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About MinerJohn

  • Birthday 11/09/1967

Profile Information

  • Location
    Manchester, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Guns, reloading, antiques, fishing, gardening.
  • Occupation
    Small business owner Retro-Spec Gun Parts


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Walther PK380
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Ruger P95

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Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. If you are a reseller at flea markets or shows, this collection is perfect for you. It’s full of WWII and Vietnam gear + more stuff that you can see. There's some newer surplus as well. Lots of holsters, slings, pouches, bags etc... I don’t have time to set up at shows anymore so I’m passing it on cheap. I can pick out 10 pieces that will net $200 quickly. When you see it in person you’ll understand. My price is $200 firm. I’m keeping the totes and will transfer to boxes or bags when you pick it up. Meet in Manchester. No shipping.
  2. It was the biggest crowd they've ever had. People waited in traffic up to five hours on Friday and were turned away. Others parked on the side of the road and walked up to two miles to get in. They delayed the start on Friday because dealers were stuck in traffic and couldn't open their booths. Some dealers didn't make it in until noon. 8600 people Friday and 14,400 on Saturday.
  3. I was set up in the sheds at #7
  4. You're right. Powder back then was $10 pound. I used to buy all my primers off of Hi'Tech. Last time I bought they were $125/5000! I sold a bunch of cleaning rod sets. I sold the rods and handle for the Garand/Carbine for $5.00 set. Same on the .50 cal. Sold the old M16 sets for $10 set. People bought parts like crazy. Most I've ever sold there.
  5. The crowd and show sure did change over the years. Years ago there were crates full of surplus guns, box lots full of parts, ammo. It all went away.
  6. I was set up at Knob Creek last weekend and the reloading stuff was slim. Pat's Reloading had WC844 and WC846 for $195 for 8lbs. Primers were non existent. Grunt67 was on the money. ALL the primers are going into ammo orders at the moment. A couple vendors had a few boxes, but they were asking $125 and $145 per 1000. Saw a couple boxes get sold. One vendor had ten one pound bottles of Varget. He wanted $50/pound. Another vendor was set up with a collection of powder but it was all $45/pound and higher. None of it sold. A brass vendor was selling .223 fired brass at $125/1000 and .45acp at $100/1000. It didn't sell. On the flip side of that projectiles sold like crazy. Spectre Supply brought 1-1/2 Tons of 9mm, .223 and .30 cal. They were completely sold out by 11:30 Friday morning. Every projectile they had was sold in less than 2 hours! Ammo sales were hit and miss. The big vendors were trying to sell Barnaul steel case .223 at $390/1000. We did not see a lot of it moving. 9mm was at $25 a box. .45 acp was at $30 and $35 per box. We did have a good talk with the guys from Pat's reloading. They have a direct line to the primer producers. They said there are huge orders out there for primers. When those orders finally get delivered to the vendors, most wont be able to handle the elevated price on the bill and there will be a big dumping of primers on the market. First quarter of 2022 is when a lot of these orders are slated to be filled. I guess we'll see how it plays out then.


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