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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. Haven't yet but will by the end of this weekend. Weekdays are always better I just need to see who is running on the local tickets.
  2. Don't get me wrong in the least. I think that a welfare system has merit. Unfortunately it is being bastardized by the ones that use it as a means of not having to work. Many people go "into the system" because of a life emergency and are able to work their way out of it. This was the intent. Not what it has become.
  3. I thought it was that the Left hand is for working and the right hand is for everything else.
  4. [ame]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4Y4keqTV6w[/ame] That is too funny. They are so making fun of him.
  5. I went to Bass Pro Shops as it was the only place opened that sold holsters. Mine arrived late on Saturday and we had to go to a birthday party and the wife wouldn't let me carry there.
  6. Well, can I get some of that wealth from his pocket?
  7. I don't believe the Written Directive would get around the "restaurant carry" as you are not a police officer in official discharge of your duties. But then again, I am not a lawyer.
  8. Actually, Tungsten, it is better to work out in the evening though I find I don't have time if I want to play with the kids until late (8 or 9) and then it isn't easy to get to sleep.
  9. Works for me. (as far as I know. I haven't checked with the Boss.)
  10. You want StrickJ to come over and help you work off the donuts? Damn - how long has the wife been gone? Oh - and Heaven is a warm gun.
  11. Too many people are caught up in the historic factor of it. Forget the fact that either way history is being made. So a black man will get elected president before a white woman will be elected vice president. I think what you will find is that the majority of the youth will not show up on election day to vote either way. The Universities are breeding grounds for liberalism. Personally, I don't like the voting rules any more. I think you should be a property owner in order to vote. But hey, who am I.
  12. Concerned? Sure I am concerned. I am afraid of what he will do as far as foreign relations go. I am afraid he will not have the cojones to stand up to some of the Rogue nations and tell them how things are going to be in the US of A.
  13. Seen the sign but since I never take firearms there for service I ignore it. I figure as long as I am not opening up boxes of ammo in the aisles and filling magazines and it is concealed no one should care.
  14. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/09/25/092508_pbsobrief.html Anyone thinking it wouldn't happen needs to follow the above link.
  15. And the Geeks shall inherit the Earth. I love it when the "smart kids win"
  16. Yes - I recommend Fat people carry. I also recommend skinny, short, tall, young, old, man or woman. So, that sums it up. Get a better holster. I am sure there are some out there, adding a bit of leather to the one you currently have won't hurt but you are only delaying the inevitable.
  17. Recent case law says you would not be arrested. Vince Young had an unloaded handgun in his car. It was in the glove compartment. He was not arrested because it is not against the law to have an unloaded gun in the car. I would use this in court if necessary since the gun was in a locked compartment in the back of the vehicle unloaded. Could you be arrested? Yup. Could you go to court? Yup. But I think the DA would drop it before it could get that far.
  18. Have in the past and will in the future if necessary.
  19. 1. a pellet/bb gun to really learn your first shooting skills with (you'll shoot your eye out.) 2. a .22 to hone those skills that you learned in the back yard shooting cans. 3. a 12 gauge shotgun for hunting small game with. 4. a rifle suitable for hunting / zombie killing (AK/AR whatever.) 5. a good quality semi-automatic or revolver hand gun for personal protection. This is what everyone should own. P.S. I actually have all but he BB gun but when the kids are a little older I will have one again.
  20. Sorry, but per ATF Form 4473 : Which is :
  21. PackinMama- I have the two shepherds. The black one (Nikki) has displaysia. She is almost 12 years old. I don't think she has that many more in her. She was our first kid. Missy (the pup) is already 5. I think when they are gone we are going with a short haired dog because agreed that Shepherds are THE BEST dogs out there I couldn't "replace" either of them. Sorry for your loss.
  22. They have to get through LSU - Geaux Tigers!
  23. Joe's a good guy - for an Aussie. Welcome to the boards Joe. Sorry it is under these circumstances.
  24. Neither of my dogs likes my mother. We don't let her come around much.
  25. Very salient points. Too bad people forget that.


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