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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Is it the "auto assisted" ones? If so, it's probably the "switchblade" thing rearing it's ugly head once again? - OS
  2. Good luck with those. I've had them leak in less than 3 months, hardly anyone claims they'll last much more than a year, year and a half. They develop pinholes, sometimes leak so slowly you don't even notice the water, it just evaporates as it squeezes out. Milk jug plastic not very archival either. The 2 liter soft drink bottles, on the other hand, are practically forever if kept out of direct sunlight. Leave a little room in the top and they'll generally not burst even with they freeze if stashed outside. Course, plastics like the Aquatainer best all around. I keep 12 of the 7 gallon ones stashed, just for bare minimum 3 month survival for one person. - OS
  3. I have an old Undercover alloy from the 60's. I think it was the first US gun maker to use alloyed metal frames, but not sure. Anyway, no idea if current Charters have polymer trigger housings/etc or not, but if they are, they are likely more durable than aluminum. Certainly the Ruger 10/22 polymer ones are; the old aluminum ones broke if dropped. - OS
  4. The only mention of batons in the weapons section of TCA is that clubs are illegal to carry for the intention of going armed but an exception for clubs/batons is the certification. (AND, to carry a club one must not be prohibited from purchasing a firearm). Businesses may by posting prohibit just handguns or all weapons, depending on how they post. - OS
  5. ?? This is about Land Between the Lakes, yes? US National Recreation Area, managed by US Forest Service. It's YOUR land, YOU pay for it. - OS
  6. I couldn't find any documentation right off. Looks like a Win installer? How can you "install" it if you can't get to Windows? Or does it make a boot CD or something and run from there? - OS
  7. Snide drollery sans art and wit noted. You seem to have an ever evolving definition for "going armed", especially as regards this statute on school firearm possession, and the relative merit of possessing an HCP while doing it, which is quite intuitive since the statute makes no mention of HCP at all. So I'm certainly interested in your take on how one might possess the same knife, in one case with "intent to go armed" and in another with no such intent, in the context of 39-17-1309, since there is no permit for knife carry, and the knife is always "loaded"? - OS
  8. Yeah, same endeavor as I posted: TNZR Homepage But new domain name and host, so everything on previous site is still there and active, but data not carried over to new one, people posting on both sites. Or something. - OS
  9. Well, like blood tests, you'd have to have to test for specific stuff. There's no one test that could detect every chemical toxin that could be in it. - OS
  10. Gun does not have to be carried. "Possess or carry". Again, I addressed this: 39-17-1309 is a different charge than 39-17-1307. You could be charged with both on school property. Off school property, only 39-17-1307. But enough, main theme is for "teachers", and unless they change the law to allow it, employees (and staff) are subject to termination, regardless of any criminal charges, which are still highly debatable . - OS
  11. Sometimes dem trouble-making semicolons just magically turn into a winkie face too. - OS
  12. Maybe, maybe not. I don't think that it is necessarily a criminal offense, particularly if the gun is unloaded or owner has HCP (see previous post). However, if you are faculty or staff, it would almost certainly be grounds for employee termination in every school system in the state, and if they've taken the trouble to do the search, they probably also had a reason to want to nuke you. - OS
  13. There is no reference to "HCP holder" anywhere in 39-17-1309 which you quoted, nor in 39-17-1310, which you did not. The actual legality of weapons possession in general is not addressed in these two statutes, only the legality of possession on school property, a totally separate offense from 39-17-1307. The difference between the two penalties in 39-17-1309 are that the felony is in response to "going armed" and the misdemeanor is is NOT in response to "going armed", not whether a gun is handled inside car or whatever. When and if we EVER get a definitive explanation of the difference between having a gun and going armed vs having a gun and not going armed within context of this statue, it might be clear. Our illustrious AG has never opined on the matter and I have seen lawyers disagree, so I sure don't claim to know. 39-17-1310 has no "going armed" or not mentioned, so obviously the picking up/dropping off is not concerned with whether the gun is loaded or not, nor whether the possession is by an HCP holder or not, either. Which makes 39-17-1309 all the more confusing about just what constitutes going armed within its context. I suspect it is simply an egregious, but certainly not isolated, example of a poorly conceived and worded weapons statute; just another piece of legislative sausage that indicates a collective IQ barely above a level that would cause individual institutionalization. - OS
  14. http://tnzombieresponse.team-talk.net/ - OS
  15. There's your probable answer: that they actually DO want to bar handgun carry of any kind, but somehow went about it wrong. - OS
  16. Or just holster designed with sweat shield. I can't abide undershirts. - OS
  17. Who cares? Leave 'em up. Make enough hubbub, somebody in corporate will decide to post correctly, on front doors. - OS
  18. Old sign law, was never intended to be binding on permit holders, is now repealed altogether. - OS
  19. In TN, yes. (except in Federal BUILDINGS, even if they are in National Parks). - OS
  20. One can open carry in the NC part of the park without a permit. - OS
  21. I don't know of any water purifier yet mentioned anyway that can remove chemicals in solution in water. That's a whole 'nother process than filtering solid "stuff" in water, even things as small as virii. Even distilling water won't remove everything from solution that can get in water. That's why eventually, clean water is going to be our biggest enviro prob, because even nature can only dilute many of the poisons, not really remove them, and there's no telling just how many of our current ills are actually due to ingested toxins; and it is ever shown that smaller quantities than first thought have significant consequences. - OS
  22. Grain is simply a measure of weight. 15.4 grains to a gram 28.3 grams in an ounce Oh, lighter bullet gains some speed with same powder charge as heavier bullet Heavier bullet more stable, especially in wind... Stuff like that. I see no reason to shoot hollow points, if maximum accuracy is the goal. After all, a HP is obviously less aerodynamic than a solid point, however slight that might be. Of course, what do I know about accuracy, I only have 10/22s. and Plinkster Actually, my old Remington Fieldmaster might be the most accurate .22 I have, but can't really tell, since no scope mount. - OS
  23. Still don't get it...you're weary from pricing AKs or just tired in general, or ?? Cool that you picked one up, though. - OS
  24. CCI Velocitors are better, 40 gr but still 1435 fps, and not longer than standard, like Stingers. But for best accuracy, you don't want hyper velocity. Probably not even high velocity, at least past certain distance: basic reason being, as I understand it, that as soon as a high velocity slows to Mach1 it gets much more unstable than a round at the same distance that never exceeded Mach1 to begin with. - OS
  25. Dunno. Couple of the guys on Sports Talk here today were talking about how Titan's owner is a real Vince Young fan, and that Fisher could be the one to go. - OS


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