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Everything posted by Earl33

  1. Im in for one and want #69... Its a FD radio number thing, no dirty thoughts intended..
  2. I grew up around guns and knew what they where at an early age. I also knew not to mess with them thanks to the lost art of parenting. I also keep a loaded weapon ready at all times due to the above stated reason. The bad guy dont call and say he is on the way over. As an adult I am responsable for my weapons their location, ready state of use and the children that visit my home.. 
  3. Well ABC World News had a short report about the incident. I'm going to bet, the blame will be placed on the bullies that made fun of him for carrying around a teddy bear or whatever it was.. Amazing, no report from the White House about the incident (shocked, not really)... Cant wait to see who or what gets the blame for this one... Prays for the 14 injured and a, "Way to go" to the ones that stopped the attacker from injuring more... A hollow point to center mass could had stopped it at only one injured and one DOA...  I forgot, no guns allowed on campus....
  4. a political debate over what the government should ban next..  Big Gulps, cough syrup, inbreeding or...
  5. Crazy people do crazy things.. Back years and years ago I knocked the crap out of a school mate with a science book.. I got my ass busted with a paddle by the teacher and by a belt when I got home.. All the had to do was put a ban on science books.... Problem solved!! http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/63909-will-obama-try-to-ban-knifes-next/
  6. Its just more proof that with or without "Assault Rifles and/or High Capacity Mags" crazy people do crazy things.. Cant wait to see if the current administration acknowledge this even happened. After his little rant last night about how guns and mags are the reason so many where injured and killed during the Sandy Hook and other mass tragedies it will be interesting to see what he has to say about this incident... 
  7. 11 stabbed on TX campus.. Stock up now because knifes stab people. Wonder what he and his crew will have to say about this?  http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/09/17673057-at-least-11-hurt-in-stabbing-on-texas-college-campus-authorities-say?pc=25&sp=25  
  8. Whats the best AR mag?  Lots of brand names out there. Magpul seems to be a hot item, but why? Steel, stainless, aluminum, poly. All the different followers.. All at different prices. I wanna know whats the best value for the dollar and why? Most of mine are aluminum with Magpul type followers. I also have a few windowed Pmags.. What makes one better than the other? I understand fit as far as function and steel is heavier than aluminum but what makes one better than the other? 
  9. life as a closet Democrat... after a long conversation we...
  10. Bottle of George Dickel, took a big swig and settled in for the night watch against  Democratic BS. Then suddenly, outside I heard a strange noise... 
  11. Tough it out by hoarding ammo, high capacity magazines and Preparation H until the viris had time to run its course. I said to myself, Self.....
  12. That stuff is fun..
  13. Sorry about the rant.. Wasn't having a good night.. 
  14. I pissed away more than 12.00 today in time and or money looking for a good deal on ammo and or guns... 
  15. Or better yet.. Watch the DVD, learn something and pay the 12.00... 
  16. This shit is simple.. Watch the DVD. learn something and send it back in the no postage envelope... I received it also.. Read the letter that was sent with the DVD before casting stones....
  17. Sarcasm is hard without personal interaction.. Just being an ass..   I watch this crap pricing on a daily basis.. There are deals out there, patience is a virtue... Hey, Butler Creek ain't Ruger, but what is Ruger? Any better?  
  18. $1850.00 it better come with, well lets say i cant say that on this site....
  19. Thanks Red.. My day has been good.. Then?? I keep telling myself this is a free country.. And i reckon if you dont work and/or pay taxes it still is free.... But damit it seems like I and mine keep paying a price...
  20. Hell all she has to do is promise change and she could be president.. And thats just one of the many idiots that have no clue...
  21. You can surf the web and see that ammo is available.. But look at the asking price.. Ammo can of Federal green tip at Walmart is still 180.00 for 400 and something rounds ( I wanna say its .40 something a round ). Go online and look at what sites are selling the same can of ammo for..  Again there is a lot out there to be had but I aint paying .80-1.00 a round for it..    People are scared, I agree.. Nothing is safe when Congress is in session.. 
  22. Hows the pricing? Normal?
  23. I dont remember the 08 panic being this bad.. Im not sure hoarding is the issue. I feel it's been an opportunity for some to make money at others expense.  As long as people are willing to spend 75.00 for a 20.00 box of 22 lr then it will continue to happen. People are standing in line at retailers as they unload the trucks to make money not because they want a closet full of ammo..  


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