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Everything posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. Earthquake? I am probably riding it out at home as long as possible or at GMA's house but there is an inner state crossing involved and likely the overpass would be out. Disease, Looting, Hijacking, Willie getting elected President? Heading down south if possible where there are horses for better travel if necessary and 100+ acres that deer like to feed on.
  2. Hey that was the day of the Daddy's and Donuts. I thought you looked a little heavy on that side. PS. The shirt makes a difference.
  3. The second one looks a little over processed to me but I am one who likes to look at the pictures as they come out of the camera. The first one looks just fine in my opinion. What is your set up?
  4. I don't want your drivers license number and I am not going to give you mine however I will sign a piece of paper that stated on this day I purchased/sold gun X for Y amount. You don't want to keep it? That's your business but I will have a copy in my safe along with the original receipt should anyone come a knocking.
  5. Wait - you didn't have to have a permit - I'm telling Code Enforcement
  6. That sounds high. Call General Plumbing. The time you have spent worrying about it you could have replaced it yourself.
  7. .45 You are right and you are wrong. Military service will get you out of the range portion but not the class time. The way I see it since you have to be there, you might as well shoot.
  8. Didn't find it on snopes. While I doubt the validity of some of them I think they do speak volumes.
  9. I worked there in High School. On many days we would put a shorter time on those little placards in order to get a free meal on top of the one we got on our shift.
  10. Will watch it later.
  11. TAPS gets me every time. I heard it the day my father died.
  12. Just remember, you have to keep records of everything you purchase with it. Oh yeah, the ATF can come in whenever they want since you have it to look at your books.
  13. Official 220
  14. That reminds me I must get my bike to the shop. Maybe tomorrow during lunch I will do that. I have a Raliegh M20 that I would love to trade in but I don't think the wife will let me.
  15. Wal-Mart is almost everyone's first trip. Mine was to Bass Pro Shops to get a holster.
  16. Whether or not you have to have one is irrelevant. Once you acquire a handgun carry permit in the state of TN. if a law enforcement officer while carrying out their official duties asks you for your permit you are REQUIRED to show it to them. If you never had a permit and are in a place where you are legally allowed to be in possession of a loaded firearm all you have to do is prove t hat you are legally allowed to be in possession. Sorry, but with "rights" comes responsibilities. While the carrying of a firearm should be guaranteed under the constitution and no state should "regulate" the wearing of arms, TN does and we pay $115 to start and then $50 every 4 years to keep the "right". With that right we have AGREED to obey the rules.
  17. I thought the MASONS owned the internet.
  18. I would try it but it would cost me a couple of thousand dollars. I don't have a MAC.
  19. Is Al Gore going to sell it to him? There is no way this would be able to pass. Our country does not own the internet. I do not see how it would be possible for him to "shut it down" to non-government networks.
  20. I have worked in a number of restaurants and I prefer not to look at the ratings. I figure if I get sick I won't go back.
  21. And again, part of having a permit you have stated that you agree to the fact that in the official course of his duties if an LEO asks you for it you WILL present it. P.S. I wasn't leo bashing.
  22. Yes, there are bad police officers out there. Just as there are bad doctors, lawyers, computer techs, etc. It's part of human nature. Yes power corrupts. If a police officer comes on your property and points a gun at you for no reason file charges. Otherwise just go about your business and be situationally aware. I can't think of a time a police officer would come on my property that I wouldn't know about it before I had a gun pointed at my head.
  23. So are we saying that cops are going out and killing homosexuals for no reason?
  24. If you are mowing your lawn and a police officer comes on your property with his gun drawn and pointed at your head then there is likely a reason for it. You did something or someone used your identity and did something or someone matching your description did something and as soon as they verify that "you aren't the droid" they are looking for all WILL be right with the world. If the officer is unprofessional in any way you have the right to file grievances with the department. As long as everyone acts right then no one will get hurt, which, at the end of the day, is what EVERYONE wants. If you live in an area where police officers frequently come on your property while you are mowing the lawn and point guns at your head then I would suggest moving.
  25. Yes, if you do not have a permit and are at a range, in your back yard, at Grandma's house etc and an LEO asks you to present a permit you don't have to because you don't have one. I have one so I would have to. We are agreed. Having a permit means more responsibilities which I hope is considered prior to getting one.


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