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Everything posted by jbravo

  1. I am not one to judge who someone decides to do business with or how someone spends their money but to say CTD robbed anyone is pretty extreme. No one was forced to purchase ammo or magazines from them at extremely high prices. And I am the first to condemn anyone taking advantage of the shortages. I never purchased the outragously priced ammo, but I have purchased 3 firearms over the last 6 months for less than they could be found anywhere else. They were all shipped fro free and all arrived at my FFL within 3 days. And I will purchase reasonably priced items from them again.
  2. Actually, it happened across the street from the base in a building open to the public. What I'm hearing is 2 people shot, one in the leg and one in the foot. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Just about every Walmart here in Memphis that I've been to in the last week has had the 150 round and 120 round boxes of 223/5.56. Ive also been seeing .22 LR pretty regularly at Walmart the last couple of weeks. The only problem is it's 50 round boxes. I can get 3 50 round boxes of .22 or 3 120 round boxes of 223. They should, at least let you have 5 of the 22. But I did get lucky and grab 2 333 round boxes of 22 sunday morning at about 9:30. I felt like I hit the jackpot. There was 4 boxes there, thought I would leave 2 boxes for the next person.
  4. This is very odd and the fact that they were due in court the day they were found leads me to believe that they may have been killed to keep them from talking. If it was a suicide, it would seem that there would have only been two bodies and I do believe the authorities would have insinuated as much. And also why would they go to another state if it was some type of murder/suicide. And if it was some type of revenge for something they did, how do the other two people fit in? I could be totally wrong but I would be willing to bet there is someone out there wanting to silence them.
  5. I could only get through about 2 minutes of the video before I couldn't stand it anymore. He just seems to believe that all health care around the world is equal in quality and that we just get charged more for it. We spend more on health care mainly because most people use insurance to fund their health care. When Americans quit paying for their own doctor visits and starting using insurance to pay for their visits, the prices started to rise. Insurance was originally was for major care and now it's used for everything from perscriptions to vitamin shots. If everyone paid for their own health care out of their pockets the free market would take over and prices would start to fall because of competition on the open market.
  6. Personally, I have a EDC backpack that I usually carry that has a zippered compartment for a hand gun in the passenger seat. I normally conceled carry a 9mm and a 45 in the handgun compartment of my backpack. It is usually easier to get to my 45 than it is my 9mm. As far as a AR in the back seat, it would seem to me in the situation with the bike attack, after pulling off a few rounds with the 45, it would give me time to grab the AR in the backseat. If the situation with the bikes had happened to me, the guy that starting attacking with the helment would have been dead immediatly. I may have gotten killed in the process but he was to close to the drivers window to have walked away.
  7. Lol. Beat me to it. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Reagan.com. At least your info isnt sold to the highest bidder. $40 per year. And it would irritate every liberal you know. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  9. You guys should try it in Memphis every day. Nothing I hate worse than having someone right up on my bumper when I doing 5 miles an hour or better over the speed limit. And most of the drivers that are the worst, you can bet don't have any insurance.
  10. If the government gets shut down, and that's a big if, it would only be for a couple of days. The republicans will cave on this and Obama will get everything he wants just as he has for his whole presidency. Just look at how the republican leadership in the senate has talked on the news shows all weekend. They seem to think that when obamacare gets implemented, the democrats will take the hit with the voters. I don't agree, but that's what they think. When obamacare fails, the republicans will get the blame as they always do.
  11. I've been finding 9mm, 40 and 45 and some 5.56 at the Walmarts on Germantown Rd and Austin Peay pretty regularly. While Bass Pro has a better variety, Walmart is a little cheaper.
  12. While I like several of the Maxpedition backpacks, they are just a little expensive for me. Here is what I carry every day http://www.ebay.com/itm/Condor-140-Tactical-MOLLE-Sling-Bag-NIP-/250916818111. It has a gun pocket that is accessible from either side and I carry my work laptop in the compartment meant for the water bladder. It serves me well for EDC.
  13. I'm in for a lower and maybe upper depending on price. And also dependent on a FFL somewhere close to the Memphis area.
  14. There is actually a gun show at the Agricenter on July 27 and 28, but can you give a little more info on the Jackson show, location and times? I'll probably be up in Brownsville tomorrow and might just drive up to Jackson while I'm at it.
  15. And I would advise being out of there by 11:00 pm. I haven't been down there in several years, but it was not somewhere I wanted to be late on a Saturday night.
  16. Bass Pro caries 28 guage, at least the one in Memphis does. It's not cheap but they do have them.
  17. Not asking up to debate. I don't really give a flip about your opinion. Just responding to your statement that a lot of posters here think that he was up to something just because of his presence. You sound like your pretty upset over the verdict. You probably need to take a valium and go to bed. You don't sound like you need to be reading these comments here.
  18. You must not have been reading many of the opinions stated on here about this case. I don't think anyone here said he was up to something simply because of his presence. It was not a crime to suspect TM. It was not a crime to confront TM, if that actually happened. It would have been a crime if he assaulted TM. None of the evidence showed that he did that. TM assaulting Zimmerman was a crime and slamming his head in to the concrete got him killed, bottom line.
  19. True, a lot has changed over my 52 years, but did we really expect everything to always stay the same. I'm sure my grandfather said the same thing when he was looking at his 60's, but what I'm talking about is the country ceasing  to exist. Think Nazi Germany in the late 30's. I know not everybody here are Christians, but it sure looks to like things are happening that were predicted over 2000 years ago and the current administration and some select republicans are hastening it right on along.
  20. There are many who like to dismiss Glenn Beck, but I have to say that he is exactly right on this issue. We are backing rebels who are doing atrocious things to other humans and our president does not care what the American people think about it. I watched the video the other day of Syrian rebels cutting of the head of a priest. It can be found easily on youtube. Anyone who would support these people is evil, and that includes Republicans as well as the president. I'm not sure if this has been discussed here but I feel if things keep going as they have been going, we will cease to exist as the country we have always known.
  21. I don't even know how to react to that video. Normally I am on the side of the cops in most situations, but this video just disturbed me. I don't care if it was because of loud music, failure to do what the police said, or the recording. When they were handcuffing him, it was obvious that the dog was getting excited at the way his owner was being handled. The dog did what is natural. They could have had him secure his dog. I could only think of my own dog when I saw that dog after it had been shot at least 3 times. And now a guy had to watch his dog suffer a horrible death. There was nothing in that video, that I saw that would warrant the guy as enough of a threat that he couldn't be allowed to secure that dog.
  22. Too funny.   I have thought of getting one of these for the novelty of it. You know kind of like the Zombie rounds. Of course I would never let it leave my house and would sure never be caught carrying it. That would be just asking for trouble. I'm sure the real LEOs could get pretty nasty about those.
  23. They actually had a pretty large ammo shipment yesterday. I picked up a couple of hundred .22s at about $10 per hundred round brick. I know that's a little high but not near the prices I've been seeing lately. I saw a lot of 9mm and 40. The 9mm plinking rounds seemed a little high, over $22 or $23 a box of 50. I've built up a little supply, so I didn't need any that bad. I'm not sure what all else they had but I did see a lot of boxes being unloaded. It does seem as the supply is starting to come back. Now if the price would come down a little more we'd be all set.
  24. We should all contact Corker and let him know our feelings on this issue. It should be our duty to stop this bill with any legal means possible. As all of us here know, giving illegal aliens citizenship would doom the republican party. And if that happens, you can bet, no more guns. It may take 20 years to happen, but it will happen.   http://www.corker.senate.gov/public/?p=ContactMe   http://www.alexander.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Email
  25. The left has been disrupting conservative speakers for years. They should have no problem with someone that opposes their views showing up at one of their rally's. But I don't believe for one minute that this guy was a gun advocate. Like said earlier, if he was a gun rights advocate, he would have never gotten that close to the speaker.


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