Been "misfiring" off and on ever since I got it in June, like slipping off sear or something, then always drops firing pin okay on next pull. Doesn't seem to be the in battery nub thingie, although could be part of the prob, dunno. And yeah, releasing all the way, it still does it. Oddly, never does it with rapid fire or dry fire. Sear area is one place I can't get to without undoing a critical special flathead screw that I'm just not gonna tackle.
Been meaning to see about sending it off, and suddenly mag release mechanism totally failed, can't get mag out. Can't get grip off either. I mean, finally did, with mini screwdriver down inside frame, but wound up sticking one back in to send it in locked up to show them.
Looks like Monday before I can get in touch. Service procedure is confusing on site, seems they want you to pick a regional center or something, guess will call main place in MD.
- OS