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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. Welcome to the boards and to the shooting sports. I live in Memphis, and yup, we tried to get together for a shoot but logistics just went south on us. We were all at the same range at the same time but none of us actually met the other ones. We will plan better next time and meet up at CK's or something prior to shooting. I am hoping we can all get together towards the end of April for a shoot.
  2. Only problem is that he needs to get feedback from his constituents on how to vote. I understand that they voted to represent them but he should be taking their input and voting that way.
  3. It is rather amazing at what people discuss that are supposedly educated. I had a Biology teacher sophomore year of high school that spread the quote: "Small minds talk about people, large minds talk about things, great minds talk about ideas." That being said, I guess it shows how small minded most people are when Britney Spears being out of rehab is a major story on the morning news. Just my 2 cents worth, but this is the reason that confiscation and reduction or rights could happen. People that are uninformed making decisions for the rest of us.
  4. If you don't believe this statement is true, turn on night time television and see how many "contest" shows there are that have votes to decide who gets to stay and who has to leave. Survivor American Idol The Apprentice The American Dream Then there are the touchy feely shows like Extreme Home Makeover, where some person who may or may not deserve it gets a free home etc. It really does sicken me to see the plight that we are in. It also assures me that my children are going to be home schooled.
  5. This is the true likely scenario. A Katrinaesque situation. Granted, here in Memphis, there would be bedlam and martial law would be declared. King Willie would run to Southaven where he would be safe and the police (okay not all, but probably a decent sized portion) would be in league with the looters. If that happened, the time will have come for me and my family to say goodbye and good ridance to this part of the country. We would be on the way to the East with guns in car. If the storm troopers came to the door, I would like to think that there would be enough of us to stop them. I would also like to think that there would be a few states that would at that time decide to "seceed" from the nation. Montana is one I would think would be in that group and probably many of the southern states. There would probably be a civil war over this scenario and under those circumstances, it would be time to "join up" again to fight for my rights. I don't really like the scenario, but that is absolutely a worst case scenario and one that would be evaluated if and when the time comes. It is easy to say, yup, from my cold dead hands but once the bullets are flying, well, that is a whole different story.
  6. The question begs though, what about our children? Would they be better off if I fought and died over the right to own a firearm? I hope like heck it never gets to that. I truly believe that there would be an uprising by more than just the 2A freedom fighters if this were the case, but then again, the only thing people did when alcohol was outlawed was to create it in their own homes and hide it and risked going to jail. So utlimately that was found out to be a bad idea and was overturned. I think if the laws were changed to remove firearms from individuals, with the mass congregation of people that we have in certain areas, there would be lawlessness and hopefully then the powers that be would realize what a huge mistake they have made. I would hope that a "civil war" were not fought over this topic, though I think it would be. My wife and I have had the discussion about what we would do. If it were just the two of us, we would fight to the end, but we have 2 small children that we have to think about also. I know, keeping the 2nd is important for their future, but me being alive to help guide them is also important. What out weighs the other? And, Jackdog, I too remember taking that oath. I too wonder how many of them would actually take up arms against their fellow Americans over a "lawful" order. Remember, if Congress changes the bill of rights by removing the right to bear arms, they would be following a lawful order. Though the "enemies" giving it would be domestic ones.
  7. On that note, I had the Director of Security at my last job TELL me that unless there is a bona fide reason, they DO NOT search vehicles and this was at a major hospital that owned a lot of land in down town Memphis. Before I got my permit I asked him about it, knowing he was an ex cop and a gun lover as I was I wanted his take on the situation. He basically told me that if he wanted to, he could probably go out to the parking lot and find 100 guns. But that he never wanted to go looking so it wouldn't be an issue. Here, you just had to make sure it was tucked away prior to pulling in the gate.
  8. Both eyes open for pistols, I haven't done much rifle shooting lately so I haven't tried it with them. I like being able to see what's around me.
  9. There is actually a city (Germantown) that is much like this. They have (or had, it looks like times are changing there) regulations about the color of flowers/Christmas lights, house colors and many other regulations you had to abide by. The BP station had to change its signature colors in order to open in the city. The reason they do this is to "keep out the riffraff" and it works. It looks nice and the crime rate is relatively low in that city. Well, it used to be. Then the city of Memphis came along and cut through some major roads to some "less than desirable" neighborhoods. Now things are going "downhill" fast.
  10. Grayfox, Welcome from another HK member. Glad you made it.
  11. It would depend on the situation I am afraid. Unfortunately, we are out numbered by the military and for them to "take away" your firearms would mean a house to house search which would indeed involve military action and compliance. Many people would go out the first day of revocation and gladly hand in their firearms. Why? Because they are law abiding citizens and this is the law. The criminals would still have their guns. More than they do now I would likely say. The rest of the citizens that feel Molon Labe would end up being portrayed as Macho says as nuts and would be scoffed by the media and the general public. Now, if the military did start marching up the street to confiscate firearms, I think it would be time for a "revolution" but I don't believe it would be much of a fight.
  12. Don't be nervous. Just go to class, listen to the instructor and take your time. There is no time limit on the shooting part and even if there was, to be 100% honest, it was kind of a joke. The majority of the shots were taken at 7 and 12 feet with a few at 24 and a few at 45 (I think that was the distances.) But again, most were at the close up. You shoot 48 rounds and I can't remember exactly what you had to score. The instructor took one look at mine and the guys that were next to me and said, "You pass" as there was not a clear way for him to "count" all of the hits. It really is quite an easy thing to do, the hardest part is coming up with the time to do it.
  13. Let's see, as far as them being "illegal" well, the only way they would find out I had one is if they came in to my house illegally and searched it in which case they would find out very quickly whether or not I owned any firearms. As for walking around with it outside, well, if it is concealed properly, they wouldn't see it. I don't think any of my neighbors know that I own firearms.
  14. Welcome to the boards from another fellow Memphian.
  15. That is my point exactly, Jackdog. Very few places I don't carry.
  16. I like the new signature, Mars. Next you will find one for the Glock to upset those people
  17. What are you trying to say, Mars? Actually, since all AF members are on mobility stand by, you would think they would require more time on the range and in training scenario's for them. I guess that is what training facilities are for though.
  18. The rumor was true. The military started a study of many different manufacturers to replace the M9 with a .45 of some type. That plan has been put on hold though. (The Rifleman comes in handy for somethings.) Many of the manufacturers came up with guns for this, Ruger, S&W, H&K, Beretta, most of the biggies. I think they were even looking at the XD series from Springfield. They want closer capacity to the M9 which is why they aren't going back to the Colt.
  19. According to Steve Atterson at Shelby Farms, the people that were shooting trap were a high school group and they have a contract that will probably not be renewed. The Boy Scouts also have some things going on over there on occassion but that is something that will probably not be continued. Hikers on the trails that run behind the range complained enough and budgetary concerns were what lead to the demise of the range. In other words (in my opinion) Hippies and Politicians Pockets won out over our ability to go shooting in the sun. He told me that there would probably NEVER be rifle shooting over there again and the Master Planning for the park was coming up soon. So, how do we petition Shelby County Sherrif's Office to allow us to use their range.
  20. Okay, gang, everyone has gotten on the "bashing" of Tactical Response. I suggest that we end that now before an otherwise good thread gets locked or the mods/admins get annoyed. If you have chosen to not do business with them, that is fine, but if you notice, Shay has started another thread to tell you where there might be some good training or instructors in your area. While you may not like one school, he is taking the time to give you alternate resources while at the same time possibly losing money for his company. Let us RESPECTFULLY move on to other topics of interest.
  21. Trying to make sure they have ample opportunity to see pictures to be able to make a positive ID at the lineup?
  22. Thank you, Shay, for taking the time to create this list. It means something if you are willing to put someones well being over making a profit any day.
  23. Did you look here? http://rlcompanyusa.stores.yahoo.net/exkybeclfori.html They have some extra belt clips that you can order.
  24. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay.


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