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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. I always tried to honor the owners request when they put up the circle with the slash as I felt they did not want my money. Now I will simply ensure that I honor their request. No big deal. Most places deliver and I can cook better than any restaurant.
  2. But can you name the original Cast members?
  3. I wish I still had my original R2-D2 toy. But alas it went through the swamps of Dagobah (otherwise known as the creek behind the house where I grew up.)
  4. Actually - in a short term SHTF scenario in this country having gold and silver would be a valuable asset. You should keep more silver in coin form (not the current nickels, dimes, quarters but the old ones that actually have silver in them) to trade. The dollar may be worthless but that gas station will likely take your silver coins to purchase fuel with. Silver can also be melted down and used for other things should you need to. Having gold is nice but as some one stated - do you really want to have to haggle to get that gold coins value in goods at the local mini-mart? I doubt it but would have some to make larger purchases. As for an individual that purchased $20K of gold and now has the lap of luxury - God on you! Keep it up and keep investing.
  5. Aren't you glad that Steve Cohen from Memphis is involved with this? Aren't they doing wonderful things with our Tax dollars?
  6. My brother in law contacted them and gave them a schematic of his back yard. They told him the proper placement and he hasn't had any issues. We use the Pest Off sprayer. It works well for our needs. :: - Pest Off - Mosquito Control Systems and Products, LLC - Products - ::
  7. Congratulations on the new addition. I think this calls for an addition to the safe also.
  8. See if America is what it is today in 30 years. My guess it will be worse or there will be more than one.
  9. Adversity truly brings communities together. This is the way things are supposed to work. One of your neighbors is in trouble and you help them out.
  10. Bredesen knows he is going to be out of office soon and wants us to pay for a trip to China for him. Simple as that. If it were on his dime he wouldn't be going.
  11. saintsfanbrian


    I just picked up the MagPul M&P-15 from Classic Arms. I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet but my BIL has 2 other M&P 15's and they are great shooters. Since this is for your son I would recommend purchasing a complete rifle as opposed to a parts kit or a home built. Having the manufacturer's warranty behind it is a little piece of mind. Most go for less than $1000 as long as you aren't looking for anything too fancy. .223 is the most common caliber SHOT through the AR-15 however I would look for one chambered for 5.56x45. The 5.56 is slightly larger than the .223. You can shoot .223 from a rifle chambered for 5.56 however you should not shoot 5.56 from a rifle chambered for .223. The pressures are different and it could cause a malfunction.
  12. The site states a lifetime $50,000 fire protection. Didn't look to hard though.
  13. You should let it go. Something will convince him when the time is right to carry all the time. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. It sounds like he already has a taste since he obtained his permit. Many people won't even do that.
  14. in and around metropolitan areas will be over run with looters and hoards. I am making arrangements to be as far away from one as possible amongst like minded individuals. It may take several days of walking but we will get there. As was previously stated, if this is a man made occurrence likely we will see it coming and have time to go. If this is a natural disaster (Tornado, Earth Quake, Flood) then the first thing is to hunker down until some sort of "order" is returned as far as roads being somewhat passable. Then get to the safe house.
  15. Hope they have flood insurance. Not that Toby Keith cannot afford to replace the equipment but wow. That's all I can say.
  16. If you can't hit the broad side of a barn with a .45 it won't do you any good in a gun fight. If you can shoot the wings off if a gnat at 100 yards with a .22 you will likely come out of the scrape okay using it. Practice with what you carry.
  17. Leave the cleanup of mudslides to the engineers. That's what we pay them for. Get a 4X4 and drive out of there.
  18. Wow - that sucks. All I can say is hope you have good insurance. Hey how about EMA money.
  19. You can't go wrong with spyderco knives
  20. No problem. I didn't think I would make it what with the weather and all but the wife said go so go I did. Got there just in time for the deluge to start. Mason was great and took care of things in no time. Almost had the rra sold before I walked out of the store but the other guy had to godeal with his wife and wantedto trade in an m-14. Thanks again. See you in the funny pages
  21. Thanks - Classic Arms:
  22. I play guitar (though not very well) so I am always drawn to the good ones. I liked Vai and Malmsteen. Jeff Johnson etc. There were a bunch. Randy Rhodes was amazing as well. Singers - Even Sebastian Bach was a decent singer. I liked that most of the metal bands didn't just get up and scream in the microphone like so many do these days. They actually tried for harmony and melody until they smoked to many marlboro's and had to jump off the stage at their fans. I think the move Rock Star is funny and true.
  23. Loved that book. Crichton certainly knew his stuff. It wouldn't surprise me if some environmentalists were sabotaging oil rigs in order to further their agenda. Then again, nothing surprises me about the current state of the country.
  24. Ahh the Antenna club. Too bad it isn't still around. NTJ rocked that place.
  25. Doesn't sound like bad hypothesizing.


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