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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. TN may be the only state that allows general posting that has a special penalty for simply carrying past the sign. Ironically, if you are criminally carrying a gun without a permit, you can't be charged with carrying past a sign, so that saves ya $500 bucks, right there. The other irony is that unlawful possession of a firearm is sometimes cheaper than the $500 a HCP holder could incur for merely carrying past a sign. TN just keeps punishing the good guys. - OS
  2. But it's not your call. Pretty safe bet SHE would, since she's already expressed anxiety about it. - OS
  3. AFAIK, KY does not have legally binding weapon posting provision like TN. - OS
  4. Nobody gets frisked going in a post office. Incidentally, if you're carrying a knife with 2.5" blade, you may as well carry a gun, since penalty is the same push come to shove. - OS
  5. Yup. I figger I get my $35 back (Sam's Biz Member) in 4-6 weeks in just food savings alone. Probably in two months in just meat alone. - OS
  6. Dude. A shotgun is "related with heavy recoil". - OS
  7. You're an Obama Progressive? - OS
  8. My avatar: TT Gunleather Slim Mike's Special: He's also showing another line immediately available that he designed, but doesn't personally make. - OS
  9. So you like the career politician thing, eh? Dynasty, actually, counting his dad. - OS
  10. Like, maybe 'Bama doesn't show up or something? - OS
  11. Sad part of it, though, is that his statement that he would sign a permitless carry bill undoubtedly lost him more votes than he gained. I'd bet the farm that if you ran an actual referendum about no permit carry, it would fail hugely. Matter of fact, I'd bet half the farm that a referendum about handgun carry period would fail. This is one reason our republic fortunately doesn't really have majority rule, and shouldn't. - OS
  12. You've also lost your magazine, so hopefully you still at least have the one in the chamber. - OS
  13. This has to do with the thread topic just how? - OS
  14. Has now evolved to content-free status, though. - OS
  15. Just wondered if there were a modicum of actual knowledge behind yet another content free post. Now you've spoiled it. - OS
  16. News flash: (Not gay, but I might be part lesbian, no kidding). Actually, flash is that newest ruling has been put on hold, so DADT is again the official policy. Good thing, since the federal government indeed cannot manage a circle jerk. - OS
  17. Anyone wishing to be married? I didn't know you could be an imbecile "at the time". As used olde tyme clinically (as I'm sure it was in the statute way back when), it's a permanent condition. - OS
  18. So, again, Do you carry a pocketknife in there by the way? Is it 2.5" long blade or longer? - OS
  19. We certainly do appreciate that comprehensive and incisive addition so late in the thread. Do you carry a pocketknife in there by the way? Is it 2.5" long blade or longer? - OS
  20. I hope it doesn't go KaBOOM! -OS
  21. Do yourself a favor and buy at least one custom molded leather holster in your life. - OS
  22. Down 'Nooga, Wally on Gunbarrel had 9mm range ammo in Tula, Federal, WWB, and RWS. - OS
  23. Here's where it gets sticky, though. Marriage entails a number of issues wherein the government might be forced to be involved, via forced rulings/lawsuits, whether the govt. wants to be involved or not. Think issues of insurance, property and inheritance, child custody, and taxes, just off top o' my bean. - OS
  24. Original "reason"? Who knows for sure, and I'm not sure we know just how segregated the sexes even were before Jewish law became widely influential, say prior to 3,000 years ago. I believe the ancient Egyptians had male/female communal bathing, to cite a "civilized" society. Certainly, the segregation of the sexes in most matters has never been a universal quality of societal living -- especially when you consider that most cultures in temperate climes were essentially naked all the time, and some still are. Btw, anyone see Starship Troopers? No probs with communal showers there, and maybe that WILL be the standard someday, at least in the military. - OS
  25. I thought it was standard practice. - OS


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