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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Is this Selma Hayek that everyone's talking about Salma Hayek's sister? - OS
  2. Nixon was first to use the term, seems. Clinton had them. Dubya had a bunch of them. - OS
  3. Like most bizarre things I ever saw in nature, I checked this stuff out when I was a kid. First "wolve" in a "warble" I ever saw, wanted to know what the deuce THAT was all about. - OS
  4. You are right, but that hasn't invalidated the other laws I mentioned. For example, if the guy had lied about his military service under oath in court or in congressional hearing, he could be prosecuted. And isn't most everything that goes through the 9th kicked on upstairs? Surely it isn't over. - OS
  5. I thought a LEO was always on duty. Maybe not "on the clock", but "on duty". Then again, I do see your point in the statute, that they seem to make the distinction of "when in the discharge of their official duties", so maybe legislature really did intend to limit their carry at other times. - OS
  6. Appointed an Umbrella Czar, who told him to keep making radical left turns until he came out on other side of gate. - OS
  7. Dang. Makes me want one for the WOW factor, since I already have a Blackhawk .357/9mm. - OS
  8. Well, to be fair, there ARE laws about lying under oath in court or to Congress, and impersonating a LEO. Ask Roger Clemens or Bill Clinton about the lying under oath part. Various types of fraud of course are crimes, too. So let's not paint too broad a stroke on this. I agree though, that it is most disturbing, and I do disagree with the ruling. - OS
  9. What about for snatch? (can't say "p***y") - OS
  10. Probably, if he were bribed enough. Look, there are Christian churches AND Islamic mosques in most all countries in the world. Indonesia has the most Muslims of all the countries in the world, and there are lots of Christian churches and schools there. The fact there is a handful of Bronze Age countries that don't allow Christian churches does not mean the the US should embrace that primitive ideology. Perhaps we should ban all religious edifices except the majority Christian ones. Bye bye Jews, Hindus, Shintos, etc etc. Not so sure 'bout them Catholics, either -- they're not really Christians, are they? - OS
  11. Nasal larvae in deer are pretty common, but not from the same thing as squirrel botfly. And no, they aren't from deer flies, either. Matter of fact, deer flies don't use a mammalian host at all. - OS
  12. Geez, don't you think that the traditional traits of fear, prejudice, retribution, racism, religious intolerance, and xenophobia in human nature are explanation enough? Maybe you think that all the lynching of blacks in the US were self-propagated by the blacks to garner sympathy for racial equality? Especially those in TN? - OS
  13. Nah. They actually develop to a certain extent, crawl out still as larvae, drop off, burrow in the ground, and become flies the NEXT summer. - OS
  14. I'm just floored that any human could actually run 197 miles in two days! - OS
  15. They're only in the skin, I've never seen the meat affected. - OS
  16. SNAFUBAR, when SNAFU or FUBAR alone just aren't descriptive enough. - OS
  17. Your extensive explanations have convinced me. I concede there is about one chance in a billion that this was eco-terrorist related. - OS
  18. Wow, I must say I find this immediate bent rather surprising even for TGO. FordGuy, I'm most keen to know what possible motive "greenie terrorists" would have in the matter? - OS
  19. Murfreesboro area: Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson - CBS News - OS
  20. Myself, I just never ate the wolves. No prob. - OS
  21. General Information But "EDC" isn't on it. - OS
  22. last visit: 08-16-2010 08:59 PM
  23. Auction Arms, or rather, the sellers using the site, had no choice in the matter. - OS
  24. Well, it's not "his", but to temporarily fill the void: - OS
  25. Using them Balkan 'shrooms your buds in Zagreb sent you? - OS


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