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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. This topic came up here sometime in the past couple years, but can't remember if it's the same place. Best I remember, the instructor posted it, was offering "re-qualification" with a different gun with same pitch, to CYA legally. - OS
  2. Hey, the US Gummit agrees with BP that there ARE walrus in the Gulf of Mexico. Hint: We can't digest grass, but we can clover. Big pot of possum and clover, yum....just think greens and ham hock. - OS
  3. Yeah, I did. Just mentioning the irony. - OS
  4. And yet 1911's have been to numerous wars, the Glocks to none. - OS
  5. What's "battlesight zero"? Like, minute of torso? If so, zeroing at about any distance will do that with .223, stays so flat. - OS
  6. You're such a good citizen of the state, I bet you'd feel free in prison. - OS
  7. Yeah the full size models feel fine, there's room for fingers in grooves. Also, the 26/27 models are cut wider for middle finger above the one groove they have. It's significantly bigger than the first groove on a 19, so they feel okay too. - OS
  8. Finger grooves on 19 don't work for me. What's more, everybody I ask to grip one, I see same thing, their fingers ride on TOP of the ridges rather than down in the grooves, but they all say it feels good. This includes those who own one, even. I don't get it. - OS
  9. Though I'm using a 3-9 scope, my 581 series Mini is super scientifically zeroed at 122.5 yards, because that's the middle distance at our mighty Norris range. Makes it 2-4" high at 50 and 2-4" low at 200. All depending on which ammo. 200 is longest we have there. Close enough for my fun and 'bout any form of SHTF, too, methinks. - OS
  10. Little yapper dog or something bigger? The history of dog cuisine seem to be divided between two schools of thought: - little dogs like chihuahua, since they're pretty much ready to eat after weaning, won't get much bigger - bigger dogs like the Chow where you invest some feed to get a heavier product for up to a year or so, sort of like cattle. - OS
  11. Yikes. In that case you've likely eaten most of what has been mentioned in whole thread! - OS
  12. Bada BING!
  13. Not bad at all. Sort of gamey like giant rabbit or squirrel best I remember. I didn't know what it was first piece, since the Indian's Spanish was actually worse than mine, then finally caught on. So we ate it all, and beer and a bottle of Tequila from moi. On a bus in the middle of the night, going south to Mexico City. He had recently turned 18 and this was his big coming of age trip down to the big city, his mom had fixed the food basket for him. They raised them to eat, but only various Indian clans did, even the poorest Mexicans didn't eat dog. 1966; a coming of age trip for me too, actually. - OS
  14. I've had possum. It tastes sort of like groundhog but the whistlepig is better. A big diff is, groundhog is very lean, but possum is fat. It's like fat marbled with meat instead of the other way around. I've eaten quite a bit of carp; it's quite good and you can deal with the bones by mincing up fillets and making carp patties. Odd that pontiac mentioned live shad, as I tried a shad minnow once night fishing, looked so much like a sardine. Have eaten shad roe. Both softshell and snapping turtle, both GREAT. Guess oddest thing was half a chihuahua. In Mexico. With an indio. In the state of what else, Chihuahua. Oh yeah, and mountain oysters. - OS
  15. - Even in the uptight liberal nightmare that the USA has become, there are 12 "gold star" and 16 "friendly" permitless open carry states. TN is not among them. Even with a permit, open carry is not specifically mandated, but only not specifically banned and tolerated (mainly). - TN expenditure to receive permit is among the most expensive of all states. Maybe THE most, not sure. - No state has more restrictions on where a permit holder may carry than TN. - No other state that I can find has a unique criminal punishment merely for carrying in a posted establishment (a punishment that does not apply to a non-permit holder). Seems far from "pro carry" to me. Sure, it could be worse. "May your chains sit lightly upon you..." seems appropriate here. - OS
  16. Sardine price fixing? Actually, it may be The Apocalypse, and Trigem is sleeping through it! - OS
  17. Convenience ≠ constitutionality. - OS
  18. That isn't what's under discussion. What is -- how does a carry permit that enables ME to carry a gun prevent a FELON from doing same because he can't get one? I do believe AK, AZ, and VT have applied the same logic to the situation. - OS
  19. - Columbine in 1999. First change in Wally's firearms stores availability in 2005-6. - WalMart not mentioned in Bowling for Columbine. - Some of the ammo was bought from KMart. - None of the guns were bought from either KMart or Wal-Mart If Wally's was worried about liability or public image to anti-gunners, they'd not sell any guns period. Sorry, but methinks your friend is no more informed than the lowliest desk clerk. It's obviously a maximization of profits motive on Wally's part and nothing more. - OS
  20. People tend to shy away from serial killers. - OS
  21. I pretty much believe in both the US and TN constitutions -- neither of which indicate that a permit is necessary for bearing weapons period. Even a free one. - OS
  22. I specifically avoided the Acme brand traps. - OS
  23. Poor analogy, methinks. Your odds of hurting yourself/being hurt or hurting others in auto accident are many many times higher than same from carrying a weapon. - OS
  24. You think that because it's logical or something? I'd wager there will be no gun related legislation passed in 2011 at all. - OS
  25. The ones with all the aholes and eyeballs in there ... yum. - OS


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