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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Norris. - OS
  2. Wow, great song, never heard that before...thanks. - OS
  3. Wow, you need to remind the mucky mucks at the Pentagon of this; these puny 5.56 and .308 aren't cutting it! - OS
  4. Well, at least the lunatic prophetic website isn't highlighted. I guess if we ever come down to religious warfare, I generally lean toward the Jews. Even though they are all going to hell. - OS "Prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way." Jeremiah 5:31
  5. I admit that the endtimes.com sig is like spotting a 'yote passing through a sheep ranch. - OS
  6. Traditional Eudora has been dead for years, dunno what the newest open source version is like, although it's based on Thunderbird, which was great for a while, until they over-futzed it. If you want THE stand alone email proggie, try Pegasus. Have used it since DOS days. Completely freeware, always has been. Pegasus Mail Works fine. Quick. Should be, since it's very much stripped down proggie. - OS
  7. Some would suggest that's a good synopsis of Christianity, "The Greatest Story Ever Sold". Not me, of course. Well, neither of those scenarios could be done "quietly", methinks. - OS
  8. Not "online" but Open Office, of course. OpenOffice.org - The Free and Open Productivity Suite - OS
  9. That essentially IS the Fair Tax. - OS
  10. Ummm, ok, right. Lighten up, Francis. - OS
  11. Aluminum can develop pin holes, think needle holes, slow leak so small liquid evaporates as it oozes out over time. The thin plastic on those gallon drinking water jugs can do same thing. Older two and three piece steel cans could do the same but they usually leaked at the seams and faster. Btw, them Billy cans are still worth about the same as ever to collectors -- fifty cents tops. - OS
  12. Heck, just one page and 3 posts on second page to me (30 posts per page setting). - OS
  13. There an echo in here, or is it just me? - OS
  14. World Net Daily and Endtime.com should both have to display (mental) health warnings, like cigarettes. - OS
  15. There is no such charge in TN. Aggravated assault maybe, but not "brandishing". - OS
  16. Hell, you'd never shoot anyone for anything after reading that, might as well not carry at all. Seriously, I actually think Mas' magnum opus IS quite dated, both in some of the legal thinking, and especially in the hardware coverage. After all, it's over 30 years old. - OS
  17. Unless you can find one at a gun shop, dunno. Grainger shows as a dealer, there's one over on Deane Hill Drive. They'd probably have to order what you want, though, just guessing. - OS
  18. I've shot exactly one round through a Handi 45/70, guy that comes to the range now and then has a bunch of different ones. He had a peep sight on it, we had targets at 120 yards, and he had the peep set for that distance. I rested it on a bag, fired one shot at a torso, dead center of "heart", where I was aiming. Wow. Recoil is certainly "significant" but I have some Nobel Sport LE 2.75" 12 gauge buck that is worse. - OS
  19. Gentlemen, gentlemen (using the term extremely loosely)...only here would folks take a simple "etc" to mean hiding the salami, sigh. - OS
  20. Detailed discussions on this at opencarry.org forums in the Virginia forum. - OS
  21. Just a note, I think you mean OWB carry (Outside The Waist Band - belt slide holster, paddle, whatever). "Open Carry" means just that, gun carried openly, with no attempt to conceal at all. - OS
  22. See avatar, that's XD SC IWB, same size as G27, hides very well. Go a size up in pants and try IWB. We're an open carry state, so no big deal if a LEO sees your gun, assuming you aren't somewhere with it unlawfully. However, if you want everyday folks not to see it, consider IWB like most who conceal carry anything bigger than will fit in the pocket. - OS
  23. We don't know. No test case we know of. Depends on how 39-17-1352 is enforced. Or not. Or if the convicting court notifies TNDOS. And whether the notice finds anyone awake. Like that. TN weapons laws are very clear indeed. - OS
  24. The reason Reid got elected was because the GOP and Tea Party managed to weed out the one person in all of Nevada who couldn't defeat him. - OS
  25. Oh Shoot

    XDm Compact

    Yeah, pricey indeed...saw black ones for $585-595 at the gun show Sat. The stainless were usually about $25 more max with the original XD series. - OS


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