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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. What's that big whoosh? Old folks would be the Soylent Green. - OS edit: yup, Crimson
  2. Ya know what's really sad? You can get, for example, a Buck Stockman made in USA or China. And the Chinese version seems to be every bit as good at less than half the price. - OS
  3. Soylent Green. Btw, I'll toss in with the 15-40 year olds when the SHTF. Just give me a shake if I've nodded off. - OS
  4. Possibly, if the dimensions given are only those of the main compartment. Manufacturers generally give max outside dimensions of products, though. The LA Police Gear bag I posted does. - OS
  5. Hey, if one likes a gun better, for whatever reason, cool. It's just that the three factors he mentioned simply aren't empirically superior compared to the XD SC ("compact", "light", "capacity of full size high cap mag") - OS
  6. Sorry, absolutely wrong. Flush short mags come in 10 or 13. Perhaps you are talking about the .40 model. Correct. The flush mags only held 10 for the first couple years of production. They were redesigned to hold 13 in exactly same size mag. Happened about the time the XDm came out and they tweaked the short mags ala the XDm design. You should get one, if you carry the XD SC 9, for sure. XD subcompacts have shipped for couple of years now with 13 round short and 16 round full sized mags. - OS
  7. Knoxville greenways are part of the Parks and Recreation Dept, and certainly considered part of the parks system. City of Knoxville - Greenways As I assume you know, the no carry ordinance is a local one from pre 1986, and not under the opt-out provision of the state statute (which is why they do not have to be posted). The possible penalty is $50 fine and/or up to a month in jail as per city code. I've never heard of anyone being charged for it, though, which if nothing else says that nobody has been dumb enough to open carry there. - OS
  8. Yeah, "teat" wasn't valid analogy, 'cept perhaps for disability cheaters. Of course you're right; and we are perfectly guiltless, since we had no choice about "contributing". - OS
  9. Yeah, I'm just a shrimp -- 6'2", 225 lbs. - OS
  10. Yup, I just got my 6th SSI payment, myself. Worked since I was kid, summers, through most of college, was out of work maybe total of 2 years in whole adult life. Hung it up at 59, with SSI at 62 being counted on as part of the decision. The gummit is gonna have to wean folks off the teat. Pay back with interest up to a certain age, nuke it entirely for those too young to have worked at all, whatever. It's been an incremental problem and will require incremental solution. - OS
  11. Greenways are okay for a gentle little "Sunday pedal", but they aren't usually the most direct way to get where you're going, and certainly are not generally designed for making time (and with all the pedestrians and dogs, you run into same probs as sidewalk biking). - OS
  12. Lighten up, Francis. I think you are too thin skinned to be on a forum. Or perhaps just too paranoid, since FG's comments not only did not attack you in any way, but were both on-topic and accurate. - OS
  13. An (almost) college grad should use this term correctly. I was by Dick's last night, scored some buy out fishing stuff cheap. And yeah, Dick's generally too high, but I have bought a couple of rifles there in the past. Matter of fact, I scored my Marlin .30-30 there, cheaper than at Wally's at the time. And now and then their case price on 9mm was cheapest in town. Also, bought a couple of .22 rifles there that were cheapest in town at the time. So, all in all, it's one less option for gun stuff, and that's never a good thing. Chattanooga has Dick's AND Academy (two of them, no less). (AND Sportsman' Warehouse). All selling guns/ammo/accessories. - OS
  14. I happened to buzz by there last night, and shelves were almost bare, BUT I did get a couple of Martin fly rod outfits, a Zebco spin outfit, and two of the above little outfits you describe, all at 50% off (which probably puts them at about the right price to begin with ) Meaning to move down on the lake before too long, plus for some cheap SHTF additional fishing capacity, just couldn't resist. Sadly, all made in China (even the Martins). All gun stuff/ammo gone, cept for some scopes, which were not on sale. Neither was the (mostly Buck and Gerber) knife selection. - OS
  15. Roger that. I actually carry this around pretty much daily. Claims 2590 c.i., plus I have 4 additional various Molle cases on it. Could add more stuff to bottom, or simply tie on sleeping bags, etc. This gets about 20 miles a week with basic stuff in there plus gym stuff ('bout 12 lbs), and another 5 to 10 miles on other missions, with up to 45 lbs or so total for roughly have those miles (mostly groceries). Point being, I couldn't fill with average assortment of stuff and still carry a bag with much more capacity. - OS
  16. Great that you love yer new piece, but be fair on the comparison. Couple ounces weight diff in weight with flush mags, but the SR9c only holds 10 rounds, while the XD SC holds 13. If you're going to carry the extended mag, you have butt config same size as the full size SR9, and of course can do same with XD, but then why have the compact model period? - OS
  17. 14" x 13.5" x 24", right? That's 4536. And would be less than that, cause it's not an actual empty cube with those dimensions, and is only using the largest thickness measure of outside bottom pocket. - OS
  18. I don't ride a bike currently, but can tell you many of the sidewalks around here are quite bad. And certainly if you're gonna make some real time rather than lollygag, ya gotta be on the road. - OS
  19. Especially for 9 holes. - OS
  20. I didn't know scrambled eggs weren't generally gray until I was 8 or 10 years old. - OS
  21. Patchouli. Oh "Erstwhile Hippie Who Can Spell" Shoot
  22. I wish drunken legislators could be blamed, but seems it's more due to faulty logic circuits. Must be some recessive gene that causes that, along with the desire to run for office. - OS
  23. The only real problem with Fair Tax is that according to all estimates, the gummit would be rolling in dough again. - OS
  24. However you may feel about the theory of Social Security, it has (or would have) paid its own way all these years, and actually for another twenty or more. Though there are various ironic inequities regarding payments in/benefits out, SSI is basically just a relatively simple low yield insurance policy. But of course those funds have not sat in trust earning compound interest all these years as intended. Congress stole them years ago, spent them, and threw a big unfunded, high interest rate IOU in the pot. - OS
  25. Except in posted parks, where you enter quintuple jeopardy and the scores can really change. Ironies abound, for example a HCP holder is caught having one sip of an alcoholic drink in a bar while carrying, among other lumps, he loses his permit for 3 years. But someone without a permit could get arrested for illegal possession of a weapon AND carrying while intoxicated, and still be eligible for HCP immediately. There is much bizarre logic in TN weapons laws, I encourage you to study up. - OS


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