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Oh Shoot

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  1. Oh Shoot's post in Posting pic with Mac was marked as the answer   
    That's has only ever been available on TGO in Trading Post and your avatar, even then wasn't available until the switch to IP Board about what, a year and half ago or so.
    Main forums have never allowed image attachments, only links to offsite storage.
    Maybe you're describing something in the Mac OS with your own computer regarding image management, dunno.
    You can use your own webspace provided by your ISP, domain webhosting webspace,  or various file storage services. PhotoBucket is perhaps the most popular.
    - OS
  2. Oh Shoot's post in would this be possible at all was marked as the answer   
    Nobody has been able to get a SB15 over a carbine buffer tube.
    You'll have to grind tube down or just get a pistol tube. Some of the standard pistol tubes will barely go on, and will stretch out the brace to where it is unusable on any other tube, btw.
    Of course the KAK ones made for the brace will also give you about 1.5" more LOP too. Two or three other similar ones being made now also. Phase 5 has one where the brace is recessed off the end some and accommodates a little plug in storage unit, etc.
    - OS
  3. Oh Shoot's post in 10/22 Package was marked as the answer   
    Auto bolt release is obvious improvement, but most folks don't operate the factory one correctly, so they think it's broken.
    You don't operate it same way to lock back and release.
    to lock: pull back bolt, hold down lever, release bolt
    to release: pull back bolt, press and release lever, release bolt
    It's works perfectly as designed.
    - OS
  4. Oh Shoot's post in Mini 14- $400?!?!?!?!? was marked as the answer   
    That's about all I'd give for any pre 580 series Mini myself, assuming for some reason I wanted one that old at all.
    (if were a factory folding stock, would be different just because of that)
    - OS
  5. Oh Shoot's post in Classifieds was marked as the answer   
    Need to use "full editor".


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