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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. Welcome to the boards. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. My wife thinks that most of the training classes that she has seen is just a bunch of big kids rolling around in the dirt and playing cops and robbers only with real guns. As for formal training for her? Not gonna happen.
  3. Position is no different than a verticle shoulder holster.
  4. Has anyone tried concealment T-Shirts. On the other forum that I am a member they are asking about it. I know it's basically a wife beater, but they also offer V-Necks. http://www.magills.com
  5. enough said. Taking a quick perusal of their (TFA's) site, I noticed that it is not maintained on a regular basis. I am not saying they are a bad organization, but though it is a State issue, one would think that they would be talking about the HR1022 that is in congress right now and try to "rally the troops" to contact their representative in order to express their view on this important bill. Just my 2 cents worth on the issue. If Tungsten would prefer that we not use the Tennessee Gun Owners name, well I am sure that we are resourceful enough to come up with a new name. For the Memphis Chapter, I was thinking Mid-South Marksmen to help draw people from West Memphis, Desoto County and this side of the state. Anyone interested in starting this group of people for get togethers etc, send me a PM and we can start discussions for moving forward with it.
  6. Mars, My original intent of a local TGO group was to do basically what you were talking about. Start off with getting together to go shooting. Just the guys and girls that are in to shooting at first. Eventually, after a couple of range and lunch (or dinner) outings (it's a great thing that our local range has a diner in it) and feeling each others social standards out then get the families together. I know that I have 2 small children and Glock has a couple of rugrats running around. It would be fun to get them together in the grass and just let them be kids. I know my oldest (2 1/2 year old) loves to play with other kids. I would like to see a group of us West Tennesseeans and more specifically Memphians and Shelby Countians band together to get the firing range re-opened at Shelby farms or get them to allow the public access to the Shelby County Sheriff's Office range which is basically across the street and backs up to the wolf river. As for the TFA, I have looked around a bit and I don't see where the local Memphis chapter is really doing anything. Do I want to go all political with the TGO thing? Not to start off with. Get a bunch of fellow gun nuts together and go shooting. At public ranges/private land, doesn't really matter so long as everyone is safe.
  7. Well, I already brought up possibly opening up a "Memphis/West TN" chapter of this under the Shelby County Range question. I am at home today with sick wife and kids so the calling will have to wait until tomorrow. Anyway, whether to form a political group or not is a good question. Something I have considered for a while is getting in to "politics" where I know I can do the most good. That being said, Where or Where is our Tungsten tonight with his views on the subject.
  8. PM Sent
  9. Glock, I think I saw you come in with your wife. I did notice that there were guite a few couples shooting at the range on Sunday. Next time we will have to schedule the meeting out in the lobby, and maybe do it on a week night when they aren't as busy.
  10. The man from the Parks commission or whatever it was didn't get back to me yesterday so I will call him again today and I will keep calling him until I get an answer. Reef, I understand that there was more to it than just what was covered, but it seems to me, that they are still doing the maintenance since the park is still open and the grass is still being cut.
  11. According to the people I spoke with this morning, the range was cut due to funding. I don't see how since you paid $12 a day to shoot and often times it ran out of lanes due to classes, people staying all day etc. I really enjoyed being out doors and shooting. Mayhaps we should create this West TN chapter of TGO's and start lobbying these places to get the range re-opened. I can't see where the BMX track is a money maker but it is still open.
  12. Shay, I don't think anyone ever said that you hadn't tried other techniques of shooting. The argument was made that you shouldn't use the style that I suggested because it was "stupid" with out giving any reasoning behind that statement. So I tried it for myself and determined that not only was it NOT stupid, but that it could actually have practicle application.
  13. Revolvers have "less" moving parts, but as for easy of maintenance, the semi's are relatively easy they just take a couple more minutes of cleaning, and who doesn't enjoy that.
  14. So I called them and they said that it wasn't available to "rent out" yet the Tennessee Trapshooters Association shows them using that park most months this year. They are supposed to be getting back to me about this. The question is, if it is available for "rent" by clubs or organizations, who in the Memphis/West Tennessee area is interested in starting a "chapter" of TGO in order to gather funding to be able to "lease" the area. If it isn't, who in this part of the state is interested in starting a TGO chapter just as a way to get together with families that share similar interests and go shooting/hang out on occassion?
  15. I hadn't heard that but if that is all it takes to be able to shoot over there, where do I sign up. That range is about 3 miles from my home and it would be awfully convenient to be able to go over there some evenings, especially since the days are starting to get longer.
  16. Well, even a blind squirel finds a nut every now and then.
  17. You weren't looking on lane #2 in the large side. I am not a small guy so I am not hard to miss. I was shooting next to the 2 police officers and the 1 trainee. 3 to 1 lane. I am seriously affraid if they considered the trainee good when he was having problems hitting at 15 and 20 feet. 7 feet he did "excellent" on.
  18. Branket, That sounds like a great idea. Good to get a feel for everything that you can.
  19. Welcome to the state and the forums. Good group of people and as I have stated before, "Come for the information, stay for the camaraderie." What part of the state are you in?
  20. I was there at 1 shooting in lane 2. (Red hooded sweatshirt) I guess I should have said lets meet at the TV inside prior to getting a lane. Anyway, a good day shooting was had and if you noticed, I did a write up on the technique I was trying out under sightless shooting. There were a couple of people that I thought might be you guys, but like SSS said, I didn't want to look like a freaking idiot. My jeep was in the first parking spot that wasn't handicapped in front of the building. Yeah, the large side filled up really quickly. I was only there for about 45 minutes, I ran out of ammo. Good idea Steelharp. Maybe we can get Cafepress to print something up for us, like a bumpersticker or something unless anyone on here works for or owns a printing company.
  21. Sean, The MOST important thing when picking out a new (or used) gun is that it fits you. You can go out an purchase this Glock or that Sig with out ever actually holding it and get to the range and not like the way it fits in your hand. If there is a gun store near by, go in talk to the guys that work there, build a relationship and handle as many of the guns that they stock. If there is a range that sells and rents guns even better. Go in there and build a better relationship and rent as many of the different types and calibers of guns that they have. Many people come looking for that perfect gun that will drop a BG in one shot. I am here to tell you that gun is different for all of us. I personally like Beretta's, Glocks and 1911's while others like H&K's, Sig's and Walthers. I like 9mm but also shoot .45 when shooting the 1911. Other people insist that the .45 is the only caliber to carry. A .45 to the arm is not going to stop a BG but a 9mm to the heart will. I am not trying to detract from what anyone else has said. I think most have offered sound advice. I am only trying to add that it is very important that you find a gun that fits both your wallet and your hand. One person might tell you that a Taurus is "junk" while another person will tell you where theirs has saved their life. Tungsten is offering good advice on finding Police "trade ins" as it is getting more common for LE's to only use their guns twice a year for qualifying etc. I know that the ones on this board are not in this category, but I bet everyone of them knows at least one of their fellow officers that is like this. Welcome to the club, Sean. Enjoy your new hobby, it just might save your life one day.
  22. No problem, Mars. I thought it necessary to let some people that are only listening to the "experts" hear what it was like from a "layman's" point of view. And Reef, I didn't know derringers came with trigger gaurds
  23. No problem Mr. StevensTN. I was just wanting to give everyone my opinion of this technique since it was heatedly debated the last few days.
  24. Sorry, Tungsten. They are making an opportunity for training that could help you in a fight one day.
  25. Well, so I went to the range today and I tried out this technique that so many people labeled as "stupid." Here is what I learned from the ordeal: I had NO PROBLEM manipulating the trigger with my middle finger. While using my supporting hand on the gun, I had NO PROBLEM with recoil and getting back on target. I also think that while you may not have AS MUCH of a grip on the firearm as you are clearing the holster, once you get it to a position with your support hand, there is as little chance of some one taking it away from you as there is if you have 3 fingers on the grip and one on the slide. I also shot NO WORSE than I did using my standard sighting practices. Since the range frowns upon drawing from a holster (unless you are in one of their classes) I didn't practice that at the range though I did try it at home (unloaded just in case) and had NO PROBLEM drawing the pistol from a Fobus paddle holster using only my ring finger and pinky finger on the grip of the gun to clear the holster and to raise it to a firing position. With my finger along the slide I was able to get of a descent grouping at both 15 and 25 feet with out using any sights at all. (I think I have stated before that when I "train" I train at distances I will likely be involved in a confrontation. Outside of 25 feet, I can imagine a DA or Defense Attorney or Civil attorney would have a field day with Mr. Saintsfanbrian, Why didn't you just seek cover when the incident started and leave it to the police to handle?) When I used the sights, obviously the grouping got better but ALL shots hit within the 8 ring and in a "fire fight" I will take 15 shots in that part of the body while still being able to be aware of where the bad guys buddies are with out much effort at all. Do I think this is the BEST shooting technique out there? Nope, but I do think it is one that I will practice more, just in case the need arises for me to be able to manipulate my pistol with out the use of my index finger. Also a reason to get to the range more often. Do I think it is STUPID? Nope, not in the least, but hey, this is all just my OPINION and since I have had NO FORMAL TRAINING, I suggest you try it out for yourself before you let some one else tell you it is stupid and should not be used by anyone.


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