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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian
I never intend on getting one of these badges (unless they make it mandatory if you have your permit.) I was actually trying to get LEO's ideas on what they encounter.
IS there a gun in this post? All I see is a sheet!!! Just joking, but if you could make the pictures a bit larger, we might be able to make out a little of the details in that cammo
Since he hasn't gotten back to us, I am assuming he is at the pub (not to be mistaken with the Bar) celebrating. Remember though, Ted Kennedy never could pass a bar and his car has killed more people than my gun!!!!!
Voodoo - I don't think anyone thinks your thoughts are controversial. Having a safety and using it when you are getting familiar with your firearm is a great idea. Then again, if you are not 100% familiar with it, you possibly shouldn't be carrying it but that is a judgment call that YOU have to make and then live with what ever consequences might arise. That being said, again, I cannot re-iterate enough the need to fire as many guns as you can get your hands on at a range in order to determine which one fits you best. If there isn't a range where you can rent them, at least go to a store and handle as many as you can. Talk to friends with guns and see if they will take you to the range so you can shoot theirs. Good points all in all VooDoo! Buy the best gun that you can afford. Just because you can get two or three different guns for the price you are looking at, doesn't mean that you should.
Gee, a growing general distrust of the government. I guess if they give us a reason to start trusting them again, then maybe I will. From what I have seen of our local government, it is about time to call in the national guard and take the city away from the criminals that are running it. Unfortunately, they keep getting elected for obvious reasons.
Oh, I wasn't meaning to use it to detain some one, I was meaning once you had the person detained, you could use it to help settle the LE's mind once they arrived on scene that you were not a bad guy. Or for those instances when you open carry in to the gas station etc.
This was brought up on another thread so I thought I would start a new one. Who thinks that a CCW badge is a good idea to have and use should you get in a situation that warrants drawing a weapon and possible "holding" a person until an officer arrives. I know as a permit holder you aren't supposed to "affect an arrest" but if you end up drawing your gun on some one and you don't actually have to fire it, what are you supposed to do?
I thought about buying one of those, but I agree, it kind of defeats the purpose of being concealed. Not to mention that I didn't want to be thought of as LE when I am not. The only time I might would reconsider is if I was open carrying. People tend to be a little less apprehensive when they see a badge, and most people don't know the difference between security officer/ccw/le badges until they get right up on top of them.
Come for the information, stay for the camaraderie. Welcome to the boards.
Well, the mail should have run by now, so did you get your scores? How'd you do?
Pay-Pal is owned by e-Bay. E-Bay is antigun It's that whole if then logic If e-Bay owns Pay Pal and e-Bay is Anti-Gun, then Pay-Pal is Anti-Gun. I think there is more to it, but that is the quick break down.
Hey, Loaded. That is the gun my wife purchased. Picked it up at the gun store and said, "I'll take it." We went to the range and she put 1 through the X in the center of the target at 15 feet and then proceeded to put another one right next to it making a figure 8 out of the hole. Nice gun.
Rudyard Kipling Words to live by.
Does it have to be "formal" training, or can I not train on my own at the range with people that I trust? Yes, there are a lot of people who have not had "formal" training from a private sector. I have been through military training on the M9 (did I mention that is one of the guns that I own?) and there are others who have been in combat scenarios. A few of those people have expressed that there might be some merit to this firing technique. I realize that you are not James Yeager, and I appreciate the fact that you actually took the time to write out a clear and concise reason for NOT using this technique, but then again, you call it stupid. How about a better word "ineffective." I might think the weaver stance is stupid, but that doesn't make it any less effective. If I personally can draw my weapon from my holster using the grip that you mentioned (3 fingers on the grip) and then slide my middle finger into the trigger gaurd while placing my supporting hand on the weapon and still get a round down range on target, what is the problem with that? I will try it this weekend and tell you how it works out for me. I may come home with a knot on my head from the recoil, or I may come home having found a new way to acquire a target, either way I will be no "worse for wear." And my only point on my last post was that Mr. Yeager, in his God like wisdom, declared this to be a Stupid idea, with out giving it any support other than "grow some balls" and "face me in a duel." That is childish and chittish in my opinion. Trigger, you are showing class to try to explain it. I do want to learn and I appreciate your attempt to guide me (and anyone else that might think about this method) so I will take your advice in to consideration, but for my own satisfaction (and because as my wife says I have a very thick skull) I will practice this technique on Sunday, just to see how it feels. There is a distinct possibility that I will come away from the range not wanting to use it anymore on my full size weapons, but could see a practicle application for it on compacts like a 3AT or P11. Thanks again, trigger.
Glockster, that is the reason I don't use the thumb safety. While your thumb is in the perfect position to deactivate it, even with proper training, we sometimes loose control of fine motor skills. Not having a safety to disengage is one more thing that you don't have to worry about should you need to draw and fire your weapon.
When I carry my 1911 I carry with the hammer back and the safety off. The gun isn't going to fire if I don't put my hand around the grip and pull the trigger. I have tested it in a bench at the range. If the backstrap is not depressed it will not fire. So I guess I am that nobody that you are talking about.
The United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. Hope you have a tree handy.
So you want me to run this little bitty target out to 45 feet and shoot it 5 times in no time limit? I am going to the range on Sunday, so I will give it a shot with all 3 of my handguns. What the heck, it's only $.40 for the stamp.
Carry a G19 daily, but I don't recommend starting out with them as your carry weapon. The safety on the trigger has a way of leading to "glockings." Like Mars, I don't carry a gun with a safety on. I do carry cocked and ready to rock on the 1911. The Beretta is carried in DA mode hammer down round in the chamber.
Sorry for the long post but: Let’s see, drewi. I have searched back through this thread to see exactly what Mr. Yeager has to say on the shooting technique that I have described and will attempt for myself this weekend. Here are the exact QUOTES of his comments 1st: 2nd. 3rd. It doesn’t appear anywhere on this thread where he shows reasons for or against using your middle finger to pull the trigger while your index finger points to your target. Using comments like “challenge” and “grow a set of balls” is akin to the school yard bully that when actually confronted by a person with knowledge of fighting or some one who has just had enough of their macho BS usually ends up on the short end of the stick. For Pete’s sake, I even think I mentioned at one time that I would put money on Mr. Yeager, though I think I will retract that statement after the comments that he has made. I understand he has a training facility to run and that takes up most of his time I am sure, but to make a comment and duck and run, you might as well be lying in a ditch when the shots are fired. Whining? I dare say not, I have expressed my opinions – as have most of the people on here. Mr. Yeager simply puts in a snide comment or a chest pounding here and there and runs away. I have listened to others comments on this style of shooting that I am interested in. I understand what their opinions are and I will keep those in mind as I practice it. Tungsten even made comment that we should ALL learn alternate methods of pulling the trigger. If your index finger gets cut off for some reason, how else would you do it? I have tried to read and re-read this entire thread to see where I am whining. I don’t claim to be an instructor, I wouldn’t want the headache, but I would think that an instructor would be open for discussion on a topic and at least hear both sides of the argument before launching in to “That finger along side the gun technique is just plain stupid” with out giving information and statistics to back it up. After all, he is only an instructor with these qualifications: Louisiana State Police Firearms Instructor Number #0259 F.B.I. Certified Firearms Instructor TN Department of Safety Certified Firearms Instructor FAA certified to instruct Law Enforcement “Flying Armed” courses A.L.S. Master Instructor (Less Lethal, Flashbangs, Chemical Weapons) Expandable Baton Instructor – Monadanock Bushmaster Certified Patrol Rifle/Carbine Instructor Aerosol O.C. Instructor – Fox Labs International Armor Holding - Gas Mask Instructor Armor Holdings - Pyrotechnic Munitions Instructor Armor Holdings - Distraction Device Instructor Armor Holdings – Chemical Weapons Instructor Armor Holdings - Less Lethal Munitions Instructor NRA Certified Handgun Instructor #11973397 NRA Personal Protection Instructor #11973397 Glock Certified Armorer Rangemaster Handgun Instructor Development Knife Defense Instructor Over 200 hours of DSS training for EP/PSD/BG Scientific Combat Method American Combat Masters 20 hour S.D.S.I. Tactical Rifle Course 16hours Tactical Knife Instruction- American Combat Masters 20 hour Black Water Lodge 32 hour Tactical Police and Military Shotgun Course Completed various 40 hour Officer Survival schools Attended Snipercraft 40 hour OPS - Advanced Low Light Shooting Instructor Course 40 hour OPS - Advanced Tactical Handgun Instructor Course 40 hour OPS - Handgun Instructor Course 40 hour OPS - Patrol Rifle Instructor Course 40 hour OPS -Shotgun Instructor Course 40 hour Jim Crews - Tactical Handgun 20 hour Halo Group - Advanced Tactical Handgun 18 hour Rangemaster - High Risk Personnel 16 hour Rangemaster - Crisis Response Team Training 80 hour S.W.A.T. UTM / Chief Tom Long 40 hour D.E.A. - Clandestine Lab Investigations 40 hour Criminal Investigation School UTM 40 hour Patrol Interdiction 40 hour Basic SWAT-Jackson SWAT Team 40 hour John Farnam Advanced Tactical Handgun Instructor Course 20 hour Military Counter Drug SRT course 48 Hour SWAT by Smyrna S.T.O.R.M. Team 40 hour 40 hours in-service 1996-through present Active Shooter Instructor Course / TTPPA 24 hrs 40 Hr Police Sniper School by Smyrna S.T.O.R.M. 28 Hour Carbine Instructor / Jim Crews 40 Hour F.B.I. SWAT course 5 day Strategos Spec-Ops Low-Light Team Tactics 50+ Hours Personal Security Course from Armor Group International (I.T.I. in VA) Tony Scotti Driving Instructor Course From: http://www.tacticalresponse.com/instructors/jamesyeager.php Remember, ladies and gentlemen, Character is doing the RIGHT thing when NO ONE is looking!!!!
I am looking to get the 3AT or PF9 by this summer for the exact reasons you stated Jack.
Let's see, this is a great way to drum up business. Let's belittle people that think differently from us and then puff up our chests and say I am the greatest soldier to ever live and I can whip your butt like standing still. I simply started out talking about a method of point shooting which I have heard of and was interested in learning more about, and all of a sudden I am a ball less wonder that won't drive 4 hours to face you in a mock duel? Okay, thanks Mr. Yeager, my decision to not attend your classes EVER has been finalized. You really opened my eyes as to the type of person that you are.
I doubt that Mr. Yeager will teach that in his class. He doesn't approve of it.