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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Oh Shoot

    I want one... BAD.

    Naw....these are single action. Have to be cocked to fire. And you put hammer on a notch between cylinders, so can't go off from dropping. - OS
  2. Watching TV and dinking on the web. So I guess what "they say" is true. :-\ - OS
  3. Oh Shoot

    I want one... BAD.

    Big improvement -- tactical reload now possible. There a speed loader? - OS
  4. All sounds great....what's significance of July 13? - OS
  5. Reminds me of the complicated recipe for having carp baked on pine plank; where you eventually toss the carp and eat the plank. - OS
  6. You mean, in reality, beyond the video? However you feel about Wiki, it's often a perfectly fine overview: USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It really did happen during Six Day War. - OS
  7. Hell, I like everything. Why I've never been thin. I soaked a lb of black-eyed peas last night, just got 'em simmering nicely now. I forgo the hog jowl and just add pork chops in for last 45 min of simmer. Also, lots of garlic in there, couple onions, too. It's ironic that this ritual is first based on Jewish lore, what with the pork ... And then became even more widespread during lean times of Civil War and shortly after, when nobody had a hog period.... - OS
  8. Kept some folks' parents alive during the depression. "Hoover hog" - OS
  9. I've always lived in extreme edges of life's bell curves... See? MacNormal. - OS
  10. In fact, with possible exception of "bar carry" prohibitions, I've not seen ANY other state actually criminalize carry past a sign per se, as in TN. - OS
  11. To my knowledge, there is no specific penalty for carrying past a sign in Ohio like there is in TN. Just the "leave or face trespassing" thing if found out? Metal detectors at entrances? That would be a different matter I suppose. - OS
  12. My, you ascribe quite a litany of deep motives to these moonbats. But really, they are just, well, moonbats. And they're certainly not all liberals, either. - OS
  13. Missed you bro, as 4 or 5 of us there till 'bout 2:30, but of course none of us would have seen your post and known to look for you. That's me. I DID trip and have to step right in BubbaTN's open hard gun case with a muddy foot to stabilize. 'Course he was putting an SKS in there, which probably gave it some sort of superiority complex. Yeah, she quieted down when the range finally went cold and let me get to her. Indeed, she was exactly doing the bird dog thing, looking to pick something up after every shot she heard. Her owner was back a mile or two on first side road into the Watershed, he and another guy were just walking their dogs, and his took off when she heard shots. Those kind of dogs can be awfully, umm, uni-dimensional in their behavior. Btw, when I left just before three, there weren't but 2 tables in use, maybe 5 guys left total. I think everybody just had gun "cabin fever" from the spate of bad weather. Good to see folks again ... - OS
  14. Well, small nit: former statute said "not more than $500", now the $500 is mandated, no leeway for judge on amount. I can't remember what the penalty for carrying in place that sold alcohol was. - OS
  15. I don't see how anyone has ever shot a ruffed grouse in flight. Folks usually shoot them on the ground if they can see them? - OS
  16. Yeah. There were no reports of anybody actually being charged with violations in that one or the recent one. Also, note that several of the NC guys on opencarry.org forums said they were able to buy firearms during the snow "emergency", so sounds like none of it was really enforced. - OS
  17. It's well documented that anyone wearing a "Shoot Me First Concealment Vest" is the first to go, then those openly carrying. - OS
  18. My fav from Ike is the "Things are more like they are now than they've ever been before", or similar wording. Often now mis-attributed to Gerald Ford. The corollary would be, "Things were more like they were then than they'll ever be again". Much internet lore is of the "even if it ain't true, it should be". - OS
  19. Well, simple fact that it is found nowhere in Ben's surviving writings, or in any writing by anyone who knew him, is probably best evidence. And, as various articles say, no evidence of it ever being used by ANYbody before 1992. - OS
  20. Same with Arizona. Matter of fact, you must have permit to carry in bars there. However, Vermont does not issue permits at all; though everyone lauds their constitutional carry, that would be a real drawback for many. - OS
  21. I just grew full beard out for first time in years...pretty much Santa white. Like I need to add 10 years to my look, jeez. - OS
  22. To pick a nit, the "two wolves..." quote is certainly NOT from Franklin, though. - OS
  23. Besides the slash assailant's wrist thing, it's attractive regards general defense 'cause you can death grip it in fist and punch with it. No hifalutin technique required. - OS
  24. Mini 14s are in the $950 range MSRP, but go for about $590 best prices online, maybe this will be about same, but probably not right away. - OS


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