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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian
My daughter and son both will be taught firearms. Nice when you can make that part of their PE for home school.
Glock, I will keep your family in my thoughts tonight and through the days ahead while you are going through this.
Quality? Beretta makes dang fine weapons in that price range, as does Glock, Walther and Taurus. Rock River has some nice 1911's as does Springfield. If you stick with the big names such as those, you cannot go wrong in the quality department. A Jennings would be RIGHT OUT. I don't have any dealings with Kahr, but I know some people have had good luck with them. Again, to each his own. Many would tell you not to get a Glock as a carry weapon, and I would agree with that if you are not familiar with their usage and intricacies. Bad Juu Ju as they say since there isn't a "safety" so to speak. If I had it all to do over again, I would probably stick with the Beretta as my first purchase, but might have actually gone with the Walther as my second purchase. The Beretta is a bit large for daily carry, but then again, so was the 1911. Get what fits you. You will know it when you pick it up and shoot it. Since DK is in your area, you two might should hook up at the range. He might let you shoot his guns if you supply the ammo. If you were in my neck of the woods, I would let you shoot mine.
Don't know of any shops in Knoxville, though I am sure there is a range there somewhere that will rent you one. As for which one, well, that's like asking which car should you buy. There are so many different makes, models and accessories that it would take a year to figure it out. All I can really offer you is that you go to a range that rents them and try out as many different ones that you can afford. My local range charges about $10 plus ammo to rent one of their guns. They have just about every major type to try. My first personaly owned handgun was a Beretta 92FS. Basically the same firearm that the military carries. I chose this because I got to use one in the military and I figured that since I was already familiar with it, I might as well buy it. Since then I have gone on to purchase a Glock and a 1911. I actually carry the Glock on almost a daily basis with the 1911 riding along when the mood strikes me. The Beretta has become a house gun for the wife to have more shots than her revolver before reloading. Anybody says to you that you have to purchase this gun or that gun then run away screaming from them because they are just giving you their opinion. I know that is what you are basically asking for, but my opinion is just to go to the range and get acquainted with the guns. If there isn't a range that rents guns, at least go to a store and handle as many as you can. When I purchased my Glock I was going after a Walther. The Glock felt better and came home with me.
Tower, I don't live anywhere near Mr. Yeagers establishment and even if I did, the cost is a bit prohibitive for me at this time. I plan on taking a street level fighting course from my local range where they teach you how to react in a Wal-Mart parking lot (basically) http://www.rangeusa.com/Training/CourseDescriptions/StreetHandgunLevelI/tabid/64/Default.aspx It may not be jungle survival, but it will be a start. I just need to get a couple more magazines for the Glock or Beretta (or both) and a belt carrier for them. I do need some 15 rounders for the Beretta if anyone has a few spare they don't want. And I vote for the Hot Air Popper - Orville Redenbacker can't be beat.
And, Tower, thanks for the backup.
I don't see where I "refused professional training." As a matter of fact, I intend to take a street fighting course at my local range when funds permit. I also fully intend on practicing this technique this weekend to find out how it works for me of did I fail to mention that. I have done some research on the training that has been offered here and I choose to support my local club. I also choose to fall back on some of the training that I had in the military. You say it has no merit. Maybe for you. Why not allow me to practice it and find out for myself whether or not I can get target acquisition faster with my index finger riding along side of the slide? Or maybe I should bow down to the all powerful Oz and reject anything that I might find out on my own? There is an old saying, there is more than one way to skin a cat. You say you will react how you have been trained to react - so no soldier has EVER frozen in battle even after COUTNLESS HOURS/DAYS/WEEKS of training for combat? Of course they have, and why is that? Because all of the training in the world cannot completely train you for people shooting at you. When there is a real possibility of DEATH on the line, you don't know how you will react. No one truely does until they have been in a life and death situation. I think on this matter, we are going to have to civilly disagree with each other, that is as long as we can both agree that everyone has an opinion....
Well, Memphis is becoming more and more like a jungle everyday. Oh well, I guess I will have to get out to the pretty part of TN one day.
Well said, Mr. Wolf. Want to come to Memphis and teach me some of that good clean living you do?
Lets see, I have seen practicle application for it. I have read Army and Air Force manuals that speak of using it as a first shot practice. I have no doubt that there are better methods of aiming a firearm, but if it helps me get a first shot on target with out having to use a laser or some other artificial device, why NOT practice it? I didn't read about it on the internet, I don't recall when I first heard about it, but I have talked it over with a bunch of friends that are regular shooters and they do see some merit in it. As Marswolf has stated, it is only recommended for an emergency shot. I think I even stated that it would help get the first shot on target allowing time for aimed follow up shots. Training is only as good as the ones teaching it and how you practice it. I am not exhalting or detracting from anyones trainging techniques, but until the Fit truely hits the Shan, you don't know how you are going to react. All the training in the world prepares you for some eventual scenario, but until you are actually faced with it, you don't know how you are going to react. How about setting up some training when you don't know when it's coming? All of the classes that I have seen or read about, they take you through the scenario a bit (at least discuss it) before it happens. What about the scenario where you are asleep in your bed and some one breaks in to your house? Or you are coming out of your favorite restaraunt and some one jumps you? Is there a way to truely prepare for those scenarios? Not with live rounds, and if you have your gun loaded with blanks when you need it you are screwed. Yes the training classes are good for some type of "Force on Force" but you have to admit, the fact that you know you will not be "hurt" does change your mindset about how you react. Take your class, enjoy yourself, have fun, talk about it on the internet and with your friends. Train the way you see fit, I will train the way I see fit.
That is not what I am saying. You do have to admit, however, that knowing you are not going to die during the training using UTM modified Glocks, does change your mindset a little bit. There is a difference in KNOWING you are going to walk away from a situation regardless of the outcome and NOT KNOWING. And Mars brings up a valid point. It may not be as accurate as true Aimed shooting, but if you use it to get your first shot on target, that will allow you more time to aim your follow up shots. Something I plan on working on at the range.
As for moving the middle finger independently of the others, I am a quitar player and have been for almost 20 years. I can move my middle finger and the fingers next to it move the same as when I move my index finger, so I will put that one thing aside. As for having a better grip on the gun, between my firing hand and supporting hand, I will have almost as many fingers around the grip. I will test it out this weekend (on Sunday) and give a report as to how it works for me. I would imagine it would help get the first shot on target quicker since you are actually pointing where you want the bullet to go. I realize you have tried it and I respect that, I will try it this Sunday, like I said, and let you know how it works out for me. No I haven't tested my ideas in Force on Force. Have you? Real force not hypothetical training force.
Why would you say that? Can you show where it doesn't help hit what you are aiming at? I will be testing this out this weekend to see how it works. I might lay my finger open but if it works better then I will continue to practice it.
Welcome to a good group of people that enjoy the shooting sports. Hope to meet you all one day.
Well, my personal opinion is buy one of both. That is my intention. Money being tight I picked up a WASR-1 just recently for about $400 with the 500 rounds of ammo for it. Ammo for the AK's is relatively cheap but supply is growing slim. I plan on blowing through a couple hundred rounds and leaving the other 300 for SHTF scenario's. As I come across more, I will purchase it and shoot the older stuff. I plan on purchasing an AR in the near future. Might not get the Kel-Tec this year in favor of holding off for the AR for Christmas. Who knows. When that time comes I am sure I will be asking a ton of questions similar to yours.
Welcome to the forums. Sounds like you have a good start on a nice collection. Keep up the good work with them and keep them clean and they will service you nicely.
[sarcasm]What are you trying to say, Reef? The bullet came from the back and to the left? [/sarcasm]
Question How does Momma feel about guns? I know this is your brother, but it is her family and if she doesn't want them around, then don't do it. Comment With the current administration that we have in Washington, purchasing a weapon for someone before they are even born is probably a good idea. I don't know that I would engrave the name on the gun, but if you were to go with the 1911, I know a place where you can get some www.wickedgrips.com from. Sorry admin if this is not the right place for this type of thing, let me know and I will be happy to remove the link.
Are there any features that you'd like to see?
saintsfanbrian replied to TGO David's topic in Feedback and Support
Not sure if this is something you can control or not Tungsten but I noticed on the Inbox that it seems to me that the message indication icons are reversed for unread and read mail. It appears that the read mail icon is a sealed envelope and the unread mail is an unsealed envelope. That seems backwards to me. I can deal with it no problem, just curious if I was the only one that had noticed. -
Well, the checkbook says I can't buy one and the wife agrees with it.
Dang, another gun that I won't have any time soon. I hate you so very very much. Looks like the list is growing and growing and growing.
How many guns have you bought this year?
saintsfanbrian replied to shaftbass's topic in General Chat
I bought an AK in January. I am thinking about bartering/trading/selling in order to get a Kel-Tec before the nice weather hits. -
Voodoo, a few of us are planning on meeting up on Sunday at RangeUSA around 1 if you want to join us you are welcome.
Commercial Appeal Article from 11/19/07
saintsfanbrian replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I think they talk to Scott in that article about RangeUSA. -
Welcome aboard. In Memphis, you can't go wrong having a carry permit.