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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. No idea, but it's just very damn spooky to moi. 2 big kill offs 300 miles apart, not to mention 80,000 drum wash up dead 100 miles from the Arkansas bird kill. It's unclear from reporting if the second bird kill in Louisiana was also red winged blackbirds, or another "blackbird" species. I never knew red winged blackbirds even did mass flocking, never seen that in TN. - OS
  2. Walmart follows same laws as FFL, who cannot sell handguns or handgun ammunition to anyone <21. Actually, they must, since they ARE a FFL, or at least individual stores are, or however that's handled. What constitutes "handgun ammunition" is pretty gray, though, since there are pistols AND rifles that use most every caliber still manufactured. - OS
  3. Note to self: cook homo sapiens thoroughly, leave brain for zombie consumption only. - OS
  4. Nope, 18 is old enough to legally buy handgun or rifle in private transaction. - OS
  5. Dunno if could overcome the culturally ingrained horror, but assuming the person wasn't killed for supper, I don't have a moral aversion to it. Other than that, can't think of any flora or fauna I wouldn't scarf, assuming I felt it was safe enough. - OS
  6. 'Bout the only thing TN has over 'Bama is that TN is a shall-issue state, so local sheriffs can't futz with the process. Dunno if any do or not in Bama, but they can deny or restrict carry on a person by person basis, which leaves room for discrimination and graft. - OS
  7. Not to mention now having a Class B misdemeanor on your record. Also not to mention having your HCP suspended or revoked upon notification from the court. Pretty damn stiff penalties for one of the good guys, seems to moi. - OS
  8. I've fly fished off an on since I was a kid, but gave up on TN stream fishing early on; always felt I was casting in the back of the hatchery truck. Caught lots of bream and bass though. Also a few snook and tarpon and one bonefish in the Keys. Oh yeah, and a bunch of small 'cuda. If I lived down there, I'd probably really learn to do that aspect of it better. It's an amazing way to fish, considering the size of the quarry you can land on such light tackle. - OS
  9. Look, FCFB thinks he looks like Dana Carvey, so ... - OS
  10. Hear ya ... but there's couple of other factors, too. One is the known issue of a certain number of PM guns being problematic from the factory over the years; this combined with the top dollar price has long been a negative. Also, warranty: Kahr went to five year a couple of years ago, while Ruger will fix your heater forever; a factor with used guns especially. Point being, that if Ruger can crank these out with no higher problem rate than Kahr, or no higher than the LCP, the price point and lifetime warranty are big selling points to the mainstream. - OS
  11. I know what you mean about the "exact knife". I could carry 'bout any knife made I guess, but I'm also carrying a $20 model, and it happens to be Gerber also, the Profile. Wish it were US made, but oh well, it has exactly the features I want. Fact that it won't break by heart to lose it is just another plus. - OS
  12. Yep, agree. I'll bet they really really wanted that extra round in there as a selling point, though. Price point so much lower than Kahr of course they are going to sell a bazillion of them. - OS
  13. This will make everyone feel so much better to know where the rights we can not exercise came from; at least all but atheists. "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." - George Orwell - OS
  14. Norris range. But only 200 yards. - OS
  15. .7" longer, .5" taller than Kahr PM9, but holds an extra round. Weight 'bout same. - OS
  16. Yep, happen to have 6 or 8 rat traps I bought. I figure between these and my BB gun, I can get quite a number of doves and pigeons right here off the back deck here near town. I also keep a 35 lb bag of bait (bird seed can make a little mound with over the trigger). Also thought to get some screw-in eye bolts to put into the wood to tie them, so whatever critter can't run off with them if not killed. A dove or pigeon could step on it and fly off with it otherwise. - OS
  17. Guess you haven't been there in quite some time. Whole section redone 3 or 4 months ago, ammo in big glass cabinet in aisle now. Still have to get them to open it, though. Generally been plenty of everything too, last few trips I've made down there. - OS
  18. Oh Shoot

    I want one... BAD.

    I actually own one that has much worse combo of size, weight, caliber, capacity, ergonomics, workmanship, etc. A mighty Cobra derringer in .38 Special. Oh, I'm pert shore that up close and personal, I'd feel pretty confident about my chances with one against a single opponent of any size. Have flirted with getting one for some time, but I'd just go for an original model, the break action is just tooo much, methinks.- OS
  19. They'll generally not be able to beat the prices on the Ruger, Marlin, or Remington models that Wallys carry. Once in a while Dick's or Academy can. - OS
  20. Oh Shoot

    I want one... BAD.

    I can hardly imagine any gun that would be less fun to plink with, myself! - OS
  21. Oh Shoot

    Knox Show?

    Gun Show Listings ForTennesee
  22. Yep. I'd say nobody can wring more out of a spreadsheet than Wally's bean counters. They starting whacking gun sales in '06: Wal-Mart Cuts Back on Gun Sales - ABC News - OS
  23. Never really heard that, but certainly ground hogs in the then armadillo-less East were sometimes called that. - OS
  24. Oh Shoot

    I want one... BAD.

    No, but you can go .45 this way...it's even called the Titan! Made just for you, Bill! Titan - OS
  25. Oh Shoot

    I want one... BAD.

    Well, you have to drop the cylinder out to do it on all the traditional models. But it's not like this is a high volume target or operator's gun. - OS


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