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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Oh Shoot

    92fs grip help

    I may have gotten wrong impression...can't imagine any other explanation than yours, really. He'll prolly be on late tonight, so we'll see. - OS
  2. "An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life". - Robert Heinlein
  3. Oh Shoot

    92fs grip help

    I for some reason thought Mosey had bought that heater new, but guess not if that's the case. - OS
  4. And unlike guns, knives, and clubs, pepper spray is not illegal by state or federal statute anywhere in TN. - OS
  5. Personally, I believe that if we could chug out oil significantly cheaper than we import it for, we would have been doing a lot more of it, even with environmental/political opposition. And I believe that if Canada could sell us all the oil we need cheaper than we buy it from any other country, they'd have been doing that, too. Why wouldn't they? The answer is, they CAN'T get it out of the ground any cheaper than they are and make a loonie. When oil hit almost $150/barrel in 2008, it apparently made a lot of US and Canadian sites suddenly worth going for, but of course price came back down before any significant changes. Maybe this time around it will make it feasible. But of course we're talking about $5 or more/gal gasoline period before any of that will happen on a much larger scale. Maybe there is a huge collusion tween the oil companies, OPEC, the GOP, the CIA, and McDonald's. I don't know. But it's obvious that profit motive for increased domestic production just isn't really there when oil on open market is at $70/barrel or less. Tree huggers and Democrats have never been able to stop real full-tilt boogie greed. - OS
  6. Oh Shoot

    92fs grip help

    Hmmm...check out this thread: Where to buy Beretta grip screws - THR Seems to indicate hex screws, but a type that starts below surface, which is indeed round. But if no allen wrench will fit them, then....? - OS
  7. Oh Shoot

    92fs grip help

    Look with magnifyer, are they not hex? (six sided allen wrench type). Metric size I guess, being Italiano design and all? - OS
  8. [regarding Pocket Fisherman] Oh, I had one years ago, kept in the trunk, caught dozens of various fish with it down in the keys, including a couple of bonnet sharks in the 25 lb. range. - OS
  9. Oh, I have no plan for that. It may well be impossible at this point. I guess you haven't read much of my "environmental economic determinism" over last couple years. The planet will certainly shrug many of us off like fleas at some point. At crux, it's simply an upside down pyramid of supply and demand to an overpopulated planet, where fewer people's efforts are needed to supply the rest, and thus can't afford the higher cost of the resources. Most all the world CAN be broke at the same time. If we have a Depression like the 30's again, we'll lose a third of our population in 10 years. Maybe a higher percentage in fewer years. $10/gal gasoline and 25% unemployment might suffice to get it really cranking. Call me a cockeyed optimist. - OS
  10. Fine. I don't. I charged about 20% less than the traffic would bear, to undercut my competition both locally and nationally, and simply made all the money I could. - OS
  11. Yes, at least some do. I was a business for 10 years. I paid taxes every year. But taxes are not the issue here. I paid twice as much FICA as a sole proprietor than when I was an employee of other businesses -- that's the only issue to which I'm responding. - OS
  12. Better that about half that do OC never knew they could, IMNSHO. - OS
  13. Will never forget, one of my first jobs was digging ditches and bell holes for the local gas company in the summer. Paid weekly, 40 hours, 1.15/hr best I remember. Third week, worked an hour or two overtime and my take home pay was slightly LESS than usual! Real eye opener to a 14 year old kid. - OS
  14. Never understood that logic. If it's a good shoot and perp was stopped, obviously you were competent with your weapon regardless of weapon training. If it's a bad shoot in that you didn't have justification to do it, doesn't matter what weapon was used or degree of training with it. If you were justified and it goes bad and you hit a bystander, shows you weren't competent, regardless of weapon training. - OS
  15. I thought there were going to be explosives involved, what with "quick" and "easy" mentioned. - OS
  16. KCSTEVE, from his biking heyday: - OS
  17. Yeah, I'll double down on it not being Alaska, too. - OS
  18. .No TN state or federal laws and/or no TNDOT or USDOT regs against it. Firearms in commercial vehicles are treated same as carry in personal vehicle in TN. There may be other states that have state law against it, but I've never heard of any. - OS
  19. Good God. I swear sometimes you actually seem like a badly programmed debate bot. All SeaSlug is saying is that if you work under a W-2 and make exactly $20K per year, your FICA is $1500 Same $20K self employed, it's $3000. You can debate whatever you like about whatever "shell games" between you, your employer, and the gummit got you the W-2 $20K salary, but once that IS your salary, your employer is paying $1500. Not from your $20K, but on top of it. On your own, that $1500 extra comes from your $20K. - OS
  20. I'd say it's covered by Knoxville's pre-1986 ordinance banning firearms in parks/recreational property. From Knoxville Municipal Code: "Park means a park, reservation, playground, beach, recreation center or any other area in the city owned, leased or used by the city and devoted to active or passive recreation. " - OS
  21. Yeah, they generally will, once you've used them for a while, especially if you use a mag loader. Like you, mine seem to work, but I still don't over-load them myself. - OS
  22. Those are XD .40 SW mags. We've been comparing and discussing the 9mm models. .40 shells are, like, you know, larger. Maybe you have 9mm shells in them, can't tell for sure by pic, and that will sort of work ("iffy", and need to tweak feed lips) but they are .40 mags assuming they are made by Springfield. Should say .40 on bottom of plastic caps. XD SC 9mm mags: left: original 10 round flush middle: redesigned 13 round flush right: 16 round standard 9mm with "X-tension" spacer - OS
  23. There's only one choice, The Pocket Fisherman! - OS
  24. Be sure and honk at the KPD bicycle cops. They really appreciate the recognition. - OS
  25. Oh Shoot

    Chiappa Rhino

    I dunno...if you could fire 6 fast .357's on target with no muzzle flip? Hey hey... - OS


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