An aggressive bear is certainly a different story. I have come across bear numerous time and each time they would take off, I haven't crossed paths when they were with their young and I know that could change the situation when surprised.
We had one of our guys take a shot at a 400 + pounder with a 300 weatherby at about 75 yds. The bear dropped but when the hunter got up to him the bear jumped up and took off. He came and got us and the 6 of us went on to tracking him. At the spot of the shot, there were large chunks of shoulder bone/marrow/hair pieces, the big guy was defiantly hurt but ran like the wind. 8 hours we searched that day till way past dark. Went back the next day and searched all day. The sad part is we didn't find him. He was found two weeks later hidden in a small cave during buck season.
Lessons learned, the hunter knew he should have been ready to shoot again as he approached but he had buck fever. It was his first bear shot and he was 80 years old. 2nd is the shoulder is one large thick area.
I hope to never come across one and have to shoot it to save my hide. Black bear are curious but tend to avoid us 2 legged animals. In the meantime I gave up hunting them. I feel we disrespected nature since we didn't harvest him.