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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Well, you could recycle it all, ya know...just sayin... - OS
  2. I don't understand. You mean you went there for the food? - OS
  3. Far as I know, all Hooters been posted in TN since the FIRST time "guns in bars" was passed in 09. I've been there twice with some guns folks since. I'm sure Hooters is the least boycotted posted restaurant in the state. - OS
  4. Well, I can sort of understand that...if I'm a public figure, not sure I would value opinion of anyone who's unwilling to leave real contact info. Yeah, can be faked, I know, but at least the email part can't be, if one actually wants a response, however canned it might be. Probably weeds out a huge volume of general raving, not to mention spam and bot crap. - OS
  5. Yep. As a pistol, it can be loaded, one in chamber, with your MI permit. Also, permit holders can keep long guns in vehicle, with loaded mags or tube in weapon but not with one in chamber. - OS
  6. Yes legal here as handgun. But even though legal, I wouldn't strap it on and go toddling around town here, unless you like lots of attention. - OS
  7. I believe the official US Senate site has quit providing email addies, and requires the form type communication: Contact Me - Contact Information - United States Senator Bob Corker, Tennessee - OS
  8. Brainerd is a very large area, I guess "worst" area is the region tween maybe Belvoir and the Tunnel, but still not in the worst part of Nooga by far. I walk a lot, in East Brainerd, never a prob, seems safer than where I live in Knoxville. - OS
  9. Oh Shoot

    My Mistake

    NM, was about small claims in TN, forgot OP is in MS.
  10. Probably most of us NRA members got the one you're talking about. "American Rifleman Video Collection presents Personal Firearm Defense DVD Series". Actually the first DVD wasn't bad (for free), "Combat Focus Shooting and Home Defense Tips". It plainly stated in the original mailer that it was not necessary to return it. It also said this in the followup come on letters that followed, but was buried in the smaller print. It was a pretty shoddy campaign in that regard, but fully endorsed by NRA. - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    My Mistake

    If you think escalating a matter of the heart gone sour over a $250 gun will bring you peace of mind, go for it -- but you must not value your time very highly. There is certainly zero possibility that a crime committed with the Taurus is going to get you charged with anything, so that's really just an excuse to continue to be vindictive so you feel you've "won", IMNSHO. - OS
  12. US Dept of Education is merely another unconstitutional entity. Moreover, it is another example of doing badly what need not be done at all. It is a major factor in why our educational standards have averaged down rather than up, and why we're now way down on any list of worldwide scholastic measurement. Beyond perhaps public health standards, the feds should have absolutely ZERO to do with education in this country. - OS
  13. d and e are card reader drives (cameras and whatnot) Sounds like puter has "lost" CD drive for whatever reason. Never a good thing. Being a laptop, afraid I have no real advice, since ya can't open her up. If it still doesn't find CD drive after total shutdown and restart (not just warm boot), 'fraid I'm out of this loop... good luck, - OS
  14. My Computer or Win Explorer Right click on CD/DVD drive Properties Auto Play Tab See if Winamp is listed as option for music files. Note there are options for different file types to be found on the CD/DVD Or similar to above, I have XP and Win7, managed to skip Vista - OS
  15. Best of luck with that. You can use deadly force against forcible entry into your vehicle while you are in it, but unlike your home, you can't have a loaded weapon in vehicle without a HCP. Do you understand? If so, that makes one of us. - OS
  16. It is? Why? Going to change your driver's license and auto plates too? - OS
  17. Oh Shoot

    My Mistake

    Yep, fairly inexpensive snatch all in all, to put it in romantic terms. Remember the adage of the dog next to the railroad tracks, and don't lose your head over a little piece of tail. And at your age, too, tsk tsk tsk. - OS
  18. What possible advantage would that provide? Btw, a simple search leads you directly to Florida Handgun Permit site, first two hits, with all info, download forms, etc. Let me google that for you - OS
  19. I guess. They're $49.95 on there right now, same as always seems. Plus shipping. CDNN shows 34.08 for the 30 round. I think the 20 rounders are the best all round for price and ergonomics on the mini. - OS
  20. As has been stated, law changed. I believe during the 2009 legislative year. - OS
  21. I was finally able to hold both the XDm Compact and original sub compact at last gun show. Was able to even put one on top of the other, etc. The only real diff is in length of the m, but it's no where near .8" longer. Maybe .4, if that. - OS
  22. Sure. 20 round factory mags max, though. - OS
  23. Good lord, no! Ruger is generally the most expensive place you can buy them. CDNN always has the 20 rounders for about $25 and the 30 rounders for around $30. Couple other places even cheaper at times... Ruger has made them for a good long while...see above. Guys at PerfectUnion.com generally keep up with where they are the cheapest...check the magazine forum. - OS
  24. So we got that goin' for us, which is nice. - OS
  25. That is a total hoot. Very well written satire, I must say. - OS


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