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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. But you get 204 yards, not just 100. - OS
  2. Speaking as a (now ex) pro, hair of the dog is the only sure cure. Often, quite a bit more of the dog than just the hair. - OS
  3. Can't attest for that model, but Gerber stuff in general seems to be quite good value. I have Gerber Profiles, both fixed blade and folder, and they are fine...actually quite remarkable for $20 knives. - OS
  4. You know that the actual traditional description of a cupacabra looks nothing like a mangy canine, right? It's more of a reptilian description. - OS
  5. Probably breaks down like current Hi-Points. Just one pin to punch out, which you get to at top rear of frame with slide locked back. Do a YouTube search for how. - OS
  6. Don't use flash. Get in indirect sunlight, if shutter speed too low (under about 1/60th sec), use tripod or other way to brace cam. Use delayed timer function to keep cam from shaking during exposure. If you can't get physically close enough, shoot as close as you can with highest rez cam can do and crop the pic after the fact. Pics you must host somewhere, with pic link to it in post - no uploads to TGO, except for avatar pix. Most folks here use Photo Bucket. You can use your own ISP webspace, they should have FAQ about how to do it. ComCast, for example, gives you about 8 Gigs of space,2 gigs each for 4 email account names, that's what I mainly use. Here's site owner's pix FAQ: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tgo-forum-support/28387-faq-how-do-i-post-pictures.html All else fails, you can email them to me and I'll post them for you. Just PM me. - OS
  7. Well, switch bolt assemblies to prove it. I didn't catch it, but did you already change firing pin? It's cheap. Ruger doesn't show bolt as a part you can buy, though, and the 3rd party ones I see on line cost about as much as a new rifle. - OS
  8. Broom likely knows more than me, and hopefully will retort, but yeah as I understand the firing pin "pinning" mod is that the channel that the firing pin rides in gets channeled out too far from use so even a new pin hits too far out to the edge of the cartridge. But again, would think this would only affect a gun with a LOT of rounds, but not sure. Again, easy to prove, switch whole bolt assemblies. For those who don't know 10/22's, "firing pin" is sort of misnomer with this, it's actually a good sized plate that moves in bolt: You'd think that the pin would be softer than the bolt and would wear without affecting bolt channel in which it rides, but apparently not necessarily so, I guess. Here's what the pinning modification looks like, and how to do it .. many folks might could do it themselves if they're handy: http://people.virginia.edu/~rjs7m/10-22-Bolt/ - OS
  9. 1. Right, adamantly kept HCP holders from carrying in Knoxville parks 2. Right, belonged to the Bloomberg group which was the entity that attacked the gun shows 3. Right. I'd like to see his join date. Haslam pro 2A? Wrong. - OS
  10. Plus Knoxville relies on old pre 1986 local ordinance of no carry in city parks - and no signage required. Of course, there's no way someone from out of town could possibly know that, or not necessarily even a resident. But also of course ignorance of the law is no excuse. Clear mud indeed. - OS
  11. Well, even Ruger's target (bull) barrel says not to shoot Stingers, since they are slightly over standard length, and yeah, just like Ruger Mini 14 target barrel, the 10/22 target barrel chamber is more precise spec. But that wouldn't really affect shell ignition once a round IS seated. - OS
  12. Yeah, that stock is nice, has great feel and balance with the bull barrel .. love the mag release too; I almost got one of those types, but was too cheap. Garufa has great taste in toys. Plus he can shoot. - OS
  13. Oh okay, you had said in previous post it was a "picky eater", so thought feeding/jamming. Look, anything is possible, but I can't imagine a 10/22 chamber being screwed up short of being stuck with a mallet, or sulfuric acid or something. Do unfired rounds look as well struck as fired ones? Is the strike in toward the center of the round enough? Compare to your other 10/22. See Broomhead's suggestion, that's a possibility. Are the bolts that hold the barrel v-block retained tight? Again, have you removed the barrel at some point? Perhaps it's not evening torqued on the bolts, is slightly cocked? Easy enough to prove if it's firing/pin block problem as suggested by Broomhead -- simply swap blocks between your two rifles. Far as I know, every block every made will fit every 10/22 ever made, they are not milled specific to each gun's receiver or anything. While you're in there, take good look at guide rod inside recoil spring, make sure it's not corroded or burred, could keep block from perfectly aligning with chamber even though it closes enough to be in battery and fire - you can polish it without removing spring, just push spring up on each end. Etc. Again, anything is possible, but I seriously doubt chamber aberration unless something has happened to it way out of the ordinary. - OS edit: just saw your post. Yep, first logical thing to do is simply swap bolts, as I mentioned -- easily done. That will point to or eliminate bolt/firing pin prob.
  14. I'm sure they'll know. Only three things right off that I can see by the statutes short of an actual disqualifying conviction: - charged with violent or drug felony (other felonies, maybe, maybe not, depends on hearing) - order of protection - TNDOS gets convinced that he "Poses a material likelihood of risk of harm to the public" (the Kwik nuke) Maybe the lawyers can get the third one done. - OS
  15. Well they were redesigned, like the Recon1. Went from: to: The new Recon1's are out, but the new Voyagers didn't make it. - OS
  16. I guess the right kind of order of protection could do it as per 39-17-1352 as it refers to 39-17-1351. But almost certainly "hearsay" accusation to TNDOS probably wouldn't. - OS
  17. Was looking forward to getting the newly designed Voyager 4". They suddenly went from "soon" to "disappeared" on CS site. Email confirmed that manufacture/supply/whatever has nuked them for 2010, will be next year. Meanwhile, the old ones have been discontinued. I'm sure this is a bummer for them too, as the Voyager is surely one of their biggest sellers. - OS
  18. Oh Shoot

    Sccy CPX-1

    I haven't owned one. Or even shot one. But as per our previous exchange, did you confirm that they are still not +p rated? If not, that alone should be a pretty good sized red flag. - OS
  19. Oops...of course you are right. Assuming that was court ordered with a record of it, yes, 10 years (as OP first stated, duh on me). - OS
  20. From everything I've read, you're safer now. - OS
  21. His "pro gun" flyer is really a crock. Besides the Bloomberg thing, he was adamant about keeping the ordinance that bans CC in Knoxville parks. - OS
  22. Garufa! Whar's yer newly remastered 10/22? - OS
  23. Well, Kali is a frigging beautiful state, and San Francisco is a frigging beautiful city and there are frigging beautiful small towns all over the state, especially on the coast. It's just really heartbreaking that you could probably be more free and run a more efficient business in Russia. - OS
  24. Assume you've put a VQ (or other quality) extractor in? Seems that half the "failure to feed" problems are actually "failure to extract" (fast enough). The ejector, too, is just a flat piece of metal, but of course it needs to be straight and not worn down, too. Have you ever taken barrel off and replaced? The ejector slot on barrel really needs to be perfectly centered for extractor on bolt. You've probably covered all those bases, and didn't mean to be the least bit condescending, but thought I'd mention, as most all 10/22s WILL reliably feed with most everything, at least with factory mags, although they may need to be disassembled, cleaned, and re-tensioned once in a great while, too. - OS
  25. Found on an auction, identified as a Maverick Arms JS 9mm. As I found out, this was one of several models/gun company names that eventually became Hi-Point. The company started out as Haskel then went to Maverick then Stallard then Hi-Point. Apparently, they were all really poor until the Hi-Point era. (no cracks please). That look like it, Links2K? - OS


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