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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Ah, okay...glad I wasn't the one that had to break the news, then. - OS
  2. Oh my son, if you mean the original on The Strip, Sam and Andy's is long gone. There is a McAllister's on the sacred corner now. - OS
  3. Yep. "These go to eleven". - OS
  4. The wiener. I mean, winner. - OS
  5. Certainly you won't be buying anything from that little company in Genesco, Ill. Forgot the name ... oh yeah, Springfield. Another little startup there too, Armalite. - OS
  6. Naw.. Been "misfiring" off and on ever since I got it in June, like slipping off sear or something, then always drops firing pin okay on next pull. Doesn't seem to be the in battery nub thingie, although could be part of the prob, dunno. And yeah, releasing all the way, it still does it. Oddly, never does it with rapid fire or dry fire. Sear area is one place I can't get to without undoing a critical special flathead screw that I'm just not gonna tackle. Been meaning to see about sending it off, and suddenly mag release mechanism totally failed, can't get mag out. Can't get grip off either. I mean, finally did, with mini screwdriver down inside frame, but wound up sticking one back in to send it in locked up to show them. Looks like Monday before I can get in touch. Service procedure is confusing on site, seems they want you to pick a regional center or something, guess will call main place in MD. - OS
  7. Mine has become a lemon. Gotta get it in to Beretta first of the week. If they don't pay shipping, I'll be really pissed. - OS
  8. I'm gonna cool it over the weekend, gonna slip up there Mon I think... Y'all have fun ... - OS
  9. Yes, I see now... My apologies, didn't understand that . - OS
  10. My apologies...I didn't realize that anything on ballots state wide yesterday were final elections except referendums. - OS
  11. How can you have a "sweep" in a primary? You mean more votes were cast in Rep primary than Dem one, or what? - OS
  12. ??? No "Rs" won any elections. Republicans always win Republican primaries, Democrats always win Democrat primaries. - OS
  13. Is it really? It's no longer "gunpal" by the way, but simply "gpal". https://www.gpal.net/ - OS
  14. Prentice Cooper WMA range is free. 'Bout 10 miles from center of town. basic directions: From Chattanooga, take Hwy 27 to Signal Mountain exit. Turn right onto Signal Mountain Rd. Turn left onto Hwy 27 (Suck Creek Rd.) Do not go up the mountain on Hwy 127. Continue on Hwy 27 for approximately 8 miles (into Marion County). Watch for sign of your left that says Prentice Cooper Wildlife Management Area. Turn left at that sign. suck creek road, marion county, tn - Google Maps
  15. Who knows? I generally keep up with the PayPal policy updates, as I do some selling on eBay, and have been um...careful with using it off eBay, but haven't seen anything about any more firearm related products than the already fairly stringent ones in place. Keep us posted if you find out more. - OS
  16. City Manager of Oak Ridge pays $131,997, so I'm sure Mayor pays more, but I can't find it. Nor can I find City Council salaries, but they're probably well worth it for a part time job. - OS
  17. There are dozens of long time holster sellers on eBay, all of course using PayPal. Some other big ones not on eBay also use PayPal, like D.M.Bullard Must've been something else about his biz dealings with PP that got him nuked. edit: he still has PayPal shopping cart active on his site, so ?? - OS
  18. Especially since they are just cardboard. - OS
  19. I dunno...I think it fits the bill for a pretty good suburban hedgerow gun for EOTWAWKI. - OS
  20. Unprecedented "carpet bombing" of Corexit, and like everything else, BP's estimate of how much was used is highly suspect. I'm thinking we've not heard the other shoe drop as to effect. - OS
  21. early, go when you want, not on only day you must
  22. Likely more to the story if the LEO actually wanted to search the car. - OS
  23. Looks like a mall ninja's wet dream to me. Rig needs this to balance it out: - OS
  24. Oh Shoot

    Kahr CW9?

    Good gun. Fire 200 rounds of ball for basic break in. Load first shell from slide lock rather than by racking, at least till well broken in. (I do it all the time still). Should shoot any mainstream FMJ or hollowpoint fine. It likes to be kept clean and wettish. Don't drag it behind a truck and bury it in mud or run it totally dry like a Glock or XD I have PM9 and have shot the CW, great pistolas. I carry 124 gr. +p in mine. - OS
  25. There's nothing like a nice leather holster custom boned for your particular gun model. Wear it in good health! - OS


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