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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. There IS no cost for TiCS to do a check, except the time for the staffer. Who of course is not necessary since FFLs can access NICS directly. Which is the way its handled in all the other states. If the $10 is only a break even figure, what's the purpose of TICS at all? A make-work project for a few folks? - OS
  2. No, most of it is determined by TNDOS. "The handgun firing qualification shall, as a minimum, include the course of fire specified by the Department"... Unless it has changed in last couple years, that's 12 rounds at 3,7,15 yards, and 12 rounds at instructor discretion. - OS
  3. Tim at TT Gunleather (my avatar) also has 6 month wait, but also sells a line of ready to go holsters based on his designs. Over a C note, but they're nice. - OS
  4. Tyranny is what our two party system has become. Where's the Liberty? - OS
  5. Well, once she has moved to the other state, though, and become a resident by whatever means the state requires, then she can transfer it without FFL, assuming it is one of the 45 or so states that allow private transactions. In TN, you can establish residency immediately...you only need intent to live here and a simple rent receipt will suffice for proof. - OS
  6. This was almost passed a year and a half ago or so. If it is actually passed on second try, there will just be a series of lawsuits from state AGs, much like the Obamacare fiasco. Wouldn't have much to do with 2A, more about Fed cramming some law down the throats of the states they have no business doing. Now if they want to pass a law that carry permits themselves violate 2A, okay, let's do that hey hey. - OS
  7. Just need to verify how long the school certificate is good for, you wouldn't want for her to have to take it twice. More than one person has reported they waited too long and had to do just that, pay for school twice. - OS
  8. Echo that. Long story short needs to be a tad longer. - OS
  9. There's no provision in the law that says you must be 21 to take the course, only to apply for HCP. So unless it's a TNDOS "rule", I don't think you must be. However, I believe there's some time limit on how long you can wait to apply for the HCP after completing the course (6 months ?) but I couldn't find that right off in TCA just now). It may just be a TNDOS rule also, rather than in statute, can't remember. Somebody like FG will be along to clarify that I'm sure.. - OS
  10. Yeah right. IL, WI, and 10 "may issue" states are on line 2. Not to mention most states period, that only recognize certain other states' permits. - OS
  11. I'll re-stir one old pot by saying that the majority of people I see open carrying in TN are far from the best PR examples of the gun owning community to the rest of the rank and file. Whether this is a fair perception or not is immaterial -- but it does not "desensitize" the average citizen to open carry when the majority of examples look like a cut-rate wannabee Rambo, a biker gang member, or a wife beater bum who lives under a bridge. Sorry folks, but for every nicely attired/groomed open carrier I've seen, there seem to be three or more of the above. Hell, even I don't open carry as often as I might due to the fact that I don't always take as much care with my appearance to feel that I wouldn't be at least a slight detriment to the cause by going visually strapped. Again, not my opinion of what should be, but my observation what is, image-wise. - OS
  12. If it's only the first round, try feeding it from slide lock release rather than racking. Kahr's are well known for this, it's even in the manual to feed first round this way. - OS
  13. Would be an interesting election. A black man vs. Barack Hussein Obama. - OS
  14. They couldn't believe Donald Sutherland was carrying a big ass six-gun, more likely. - OS
  15. I've open carried just briefly a few times in the last 6 months. Maybe it's because I was totin' a big ass Blackhawk .357, but I could certainly tell folks noticed. - OS
  16. Read awhile on opencarry.org forums. You'll see that any number of folks have been told to leave stores or cover their weapons in the various states where open carry is legal. I'm sure if you're open carrying in a Wally's here and a customer freaks/complains, they'll likely still ask you the same. Barring that, you'll probably never be hassled. But point is, WalMart is far from being on record as any kind of open carry advocate. - OS
  17. Reciprocity and recognition are exactly the same thing, as far as carrying in either state. Although you must obey the carry laws of the state you are in. - OS
  18. WalMart is not "pro open carry". The last corporate statement I saw is that they allow concealed carry according to the law of the state in which a store resides, but that they also reserve the right to have customers cover a visible handgun or leave the store if it creates a problem with other customers. Costco had the same policy until Lenny Baby made an open carry scene in one in Nashville; now they are all posted statewide against carry period. - OS
  19. You don't need to be benefactor to use Want to Buy section. - OS
  20. One major diff -- Western Europe developed extensive mass transit long ago. - OS
  21. With an HCP you can carry long guns loaded but with no shell in chamber. (in vehicle, not on person) No need to separate ammo/guns at all anymore. - OS
  22. Depends on grip. Vertical is a no no. This one is okay: Bipod okay. Bazillion Ruger Chargers out there, eh? - OS
  23. But I don't think we grow enough of anything else to make it in volume. Brazil is the only other big producer, and they use sugar cane, option we don't have due to climate. Meaning in volumes suitable for fuel. Russia uses spuds for its cheapest vodka. - OS
  24. Where in my post did I say I wouldn't support him? - OS


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