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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. I went out to dinner with the MIL last night in North Mississippi. I was unsure of the law and in a T-Shirt that printed VERY badly (wasn't planning on making any stops) so being as I am from TN and used to the draconian law here I disarmed. I checked the laws this morning and it appears that So, did I have to disarm since this was a restaurant or could I have gone in with out problem?
  2. If I am bleeding to death, I don't care what product you use to get me stable enough to get to the medic. I would change my name to the product if necessary to survive. That being said, I think they are a good idea to have in the SHTF kit. Especially if you are married or want to keep the women folk happy.
  3. None, once you reach the age of majority you are afforded the rights and protection under the constitution. The 2nd amendment states this is a right and heller upheld that to a degree.
  4. I agree, though they are probably closed for the day now.
  5. It's the reality tv/youtube generation. They think it is cool to put things like this and then post them to the web. What a wonderful world. If I were the parents of the baby, that teenager would be feeling a good bit of whoopin on his backside. I don't think a jury would convict or even indict me.
  6. Reserves the right does not mean that they will ask you to leave immediately. It depends on the manager.
  7. Hex, Have you called them and asked them to explain what is taking so long?
  8. Can you show the legal representation of this? I have always read it as the owner or their agent responsible for the security of the business. NOT the patrons, simply the property and possessions of the owner.
  9. More likely than not, the simple act of unholstering, aiming and sighting at the dog (looking him in the eye basically) was enough to make him stop. Had his front feet left his property I would have shot.
  10. Nope, those would be "reasonable restrictions"
  11. The only problem is that the DC Mayor and the Chief of Police both say that it will be illegal to own a semi-automatic or automatic firearm. So I guess you can only own revolvers. There will be many more cases in the future now that the SCOTUS has ruled that the right is an individual right.
  12. I was very happy to see them link the Right to gun ownership with the right to assemble and be free from unreasonable search and seizure. Looks like a banner day for the 2A. Thank you NRA, GOA, and Justice Scalia, now, does it say I have a right to a fully automatic glock 7?
  13. Where is that poll?
  14. So many jokes, Rabbi, so little time.
  15. Forget sending them. Scan and email/fax them.
  16. Bumping in to a man from Berkley to solve a mystery about a strange bulge in the pants? Not what I would do. I would just ignore the situation. If he asks, remind him of the don't ask don't tell policy and be on your merry way. If the boss doesn't mind why should he?
  17. That is disgusting. Anyone catch the Memphis News where a similar thing happened in the Cordova McDonald's parking lot? Some one video taped it but no one did anything like calling the cops.
  18. Actually, there is merit to this one. If you knew that you were going to be put to death for your crime you are less likely to leave a witness. The rapist is going to get the death penalty anyway so you might as well kill the child and there be a better chance of you not getting caught. Do I like it? Nope, but I can see the point. As far as it being cruel or unusual punishment? Well the document reads cruel AND unusual. As I heard on the way back from lunch, until 1938 the French still used the guillotine to execute criminals. Was it cruel? Yup! Was it unusual? Nope! Carry on Froggies.
  19. Well, having been in this situation before with my kids in the line I use it as an opportunity to teach manners. Usually the response is something to the affect of: "Remember, kids, manners are free. Anyone can have them."
  20. Last time I went I wasn't patted down or anything. So I don't know about the "check" at the door.
  21. I think it more sounds like: "They SCOTUS over a barrel and there is nothing we can do about it." Djeat?
  22. Good idea but the bold sections are why it won't pass. Count me in.
  23. We tried it and it didn't work so well for us, but it could have been our gutters or something. Let me know what you think.
  24. You should have run the TICS check on him for buying the ammo. That is funny though.
  25. Do you think any charges will come of this? Nope, and all he has to say is that his is the logo for his campaign and is not in any way affiliated with the seal of the POTUS.


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