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Everything posted by Ugly
Also welfare, bet that will turn it around quickly!
So you don't mind limiting someone else's freedom for a little safety common sense? Sounds like a gun control argument if you ask me. I'm also sure there are more shooting victims due to crime than motorcyclists cracking open their heads but yet we have this debate that helmets save people money. The ACA is going to save us 2500 a year too!
While this makes sense, especially when the leaders of this constitutional republic flagrantly violate the law. It'll lead to (I assume) fines, moving violation penalties. So it's ok for the majority to force their way upon the minority for the coveted rainbow unicorn?
I wouldn't put it past the "smart" people :hat:
I might have to eat my words about .380....
Ugly replied to daddyo's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Is there a bad 30 cal? :shrug: -
This is classic! I hope they do it and show that wearing helmets by everyone will increase the crash rate. libs wouldn't stand for it though. It would mess up their hair! :rofl:
What angers me most about this topic is the mindset. The reason it's like that is because of a liberal blackmail from 1969 and the nation has been fed false stats ever since. Motorcycles are a small part of society. A fraction, probably a fraction of a percentage against the leeches on society as well as the illegal population we fund. Sickening. Thanks for listening though :)
Congrats! That's awesome! I like to keep my bikes ugly for the same theft deterrent reasons :) Your bike isn't ugly though! I'd still lock it up !
Figured the bill would die. Tenn and freedom seem to be maintaining a parallel.
I have three modern full face helmets. They do interfere. I agree about the insurance. As long as it's the same with the car, why am I paying more for other peoples accidents?
Yes, fear of costs by the use of terror tactics make this a conversation. Local 8 reports; Triple-A was part of a study that shows with a no helmet law, traumatic brain injuries and deaths increase after crashes. Milani says, "If the helmets do come off and the bill is passed, the state residents and private insurance companies can see price go up 100 percent." So by their math, if 10% of the 167k motorcyclists are in accidents, they would need to affect 280 automobile drivers (of the 4.5 million) to cause an increase of 100%. It's all a farce, there are 31 states where one can ride without a helmet, chaos isn't the norm. How many uninsured thugs are getting shot, stabbed or having babies or drug od's and who is paying that tab? I've got a feeling it's more. Control is the reason, otherwise it wouldn't be a left leaning agenda using fuzzy (to put it lightly) math. http://www.local8now.com/home/headlines/No-helmet-law-under-review-in-Nashville-297439431.html I'm awaiting response from the AAA rep and the (rather good looking) journalist, of course I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not sure if it's TN law but I would imagine wearing a helmet in a car is illegal, reason being is it can block your view. A full face blocks most of your peripheral vision. It was illegal in another states I've lived in. I too have lost friends and have some that are permanently damaged, helmets can certainly protect the melon just as they can help snap your neck from the added weight and momentum. I've also put bikes down, twice in the road and numerous times in the dirt. I've learned from them, since then I probably have at least 200k miles under my belt on two wheels. I've gotten more injury from the weight and size of the helmet Not to mention dehydration. Of course I've participated in numerous training courses and have learned something new each time. Safety prevention sounds good but also tends to have consequences. Those of you that have seen heads split open have most likely seen more people injured in car accidents. Both are horrible and unnecessary. I've been in one accident in a car, fell asleep behind the wheel. 100% my fault and luckily didn't hurt anyone else (or me). I pay attention and am patient. The way I see it, there are no accidents, none, they are all caused by someone's neglect. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, just advocating for freedom of choice. Ride safe and look out for the other guy!
The problem with insurance is the majority of accidents are caused by Inattentive automobile drivers. This is really my point. If the powers that be would focus their efforts on training and reminding all drivers to be aware and share the road, there would be less accidents. Heck, how many car drivers don't even bother to use turn signals or drive with consideration to other drivers Instead, we have folks (just like the ones that want gun laws) imposing a law to mandate helmets and think they have saved lives. This is mommy bloomburg type stuff. After all, it's for the children!
Some lively conversation :) Looks to be about 167,566 bikes registered in TN. That is a lot less than I guessed. I have two registered and I'm guessing I'm not alone. I would also guess that a lot more than 170,000 butt monkeys are in accidents a year due to texting alone. http://www.statista.com/statistics/191002/number-of-registered-motorcycles-in-the-us-by-state/
The Tenn care thing must be an appeasement for support. My point about helmet less riders being better dressed is because of the focus on training instead of just a law. Same thing here if the effort is placed on training versus just having a helmet law. While it is logical for the insurance co's to increase rates, a good portion of that would be because of opportunity (in my opinion). In Florida (I need an example from somewhere) legislation was passed to restrict insurance companies from gouging rates. Of course FL is unique because the state doesn't require motorcyclists to carry insurance on the bike, to get the law passed they did require medical coverage though. TN had 4.5 million licensed drivers in 2010, I'm guessing about 300K have a motorcycle license. If rates sky rocket due to a potential several thousand drivers, something is fishy. http://www.statista.com/statistics/206453/total-number-of-licensed-drivers-in-tennessee-in-2010-by-age/ I've got to find some real stats (not skewed gov ones) and when I do I'll post em.
Why do you think insurance will skyrocket?
The bill is going to committee today, I might have jumped the gun. I saw the article and just started writing. The article on WATE's website is very minimal and written by the AP. Follows: "NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – AAA motor club wants to put the brakes on proposed legislation that would allow many motorcyclists to ride without a helmet. Currently, Tennessee law requires all motorcyclists to wear a helmet. But a bill that will be going to committee on Tuesday would allow anyone who is 21 or over who has health coverage, as long as it’s not through TennCare, to be able to legally ride without a helmet. Anyone over the age of 21 on TennCare, the state’s Medicaid program for the poor, would be required to wear the head protection. The bill is being sponsored by Rep. Jay Reedy of Erin and fellow Republican Sen. Kerry Roberts of Springfield. AAA says the bill would be almost impossible to enforce and will lead to more deaths and injuries." From what Ive seen so far, there isn't a strong showing in Tennessee's ABATE, (hope it's OK to post another group on here) usually this group is the strongest proponent of motorcycle freedom and a push for an investment for safety. I haven't gotten my feet wet with them yet but will once my life is settled a bit. ABATE is nation wide and each state runs their own organization. In PA and FL, they were successful with getting the laws overturned but more importantly, they were successful in getting the states to focus on safety and training for the populace as a whole. While there are those folks that will hurt themselves because they can, the majority of crashes are because of car drivers not seeing the biker. This is where the safety effort comes in. I'll see if I can track down and monitor the legislative side. In the meantime, here are a few links on it. http://www.cmtabate.com http://helmetfreetn.com/helmet-legalization.php http://www.chattanoogan.com/2015/3/24/296667/AAA-Urges-Tennessee-Lawmakers-To-Not.aspx http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB0700&ga=109
Is up for a vote again. AAA is making a fuss with false claims as usual (call em out on it and I bet they don't respond) All you have to do is look at the history of the law where it was originally forced upon the states or lose highway funds. No matter what your opinion about helmets, Freedom should prevail. I believe in freedom and am disappointed TN has the law in place. I hope many of you will voice your support for the choice to allow the folks in Tennessee to be able to ride without one. Of course if this passes, anyone can still wear a helmet. I have been riding since I was 14, have lived in several states with the law and states that ditched the law. I transferred to CA right after the year they reenacted the law and the first bike I saw when I rolled in to San Diego was a crotch rocket with a young couple on it. He was wearing swim trunks and flip flops, she had on a bikini and no shoes, they both had on nice big shiny full face helmets though. Effective law huh? Helmet free states with safety programs showed more responsible riders, gloves boots long pants etc. I believe in training, practice and experience as well as reminding car drivers to look twice and share the road. Laws based on false stats don't help the people. While I wear a helmet, I prefer the choice. After all, we know they can kill just as easy if not easier than they can help. (Look at Dale Earnheart) Thanks for reading this and hope you are part of turning this law over.
Concur with training and practice. Even for road sofas like Harley's :) I went with thunder headers on my street glide. By far my favorite pipes for a bike.
Nice! Did you drill or cut a hole for the wiring or go through the top?
The loudness helps to be heard since most people don't see you. Of course they don't hear you until you're on top off em but it's better than nothing. Inmo
We are in a different day and age. Quality parts easily found are rare these days unless you go hi end and pay a premium. I had a 1989 K1500 in 4x4, (fantastic truck) swapped engines and salvaged the radiator. It was a quality radiator. I would get it repaired if it can be, some old school radiator shops do great work. If it's not salvageable and you plan on keeping the truck, I would go with hi end. You get what you pay for.
Right on, can't help you with the blue tooth, I wear ear plugs. Too much tinnitus from being around jets. I do have a stereo on the batwing fairing though :)