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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. That I couldn't say, haven't put it through any paces. I'd say a machete for brush would be a logical addition. - OS
  2. I think ProMag pays a few folks off just to perpetuate the rumor on gun forums that ANY of them work reliably. Hell, even the Hi-Point mags aren't rock solid. - OS
  3. And yet, the one time this issue was actually tried in court, BATF dropped the charges after fact finding went against them: Vertical forward grip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Apparently, no one has actually ever been sent to prison, or indeed even charged, with the forward grip thing. Just stands as a BATF statement of "we be da thugs." - OS
  4. Edges are pretty darn sharp for a shovel, though if you have mayhem in mind you might want to sharpen the outside edges some, but you probably wouldn't want the leading edge any sharper/thinner for actual digging. - OS
  5. So, best to edit second one to no content and put this post there, JFYI.
  6. Yeah, I got one of both models just to stash. I like the bowie model the best: Also picked up a couple of warheads for a song when they were discontinued: - OS
  7. Dang. Love it. I have that knife, and carry the folding version, too. Maybe not too wise to have it as a carry knife, though. Why did you pick such an expensive model for the treatment? - OS
  8. Says "...leaded cane ... blackjack...or any other weapon of like kind..." So I'd venture that a court would see baton as "like kind". - OS
  9. You just need a squirt gun clipped to the bike somewhere for quick access. Half water and half ammonia in it. Works a treat. - OS
  10. Short memory, or wasn't into guns then, I guess. Although I buy from them still if it's best price on whatever I want, I just didn't bite on the jacked up stuff during The Big Rape. - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    Need some feedback

    There are many more than "the two of them". XD and XDm .45 same capacity XD 9/.40 subcompact and XDm 9/.40 compact are same capacity Lots of other diffs, I'll let others chime in. I have 3 XD 9mm's, but never have gone to XDm, cause only the .45 mags interchange. - OS
  12. [re Hasan at Fort Hood] One flaw in that argument...the murder weapon was personally owned, was not military issue. It would be just as easy to ban personally owned guns for the military as anyone else. Of course, they pretty much already do, or at least keep them in storage for check out and in, for those living on base, right? Just further showing the fallacy of banning anything. - OS
  13. I'd postulate two things: - 90% of the cops in TN who found you carrying a loaded black powder pistol without a permit would arrest you - All of the courts in TN would convict you (not counting copping a lesser plea, pre-trial diversion, whatever) Why? Because there's simply no exception in TN law for carrying a black powder firearm. Indeed, it seems to me that a felon could be charged under TN law for mere possession of a black powder firearm, same as any other firearm, as the statute simply says "possesses a firearm, as defined in § 39-11-106" and 106 makes no mention of black powder either. Matter of fact, the federal statute about felons and guns does not say that black powder firearms are NOT firearms, just that there is an exemption for ownership of them. But many state laws are indeed more stringent than federal ones, and of course have so far found to be binding. - OS
  14. Oh Shoot

    Ak pistol question

    Yep, as little as I know about it, the vertical grip is the no no. For whatever nonsensical reason. Folks have often opined about mounting them 90 degrees out to the side like a Sten gun magazine, seems there's not a definite legal opinion on that? - OS
  15. Oh Shoot

    Ak pistol question

    PLR-16 with fore-grip, which is Kel-Tec factory option item. No special stamp required, so? Or do you mean vertical foregrip? I mean, AK pistols already have a horizontal foregrip, yes? I'm pretty unclear on this myself, just trying to clarify. - OS
  16. Yes, "intent to go armed" is qualifyer...plus, exception for "tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction and maintenance". - OS
  17. Aspartame can be evil stuff. But it's the cheapest, so most widely used. - OS
  18. Oh Shoot

    what do you feel

    Ruger SP101 or GP100 should always be in the running, depending on size/purpose you want. - OS
  19. Just wow. Stating total fiction like that benefits no one on this forum. Have any other "laws" you've fabricated from thin air? - OS
  20. It's pretty much a judgment call on part of law enforcement. If you really want to be totally safe, I wouldn't wear it in "public" period; you never know when you might run into some LEO having a bad day that might just ruin yours, too. Unlike a handgun or club, there is no permit for a +4" blade, only defense for how used, which can be gray. - OS
  21. Oh, duh. And me half lesbian, too. Irony is that a real stamp collector would NOT remove the gum from a valuable collectible ! - OS
  22. Well, the HP carbine is such a rare and exquisite creature that I can understand it being a safe queen only, purely a long term investment. - OS
  23. It hasn't reached me at all. I admit I don't get it. - OS
  24. Abnormally fat ones, apparently. - OS
  25. "homepage" set at: Astronomy Picture of the Day Just to keep things in perspective. - OS


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