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Everything posted by rhyfelwr

  1. HB1833/SB1953 Looks good, making it legal for a legal gun owner to carry without repercussions is good.
  2. Numrichs, gunpartscorp.com
  3. Rust blueing,   4 tablespoons salt 8 ounces peroxide 8 ounces white vineger   Mix warm so the salt will blend, degrease the barrel with something.. Rubbing alchehol is what I used. Dampen a paper towel in the solution and apply in long single strokes. It will rust, when it gets an even fine coat of rust put it into a pan (trough) of boiling distilled or rain water. It will turn black. Rub the excess black off with a paper towel and repeat. 6 or 7 times till it won't rust much anymore. Worked for me, and cost me nothing but time. Don't touch the metal with your fingers you don't want the oil getting on the gun during the process.   I linseed oiled the barrel to seal it after it blued the way I wanted, it really does get a deep black-blue. Also on the final rub down before the linseed oil I used 4X steel wool instead of the paper towel.
  4. Why don't you plan to shoot the Nagant? (Just curious)
  5. Why on earth would they pass a resolution to allow the military into ira.... I mean Syria? Just stupid, and with the majority of Americans against a military intervention. Where are the servants of the people?
  6. Hey did ya'll notice Obama still trying to infiltrate gun restrictions?   Just kidding.. I noticed, somebody will pick out one part of a sentence and off it goes.
  7. I know we like to keep teeth, but for instance in my family we end up just getting teeth pulled or filled. My dad had one front teeth pulled a couple years ago. You get used to the gap. Or you could look into ObamaCare, does it cover dental? :rofl:
  8. Here is his Facebook.  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Daves-Shooting-Supply/356150671161254
  9. Just past Ashland Terrace on the right (Going towards the Red Bank Army Store).. Its in a little brown building with some dentist offices or something.
  10. There's a new Gun shop in Red Bank also, he seems like a nice feller.   .22's @ 100 for $10 (baggies) .38's @ 50 for $23 (in plano boxes?)   He also had 9mm, .45acp(tula and others), 7x57Mauser, almost a full stock of everything.   Daves Shooting Supply, off dayton blvd.
  11. Welcome from North Chattanooga.
  12. rhyfelwr


    My brother was the M249 gunner for his squad (Engineers), he said he had his weapon setup with a forward pistol grip on a single point sling so he could shoulder it. He said the officers looked at him kinda funny when he did carry it that way but they didn't stop him.
  13.     Actually I have found that not to be the case.. The inbreds thrive in certain parts of this state just like they do in the yankee north. :up:
  14.   Calm Down. :P
  15. Well I like Tennessee alright, I lived here when I was younger. I moved here because I love my wife, she is from Chattanooga. And here is where I'll make my stand. So live or die I'm here. I just always have looked at laws and regulations from a Constitutional perspective whether I lived here or in Alabama, and to my mind all of the gun and knife laws we have here or there are totally unconstitutional.
  16. Oooooh, you showed me. I'll not use the word 'relax' again sorry. Didn't know people under 30 posts weren't allowed to use relax in a sentence. I guess I'll go back to lurking.
  17. I like how you guys can't take any critique of the state laws without getting offended. Relax.
  18. When I moved up here from Alabama my CCW wouldn't transfer and when I checked into it I was surprised about all the fees. In Alabama its $15 to the local Sherriffs Dept. They run a background, they don't fingerprint; and if they have questions about your history they set you down and ask.   I joked that TN is just one step behind GA for fascist. But you know what, being here about 2 years now I am fully committed to working with the legislature of this state, I am a Tennessean now.   Ben
  19. I like the Sherriffs Department issuing permits better than the DMV, when I lived in Alabama to get a permit was as easy as paying $15 and the Sherriffs Dept running a background check. If they had questions the Sherriff would interview you.   I don't carry anymore due to Tennessee, redicules carry permit law.
  20. The stag was drilled to accept the tang of the blade, the tang goes about half the length of the handle. It is cemented and the pin was a bit offset to drive it up tight. The butt cap is purely for look and feel, more to round the handle out than anything. I actually made the handle first, then I fit the blade to it.
  21. Thanks everybody.
  22. I forged the blade a little while ago and ran across it last week in a box. The blade hold an edge but nowhere near something like 5160 or 1095 even.  Heat treat went like this:   3 times normalized quenched in motor oil, no dice quenched in water, worked I did a very light temper at 375 for a bit.   It'll work for a use knife.   More of a practice in fit and finish, really.
  23. I just recently made a new belt knife, I know I have never posted my hand forged stuff on here before so here goes. I forged the blade from a tire crank off a truck, you know like you crank your spare down with. I did almost all the finish work by hand (files, stones, and sandpaper). I added some cherry wood to the butt to round it out so it fits the hand better. Its glued and pinned on with bamboo.


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