One main thing you need to decide is: how many rounds are you comfy with?
I have a Kahr PM9, great pistola. But I don't feel comfy with 6+1. Or the 5 shots in my Ruger revolver. This may depend to a certain extent on where you live, how you live, where you frequent, etc.
Btw, the XD9 SC weighs exactly 2 lbs. loaded with 13+1.
It's my everyday carry. EVERY day. A good holster and belt and the weight just becomes part of you. The thickness becomes normal too, and any double stack model is going to be about the same.
Lack of a safety is really not a concern as long as trigger is covered however you carry, and you practice safe handling at all times; one of the main causes of ND is reholstering the weapon (getting something in front of the trigger like clothing), so you must learn to do that safely. This is actually one reason I chose the XD, the grip safety. It shouldn't be an issue to reholster ANY gun safely, but the grip safety does give you that little bit of extra margin of safety if you get used to reholstering in a manner that does not depress it.
If you'd like to try on mine in a good IWB holster, gimme a PM, you can come over and try it out.
- OS