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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. ARE there XD armor classes? I mean, can even dealers get all XD parts? - OS
  2. I'm sure he's basing comment on: "...including all entrances primarily used by persons entering the property, building, or portion of the property or building where weapon possession is prohibited." - OS
  3. Whole article is online, too. Edit, never mind, already afoot: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/newsworthy-reports/48522-metro-pulse-why-do-east-tennesseans-love-their-guns.html - OS
  4. Anyone who thinks $70 is too pricey to carry something you're betting your life on, well..... My TT in avatar is about a hundred. A bargain. - OS
  5. I'll go, since I didn't go to last one at Jacob's Bldg. Will be in line little before 9 Sat. Last time some of us wound up at Hooters. Then someone said Hooters are posted, which was news to me, as I didn't see it. Whatever. - OS edit: Here's the mighty $1 off coupon: http://www.gunshows-usa.com/RK%20$1%20Coupon.htm
  6. See ShortRound's retort. You shouldn't have to be a criminal 99.9 % of the time so that you can legally defend yourself the .1 of the time. - OS
  7. yeah, the ex-Kroger on Clinton Highway at Merchant's Road. - OS
  8. Do yourself a favor and get a nice custom leather one once in your life. You have to order, then forget about it for 3-9 months, depending on the maker. Here's TT Gunleather, the one I use for my XD SC. He makes it for the SR9 compact too: Slim IWB Holster "Mikes Special" - OS
  9. Also, the "castle defense" presumption that deadly force was justified has been extended to your vehicle under TN law. Of course, it has only been extended to those who have an HCP, as anyone else's life is obviously not worth defending in a vehicle. - OS
  10. Earth to Planet Jack. Gotcher ears on? Time for reentry orbit. Earth to Planet Jack.... - OS
  11. Quick rave: Really think we could pay it down in 10-20 years with Fair Tax and just normal "efficiency expert" type cutting. $700 Billion TARP kind of hurt, especially when it mostly bailed out criminals complicit in crime with capitol hill. Get every dime of that back, however you can. Foreign aid (that we know about) is about 23 Billion/yr. Zap it. Dept. of Education budget is 69 billion/yr. Zap it. Probably at least a couple of other cabinet departments could be eliminated, figure another 100 billion combined. Iraq and Afghanistan, both due to no more than W's desperate erection, are around 250 Billion/yr. We're looking at about half a TRILLION per year right off the bat. That would make a pretty good dent in the deficit. And you KNOW there's at least another quarter trillion in chaff here and there. That would at least get us down in the general ballpark of balancing income (about 2.3 trillion) with outgo (about 3.5 trillion). Most estimates of the Fair Tax show that the gov would get more revenue than by taxing everyone in the US at a 30% income rate, and would possibly DOUBLE federal income. Not to mention that it would eliminate 95% of the IRS, another paltry 11 billion, but still pretty good pocket change. Matter of fact, I predict that the next GOP nominee will run on basis of instituting the Fair Tax. But of course, it won't actually be enacted; the IRS is how the government actually controls the populace, and it won't give that up, Tea Party be damned. To address your three areas: Obviously, reforms in all aspects of "welfare" must be instituted, including strict immigration policies and enforcement -- in short, the US must stop financially rewarding failure and punishing success. Worldwide military presence must be re-evaluated, and let's be honest about why we are where we are. If we're somewhere to protect the oil flow, let's by God do it and be up front about it, otherwise we are not the World Police. Plus, let's be frank, we've supported the Bad Guys about half the time anyway through the last 100 years. Social security would have been fine if Congress had left it alone in its own retirement fund, would have earned its way no prob, but of course there's really no money there, 'cause they spent it all as part of the general budget years ago. So yeah, there will need to be some cut off point where folks are simply paid back what they put it with interest and the program ended. It doesn't even provide starvation living anymore anyway. Again, just a quick diatribe, but I truly think it could be done with a relatively painless lowering of "quality of life" to most Americans over a decade or at most, two -- the alternative is ultimately going to be something that NO American will want to face. - OS
  12. I like to wax nostalgic also; growing up, my bank would just "cover" a bounced check for a few days and give me a call, etc. Buy guns, ammo at the local hardware, etc. But hey, if WalMart didn't supply the type service at the price point that people want in general, then it wouldn't be in biz, so it's difficult to call it anything except effective retailing. Btw, I paid a little extra to let a local puter shop order my new laptop, and also suss out power failure in a 5 year old desktop, which THEY built. They've really dropped the ball, wish I'd gotten the laptop online and dropped the desktop box at Best Buy. Also, several of the gun shops around here have the customer relations skills of Attila the Hun. - OS
  13. Freddie Wong. Guy has some real talent, actually. And funny to boot. Even has (the real) Kevin Pollak in one of them. Is, or has been, in USC film curriculum, and must work in the biz, since he has a few celebs in some of them; also, has some pretty sophisticated editing toys, seems. Two of my fav's (the "Big Gun" one, with actress Shenae Grimes, has been posted here before): and
  14. What was the flap, anyway? Looked over his last posts, no clues. Guess whatever it was got the Russian history treatment? - OS
  15. I thought conservative ideals were to make a profit by besting the competition and circumventing unions? Where has WalMart failed at this? - OS
  16. It certainly has been for every other nation that ever tried it. Maybe a decade or so of Zimbabwean living will be good for our national ethos. - OS
  17. Let's see, the day after the election the Federal Reserve says it will buy another 600 billion of "our" national debt, and will simply print the money to pay for it. Methinks the superpower is far from "saved". - OS
  18. Oh Shoot


    These whats? Btw, it's "plumb", not "plum", so yeah, you must be, unless you really are nuts about plums. - 0S
  19. Yeah, my rep is Joe Armstrong, staunchly anti-gun Dem. Was unopposed this election. - OS
  20. zero, until the carrier gets involved - OS
  21. You're another who confuses "Republican" with "conservative" or better, "freedom". I doubt we'll see any real changes to weapons statutes this session. First changes needed: - Anyone can keep loaded handgun in car, including at place of employment (cept won't be able to get around federal property) - No criminal penalty for carrying past a sign, or simple elimination of posting period - Get rid of stupid knife length, club, and switchblade restrictions We won't see those change either. - OS
  22. Nothing gets by you. - OS


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