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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Agree now way off topic, but since you say that, my last post on the matter: Just a quick sampling to show the obvious, that you will drive with whatever YOU consider "unimpaired" alcohol intake (usually, according to one post) but that handling firearms is a zero alcohol tolerance situation. I don't question your gun/booze stance, just your hypocritical car/booze stance. Over and out, - OS
  2. You mean, actual firearm self defense course, not just HCP certification, yes? (meaning, there is no such thing as you are seeking in HCP courses). - OS
  3. Old Shoot is not defamatory, I'm afraid. - OS
  4. Very little to do in all the Keys 'cept eat and drink, if you're not dealing with the water: fishing, sailing, diving. I used to go down for a month every year, middle of Dec to middle of Jan. Mainly fished. And drank. Camped at Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge pretty cheap, kept boat in water there during stay. Bahia Honda state park just to north, can hang out day use on their beach, usually booked up for staying there though. Key West just 45 min drive to south, Marathon 30 min north. New Year's Eve in Key West is quite an event. The police used to run vans up and down whole Keys to take you home drunk, probably still do. - OS
  5. The basic flaw in your continued argument is that that drinking x amount to stay "under impairment" is perfectly safe for driving a vehicle, but not so for weapons carry or use. Having "a few beers" raises the likelihood of a firearm accident but doesn't do the same regarding driving your vehicle -- absurd. - OS
  6. I approximate that vote of coincidence, Mark, truly do. - OS
  7. I've done at least half my drinking AFTER I was already impaired, but I can see you are above that. Or set a limit on your impairment. Or something. If you've had too much alcohol to handle a firearm, you've certainly had too much to drive. Actually, you're much safer carrying a handgun impaired, or even dead drunk, than driving a car, since the odds are minuscule you'll use the gun. But the car is in use every time. Oh "I'm not as think as you drunk I am" Shoot
  8. They'll tell you where to go, then they'll give you directions to the range. - OS
  9. Me three. If I go to IWB, it's my XD SC, not my Kahr. - OS
  10. There aren't but three TN ones: length limit, switchblades, and basically no knives period on school property. Federal law says no knives 2.5" or longer in federal buildings. Obviously generally ignored both from citizens and government. - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    div legal Q's

    One trouble is the grounds for the divorce...if not agreed upon "no fault" (since the guy can't be found I guess that's off the table) has to be one of the "at fault" reasons. Among them are desertion and abandonment, not sure what separates the two concepts, but I believe desertion takes a year, dunno about abandonment. - OS
  12. Oh Shoot

    div legal Q's

    There's probably some type of welfare/charity legal service in 'Nooga. Maybe a legal aid clinic of some sort? Contact public defender office and/or DHS and ask. Maybe UTC also; UTK has a free legal aid clinic, but that's an adjunct of the law school here. - OS
  13. What possible weapons statute would ban it? It's a legal length, non-switchblade knife. Carry it pirate style between your teeth if you like. - OS
  14. I'll be tween 11 and noon, will aim at 11, which prolly means noon. - OS
  15. Because once the feds get jurisdiction over anything, they can tweak it as they please. It would be as easy to terminate handgun carry nationwide as it would be to standardize it. - OS
  16. Oh, I got your point perfectly... Mention having a couple of beers and shooting at your (even personal) range (as I have), and everybody goes nuts about how there is 0 tolerance for guns and booze. But it's okay to have a couple or three and drive. - OS
  17. Cars go so much slower than bullets and all. Then again, a car is like a bigger, slower .45, eh? - OS
  18. Okay, that's correct. No permit needed to carry concealed OR openly in AZ in general, but must have a permit to carry in bar, and it must be concealed there also, no open carry in bars even with permit. -OS
  19. Are you saying you can carry in bar in AZ with no permit? - OS
  20. Statement doesn't have much validity, Hex. TN recognizes EVERY state that issues a permit -- many are far far more lax than TN. - OS
  21. Only if you have a permit, as I understand it. Non-permit concealed and open carry, which is generally legal, is still prohibited in booze serving places. - OS
  22. Of course you can, it's just that as Jamie mentioned, though, the law had changed in the 18 months since the original posts in this thread and yours, and I thought that relevant to mention. Statute says notices "shall be of a size that is plainly visible to the average person". Your or my interpretation of that phrase is not as important as a LEO's or judge's, though. - OS
  23. I've never seen a sticker on one, and yeah, I don't even buy 'maters cept late June-Aug. - OS
  24. When this thread was active a year and a half ago, gunbusters sign alone was not conforming. Now it is. - OS


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