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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. I am gonna scan them in tomorrow and post the pictures of what a crack shot I am.
  2. Well, I shot the target today, but I don't think I will send it in. At 45 feet that thing looked like an index card so I didn't do so hot.
  3. Just take the trailing http:// off of speed's link. I just sent all of my elected officials the same basic letter telling them what I think of any gun bans. Hope they actually listen to all of us.
  4. My dad flew Cobra's and was working on the Apache when he was in the Army. This was prior to the Apache becoming the work horse of the Army/Marines.
  5. I like it fine. Wish I could have one, but again, the funds are not there right now.
  6. Glock, meet me in the parking lot prior to 1. I will be in the Blue Jeep Wrangler X with "In God We Trust" license plates.
  7. That does sound like a good price for personal defense ammo.
  8. Federal Hydra Shocks in all of my carry weapons.
  9. Mars, I wear shades when I am outside at a range (unfortunately the public one at the penal farm closed.) Inside it is a bit harder to see with shades on. I will pick up a pair of shooting glasses tomorrow.
  10. Welcome, rabbit. How's pooh and tigger. That's why I like indoor ranges.
  11. saintsfanbrian


    Dang - Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!
  12. Welcome aboard Sean. They aren't that expensive to get into, but once your are in, you are hooked and must have more. 3 years ago I bought my first. I know have 4 handguns, 1 shotgun and 2 rifles. I plan on getting another rifle or handgun soon.
  13. You suck SSS. I figured I would wear my New Orleans Saints hat so anyone from here will be able to recognize me. Looking forward to it. SSS, do they have some decent shooting glasses for sale up there. I hate wearing those big plastic things and the ones I have are all scratched up.
  14. This means naked arms, without sleeves. It should be "bear." We have the right to fuzzy appendages? Bear as in Brown, Black, Panda or Polar? I know what you mean though.
  15. I was just wondering what anyone thought about Laser Sights?
  16. Will the regular range officer at RangeUSA do? I don't know that they are NRA or not but I would imagine they are.
  17. All right, enough already about the point shooting technique. I get the picture. It's a stupid idea and no one should use it.
  18. Here's the situation. Funds are a little tight, but I can probably stand to put a few dollars a week into a gun if I put it on lay-a-way. I have a problem with spending cash if it is in my pocket. The question is, if I put a bushmaster or colt AR-15 on lay-a-way and during the time it is in they pass a ban forbidding the purchase of ANY "assault" weapons, do I still get to get it out since I started the purchase prior to the ban or would the gun store be required to return all of my money to me? I think I might go this route if any of the local shops offer decent terms.
  19. Voodoo, I am not saying that you should not be carrying a firearm. I am only stating, that if you are not fully familiar with your firearm then you POSSIBLY shouldn't be carrying it. I am sure that you didn't go out and buy your first gun and then take the class the next day, got you permit and immediately started carrying. You are right, your instructor is more qualified to assess your ability than I am. I did not intend to insult your abilities in the least. If I did, I am sorry. As to the finger along the rail comment. That is a shooting style that I have thought about trying. When I qualified, I too used the front sight. I continue to use the front sight. I am only curious about a possible alternative way of target acquisition. Look, I am no expert, I don't claim to be, but I was offering my opinion on getting familiar with a gun before you carry it. I could probably use a lot of help on stance and grip because other than the military a while ago, I have no "formal" training and the guys I used to go shooting with were not much help. I don't shoot long distances, usually under 25 feet, because I don't feel that anything over that distance really merits me using a weapon. I can probably find cover or get out of the situation. Why not come out to Range USA on Sunday and we can meet and maybe get a shooting buddy out of it.
  20. No problem, I will dress up in my Tacticool vest with all of my armament so you can see how prepared I am for any situtaion
  21. Thanks for the input, RN. Like I said on my other post, I don't intend on getting one, I was just interested in the thoughts of LE on it. Come to think of it, the person I heard about it from was a security guard at the local grocery store. I'm probably not the brightest bulb in the pack for even thinking about it.
  22. Just a reminder, I will be at RangeUSA tomorrow at 1 if anyone wants to join me. I know you are planning on attending Glocking.
  23. Salb, From my experience with certification exams, if you are constantly scoring in the high 90's on the practice tests, it is time to take the real test and you will probably end up with around a 75 or 80. The reason is test anxiety. Good luck on the next one.
  24. The safe zone is no place. Even in your bed, there is a possibility of being harassed. That being said, once I get home, the pistol goes in a safe place where the kids can't get to it but I or my wife can. I usually am more relaxed when the two of us are together. Not fully relaxed, but more relaxed. The reason is that she is more suspicious than I am of people around her so she keeps a watchful eye, and I am there as back up. The neighborhood I live in is safe. There hasn't been a break in in years and no one has been accosted. That doesn't mean it can't happen, only that there are easier places for the criminals to go so they choose those places. I too have carried in the home on a regular basis in our old neighborhood. It is the 2nd most active place for a carjacking in this city. Now I am in the least likely place to be carjacked. To each his own, but in my opinion, if you feel the need to carry a gun while in your own home, it might be time to move. As far as away from home, I arrive at work armed and I leave armed. If company policy would allow it, I would be armed at work. When we go out, I am armed from the time we leave the house until we get back, unless we go some place that serves alcohol or it is expressly forbidden to be so.
  25. SSS, I would love to earn one the hard way, the wife says no though so I guess I will just have to go around badgeless. Okay so it was a stupid question in the first place and not very well thought out. Thanks guys.


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