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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Oh Shoot

    Ruger SP101 Review

    I meant by "how good a buddy", how much are you willing to rip him off for? Sounds like he's sort of a buddy. - OS
  2. I may go just to ogle and socialize, dunno for sure yet. Here's the mighty $1 off admission: Rk $1 Coupon - OS
  3. Oh Shoot

    Ruger SP101 Review

    The people that want them really want them. Two recent completed auctions on GunBroker for $642 and $705 How good a buddy is he? Btw, it uses moon clips. Doesn't headspace on neck AFAIK. A plus for some a minus for others. Your call. - OS
  4. I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Benefactor Status today. - OS
  5. Youse guys are a riot. But keep your day jobs. - OS
  6. Geez fellers, mea culpa to the max and all that...I been busy shootin and drinkin and generally raisin' hell and all... Since I let benefactor lapse, that ole mailbox sure does fill up fast, and no pop up to alert me, either. I am pretty high tech otherwise, though, what with one of them thar phones that don't need no wires, and electronic mail on one of them computer thingies too! PM box cleared out some now. - OS
  7. If you mean Republicans, yeah. And that won't change. - OS
  8. 8 rounds. If you don't keep one in the chamber, it's a paperweight. Especially a Kahr, as they are very tight guns, and it's recommended that first round be chambered from slide lock, not racked by hand. Neither of which could you do in a hurry if needed. Many women can't rack semi-autos very well, and the Kahr offers less purchase area than many. Highly advised that you find a place for all concerned to shoot one before purchase. All that being said, of course all Kahrs are quality firearms, and after a 200 round minimum break in, and at at least another 100 of the self defense ammo you choose, you should be able to trust it. Kahrs are not Glocks or XDs in the sense that they like to be clean and well lubed simply because tolerances generally become more critical as a weapon is miniaturized. 390 as far as I can tell, is a quite good price. I own a PM9 and am currently pocket carrying it most days. I have shot the CW, and it's a fine shooter, slightly bigger than my PM9. The CW is slightly too big for pocket carry in my opinion, but of course absolutely disappears in a good IWB rig. - OS
  9. I just run erratic zigzag pattern to and from targets. Helps keep me in shape and makes for an exciting experience. - OS
  10. That's all correct, very astute. - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    Ruger SP101 Review

    Some inexpensive ones from a guy on eBay. Chose red oak rather than something exotic, since that's a TN tree. - OS
  12. Why was this thread even started? We knew who the next guv was going to be for sure 3 months before the primary. And yours truly has been saying it for a year. - OS
  13. Oh Shoot

    Ruger SP101 Review

    I myself don't find the recoil objectionable with the factory grip, and it really really does hide well for IWB carry. Congrats on a fine gun. - OS
  14. Yep. Time for my recurring quote: "The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike." Dmitry Orlov Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century
  15. Hmm, ain't you the feller that sold me a bunch of Tula and Brown Bear that didn't run well in two of your AR's? Seems the solution is to get a Mini 14! - OS
  16. Well, FTF's might indicate an intermittent prob with gun rather than ammo. And if anything, I'd posit that .223 should be slightly more forgiving in a 5.56 chamber than 5.56 itself. Of course, it COULD be a bad run of ammo, but would think it would be visibly out of spec somehow if so. Of course², a new gun needs shootin' for a while. - OS
  17. 39-17-1359. But if gunbuster sign there, that's all it takes. - OS
  18. I've shot at least 300 rounds of the Wally packaged Federal in Mini 14, not the first prob. Indeed, it seems quite accurate, with plenty of oomph. I guess question is, was there something out of spec with the round BEFORE you loaded it in mag or not? Pretty hard to say looking at it now. Other questions: this was among the very first rounds you've run through the new AR? Heck, was it the very first round period? Can you hand cycle the Federal (or other brands) through it okay? - OS
  19. I'd say your assessment of the statute is accurate enough. However, there are no guarantees that if charged (and you'd likely be the first one ever) you'd be exonerated. Judge could always say, well, you didn't understand the intent of the property owner? I mention this because our esteemed AG has given an opinion that you could still be found guilty of carrying in a municipal park where the city/county had banned carry, even if the park was not posted AT ALL (even though the statute says it must be, and even spells out exact wording and size of signage). - OS
  20. NM, I see that eapking edited his post.
  21. Mea culpa all over the place there, Ms SamZzz. - OS
  22. Guy asks about a OWB holster and gets this. Jeez. - OS
  23. Lots of choices for nice ones at around the c-note mark, if you can stand to wait. Couple of my fav makers: David Bullard's BodyGuard: ' TT Gunleather has a number of nice ones: - OS
  24. Hey, I complimented him on the findage. But it's true I'm only here to pad David's traffic rating! - OS
  25. 1 year, 6 months, 4 days. Good archeology! Btw, anchor store entrances aren't posted at all in any mall I've ever been to. - OS


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