooting could have been a little better!   Dave S
  5. In my personal opinion, and my opinion alone, hands and feet are deadly weapons. Anyone who tries to use either one or both on me in an aggressive manner is going to cause me to do everything within my power to let the air out of them!   Not hijacking the thread, but I got my "Justice for Trayvon" signs ready for my trip to Florida next month.   Dave S
  6. If it were me, I would sell it for one heck of a "bundle deal", or sell the range box and put away the Hawken for my grand children to enjoy. T/C's line of muzzleloaders as well as Knight and a few others self destructed their product lines with high prices. I'm somewhat of a local expert on traditional muzzleloaders, and I would probably give 250 to 350 at most for the Hawken. The range box I don't know. Not too many of us old "Traditional" guys left. Most folks destroy accuracy with "three pellets" down the barrel and have no clue what to do with lose powder. Throw a price on it and see.   Are the powder cans full?   Dave S
  7. That's how I thought I understood it!   Dave S
  8. I'm under the impression here in TN that you are protected from civil suit if your shoot was ruled legal. Did I misunderstand?   Dave S
  9. Pull over then file an official complaint. He was just probably tapping his lights as a reminder that he may be going a bit fast and acting in a reckless manner.   Dave S
  10. And on a PUBLIC road to boot!!!   Dave S
  11. Totally AWESOME! Hoorah for the homeowner!   Dave S
  12. A picture of CK Dave S
  13. A local gun and archery shop in Clarksville burned up this morning.   http://www.theleafchronicle.com/article/20130521/NEWS01/305210016/CK-Outfitters-store-ablaze-Woodlawn?nclick_check=1   I'll try to post some pics.   Dave S
  14. License here is pretty expensive depending what and where you hunt and fish.   Dave S
  15. I don't know where Covington is, but I love's me some Mexican food. Oh yeah, and donuts with coffee!   Dave S
  16. Thank you for your concerns. I'm out of this thread. Back to arresting squirrels for harassing tourist in the park. It's been an awesome conversation, you win, I lose and collect my 79,000  for the year. Good day and the beers are on me!   Dave
  17. I agree absolutley with you 100 %. I, however, have all the legal authority in the world to ask your name if a complaint has been made about you and I'm the investigating officer. Go all the way back in this thread, and you will see that is my whole issue! The officers were wrong, Call was wrong. Period! Call carrying a handgun is no exemption from investigation and being asked his name. I'm no stranger to Ohio law in the least little bit. I don't know if I'm making my self clear here or not. If I have to investigate something, I'm going to ask you your name I don't care what state someone lives in. Refuse to answer and a person opens a whole different can of worms on themselves.    Thanks to everyone who calls me a "Jackboot". I do wear Cavalry/Artillery boots (jack boots by the way) when I'm giving  living history programs and/or civil war reenactment. A compliment of the highest honor!   Lunch is on me by the way....   Dave S
  18. Boy howdy!! A hunter and fisherman can be asked anything you want and that's OK. Ask a man his name when he open carries and buddy it's hell on wheels game on!!!   Our justice system needs a serious overhauling razorback!   Dave S
  19. Investigations end when you refuse to give your name? Not likely. In Ohio or anywhere else for that matter.   Good Bye...   Dave S
  20. If your deck falls down...time to treat! J/K...you should be good.   Dave S
  21. When was this? It can get pretty confusing. Now, try enforcing the laws when you deal with three different agencies and three different sets of regulations! A hair yanking experience for sure!   Dave S
  22. I agree 100%   Dave S


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