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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. See the post by Orson Scott Card that I made regarding Obama and the Economy. Why is there a likely possibility that Palin would become President? IF she did it would only be after 4 to 8 years of McCain. It is more likely that Biden would serve as President quicker then Palin could ascend if Obama wins.
  2. http://www.ornery.org/essays/warwatch/2008-10-05-1.html I thought this was fabulous. Too bad the papers won't do it.
  3. Wow, all the men responding to Sewing Machines. What's next?? Seriously though, my wife has an old Singer portable that she uses.
  4. Gosh, because criminals are going to obey the law! I see so many law abiding citizens walking around shooting people up with their AR's.
  5. Yes, the TBI is supposed to destroy the records within 72 hours. However, the gun dealer that you purchased from has to keep the form for life (I think it is like 12 years). This includes all of YOUR information and the information on the firearm. So Johnny ATF agent could come knocking on your door looking for x-firearm.
  6. Likely there will not be any problems in the first couple of years of Barak's presidency. There are many other issues that He wishes to tackle before taking on guns. I think there will be enough backlash at the policies that he creates in those 2 years that you will see a swing to the conservative in the next mid term elections. This is a good thing. I like having a House and a President from different parties. A lot less gets done on capital hill which is a good thing for you and me. As for buying things - if there is another ban what do you think will happen? Do you think it will be like the last one? It won't. It will be much more severe. The dems realized that it didn't work the way they had it. As for burying things - Nope, I just sold them all right before the ban went in to effect. As for a 1911. I had one, I didn't like it.
  7. Well, if you were in Memphis and it happened to show up in the back yard I am sure it would be welcome.
  8. Pay Pal is eBay and vice versa. That is why they have the stranglehold on that site. Personally, I would rather give money to the local guy if possible.
  9. Great post, too bad the letter won't do one lick of good.
  10. I am not selfish I just don't think it is the governments place to take my hard earned money and give it to some one who isn't working. I think it is the place of the community and the churches to take care of the people down on their luck. And as far as this If you cannot see this is already happening by the advent of Gay Marriage and the "separation" of Church and State that you see all over the place then you need to open your eyes a little more.
  11. Shouldn't it be the other way around - we need a YTD financial statement and then a table for 4 depending?
  12. My daughter who is 4.5 will still have accidents. Playing is so much more fun than going to the potty. My son is thinking he may start training one day (he is 2.5)
  13. Well, I was going to put up RangeUSA but Canyn beat me to it.
  14. I am sure he will now, but how would that work. Run a 50 amp run to the garage and put in a few breakers there? That sounds like an AWESOME idea so I can actually run a couple of Power tools in there too. Maybe even a package unit for heat and air.
  15. I didn't see a rifle?
  16. Okay - so calling the electrician it is. At minimum he will put in a different breaker and at max he will put in a 220 run and we will get a different kiln.
  17. 120 volts and 15 amps is what the thing is rated for. It is not getting hot enough quick enough. Basically it has a set amount of time it is supposed to run for and since it cannot get up to 1900+ degrees in the allotted time it fails to finish. We contacted the manufacturer and since we are getting an 6% drop in voltage it is getting a 6% drop in max temp which is causing it not to get hot enough. As for distance linear feet is about 20 from panel to outlet. Now if it is running through the attic (which I suspect) you are probably talking more like 100'. As for power - 15 amps 120 volts 1800 watts. Should I just get an electrician to come out and run a new 12 gauge 20 amp run to the garage which is where the kiln is?
  18. Oops I just checked it is a 20 Amp breaker which is recommended by the manufacturer
  19. So a 30 amp breaker will allow me to have a greater voltage?
  20. My wife has taken up pottery. She doesn't enjoy going to the studio where she took lessons to fire her creations so we purchased a 120 volt kiln for her to work on at home. The device works great unless she is trying to fire her "green ware" which is the initial firing after creating something. The kiln needs to get to around 1900 degrees. The problem we are finding is that the voltage drops when the kiln heating elements are active. The voltage at the outlet is 120 with out any load. When the kiln "kicks in" the voltage drops to 113. This is on a dedicated 15 amp circuit with NO OTHER devices on it. What can I do to keep 120 volts going to the kiln?
  21. John McCain - 73% Ralph Nader - 44% Barak Obama - 33% Cynthia McKinney - 37%
  22. I thought it was .223 (I know it is rounded to .22 but it isn't "exactly" the same")
  23. But, strick, they have to be convicted. How many people are habitual users that never get caught? In my world welfare would only last 2 years. Once it was gone, you are done. Your social security number is flagged along with finger prints and DNA in order to sign up.
  24. Democrat Poll workers, campaigners or voters?
  25. The true answer - Everywhere that is allowed by law


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